Draelish Species in DnD 5e

"Draelish represent some of the more "fantasy-like" elements found in Vaxus. Every now and then you'll get a person who is magical, maybe even a whole village affected by the Wilds. But Draelish? They are always magical." -Fel Valron

Bearers of ancient magic, the Draelish of Vaxus hold many secrets locked within their genes and minds and are dedicated to searching the world for their lost gods. Less numerous than Hearts but much more powerful, Draelish are known for their careful tending of traditions that span back millennia.   Playing as a Draelish in Tales from Vaxus varies from roleplaying a Heart due to their innate abilities, layered beliefs, and biological and cultural distinctions. One thing unique to the Draelish, setting them apart from other creatures on Olum, is their ability to connect to an ancient source of destructive magic they call Essence. This Essence (called the Daegu in their language, Drael) grants the Draelish extra energy, innate forms of magic, and access to eleven different specialized forms they call Affinities (called Jaeda in Drael). These eleven Affinities help the Draelish to thrive deep within the Wilds, changing their forms to match the volatile regions where Essence likes to be found, and instilling within them a pool of power that can be used to cast different expressions of primal force. Such expressions (both active and passive) include powerful Essence Exhalations, innate damage resistances, and unique traits inherent to their forms.  

Character Creation

Character creation in the Tales from Vaxus 5e Campaign Setting structures itself in a way that offers the player a framework of their Ancestry's worldview so that they may come to know how their character might view the world around them. Good stories usually emerge when one is informed of the setting they are playing, how their character is seen in such a setting, and how they might typically react due to biological and cultural differences. Whether a character follows cultural norms or breaks out against them is up to the player, (both approaches are capable of producing good stories), though their knowledge of the setting can help show how their actions might be received by others and why.   There are 5 steps to take when creating a Draelish, each detailed in 5 parts below. Note that it is encouraged to read through each section if a player is playing as a Draelish for the first time or if it has been a while, with veteran players skipping to the parts they need when creating their characters.   Table of Contents:
  • Part 1: Choosing your Ancestral Heritage
  • Part 2: Choosing your Core Affinity
  • Part 3: Choosing your Draelish Template
  • Part 4: Choosing your Background
  • Part 5: Choosing your Ability Scores

Ancestral Heritage

The first part when determining how to play as a Draelish starts with choosing one's Ancestral Heritage. There are two main Draelish Ancestral Heritages that you can play as in Vaxus: the Kasniska and the Sankara. Though they were originally of one form in ancient times, they have since become ethnically distinct groups that have kept themselves apart for thousands of years.   The first heritage group, the Kasniska, claims that they are the true Draelish that have stayed steadfast to their original traditions and their god. Known for scales that are covered in a specific range of gradient colors and hues, the Kasniska harbor an instinctual distrust of the Sankara, ranging from avoidance to outright hatred. Opposite in scale scheme is the second heritage group, the Sankara. Bearing scales layered in earthen tones and patterns of contrasting colors, the Sankara harbor an equal sense of distrust for the Kasniska, claiming that they are also the true Draelish but chose not to be trapped by blind faith during the war against the darkness. With the Sankara accusing the Kasniska of not maintaining unity, the Kasniska argue that it was the Sankara who broke unity for not committing themselves and leaving the fight. This back-and-forth animosity stems from an ancient conflict between their gods, with each one arguing who betrayed the other in an event known as the War of Heaven (known as the "Neskilmidar" in Drael). Though the actual cause has since become shrouded in legends and largely forgotten, fights are common between the two, and while cooperation is not unheard of, those who have found a way to live in peace with one another are considerably rare, with most other civilizations seeing both groups as being proud, stubborn, and keen to hold onto ancient traditions.   1. Choose which Ancestral Heritage you will play as:     The Kasniska
  • Often seen as stubborn and hawkish, the Kasniska (roughly translating as "Our Claim" in ancient Draelik) know themselves as tenacious, possessing a cunning nature, and having bullish fortitude. Like any Draelish, the Kasniska are a proud, if a bit sarcastic or even harsh at times, people, with their society built on equal parts individual might and intense loyalty to family. Known for the conspicuous/aposematic coloring schemes of their scales, which can range anywhere from muted tints and tones to vibrant shades, their scales can also exhibit slight light refraction depending on their power and age. Though both the Kasniska and Sankara possess the ability to wield Essence, the Kasniska excel in forms that focus on volatile intensity. For these reasons, Kasniska are best given a wide berth if it is known that a clan resides within the region, for though Draelish settlements cannot expand past a certain range (depending on the potency of the Essence in a region), Kasniska are known to extend hunts and even raids if a valid opportunity presents itself, viewing any who are weak with thinly-veiled contempt.
  • You gain the following trait to add to your template when you play as a Kasniska:
  • Mark of Kykuun. You have disadvantage on Charisma ability checks against Sankara.
  • Feats available to Kasniska: Apprentice of Kykuun
  The Sankara
  • Known for their firm conviction in faith, stalwart dedication to their clan, and strict adherence to traditions, the Sankara (roughly translating as "Another Path" in ancient Draelik) view themselves as honorable, if a little stubborn or even brash, as they continue their observance of the tenets left behind by their gods. Having built a society based on communal organization and participation as well as fostering religious observance and interclan communication, the Sankara find that the strength flowing through them is best built as a whole. Contrasting heavily with the Kasniska, the Sankara have more muted, earthen colorings than the Kasniska, favoring cryptic coloring over vivid displays. Their scales also feature an occasional dusting of iridescent shine on their backsides, while faint countershading is always present to some degree on their front. Known for wielding Essence that has a somewhat softer effect than full-on destructive carnage, Sankara are not afraid to carve out a place for themselves and defend it with consistent force. Though often keeping to themselves like any large group of Draelish, the Sankara are known for sending out patrols regularly, keeping a firm eye on those around them, and hunting down any large threats to themselves or others that may also be present in the region.
  • You gain the following trait to add to your template when you play as a Sankara:
  • Mark of Akulus. You have disadvantage on Charisma ability checks against Kasniska.
  • Feats available to Sankara: Disciple of Akulus

