The Womb

Where is it located?

The Womb is located at the center of Peak Haven within the Stoneguard Mountain.

What is its function?

To protect ogre females and younglings until the younglings are old and strong enough so they don't need constant protection. Here in the Womb, they are protected by all the Peak and have their elite unit, the Golems, satisfy all their need.

Who lives within the Womb?

Mostly, ogre females and their younglings live within the Womb. About a decade ago, Cursed mothers and their children started to ask for the protection of the Peak, too. Currently, in small numbers only, but their numbers are slowly but steadily increasing. It started a couple of years ago that mothers and their children are also arriving from the continent Grimbor to be safeguarded by the Peak. This happened after the Stonesteppers and the Shroudguard struck a deal. The children the Shroudguard bring to Muaclun are expected to have great things done when they grow up. In exchange for protecting these children, the Shroudguards also provide the Peak with food. However, the Stonesteppers always have the last word to accept the protection of a child from Grimbor.

Structure and construction of the Womb

The Womb is located at the center of Peak Haven. The cavern was carved from the mountain, and it is vast. The Womb has multiple levels, and its rooms and common facilities are quite spacious. One of the positives of having it card into a mountain. It will always have free space. It is furnished quite simply, but the inhabitants have everything. Within the Womb, magical stones do illumination. They reserve a few lanterns and torches for extreme situations, but using magical stones is much cleaner and safer. Food for the residents is provided from the outside. The Womb has only one door. It is a huge stone slab. It has many latches on the inside, and it can only be opened from the inside. Although the slab is hefty, the stone-shaping abilities of the Peak made the door easy to open. Theoretically, if someone can tear or excavate the ground, they can get into the Womb, but before that happens, they must go through all the members of the Peak.
They say the rooms of the Womb are simple and living inside is hard to tolerate, but to me, it looks much better than my parents' tent
— anonymous ogre female


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