Core Affinities

"Draelish aren't just dangerous due to their thick scales, sharp claws, and stubborn resilience. No, they can fricken' breath fire! Come on, man!" -A thief nursing some wounds after trying to pickpocket a Draelish merchant in the coastal town of Nachur.   Although the Draelish consider the differences between the two arguing heritages as a big part of Draelish society, the various types of affinities have helped flush out their culture and sharpen the innate abilities they wield in more ways than one. Though normally such diversity might intensify competition between different groups and clans, especially if this was in Heart cultures, the Draelish, for the most part, have an almost instinctual sense of how to navigate most societal complexities brought up by their kaleidoscopic nature. Though traditions incorporating and celebrating affinity characteristics have been around for the last several thousand years or so, marked clan-wide celebrations and an increase in cultural pride for each affinity have only recently become established within the last millennium.   There are 11 different types of Core Affinities that one can be when playing as a Draelish which are further split up into 3 types, with each one bearing their own color and innate magic based on the type of Essence residing within them.  
  • The first group is known as the Elemental Affinities, which includes the following affinities: Air, Water, Earth, Life, Fire/Hades, and Sun/Heavens. These affinities represent the most common group of Draelish found throughout Olum due to the abundance of elemental energies found throughout the Wilds.
  • The next group, rarer than the first, is known as the Concentrated Affinities. These include the following affinities: Mind, Body, and Spirit. The exact mechanics behind what attracts Essence in these concentrations isn't well known, but what is known is that these affinities do seem to congregate around areas that exemplify the characteristics of each one. Smaller in population number but typically more powerful than Elemental Affinities, Concentrated Affinities wield more esoteric forms of essence.
  • Finally, the last core group is known are the Ancestral Affinities, which include the following affinities: Light and Shadow. These core affinities operate differently than the others in that there are no known signs signaling the presence of these two concentrations of Essence. No clans are made up of just Light and Shadow Draelish, instead, every so often, an individual is born seemingly out of the blue bearing the Light or Shadow core affinity. While Draelish legends claim that it is one's ancestral bloodline that determines if one shows up whether due to an ancestor's good or evil deeds or perhaps a blessing or a curse, the exact nature of the Ancestral Affinities and their powers are unknown.
In addition to the three main types of Core Affinities known to the Draelish clans, there exist two known Draelish "affinities" that are regarded as oddities. First is the type of Draelish known as the Formless. This is an extremely rare type of Draelish who has suffered a complication during development while in the egg, whether that was from the source of Essence in the area being cut off, an injury sustained by the mother or the egg, or some other freak complication, with the resulting Draeling either dead upon hatching or, though more rarely, emerging alive but as gaunt and grey-scaled. These Formless are cut off from receiving Essence, restricting their innate ability to wield it and any biological benefits they receive from it. Bearing darker, more reddish blood than the standard orange-red blood all other Draelish have, Formless also possess 5-digit claws and are on average smaller than standard Draelish. The second known type of Draelish outlier is known as Januris. Legendary in rarity, the Inheritor of Ajanor is whispered to only come about when a Kasniska and Sankara enter a union together and, being equal in will and might, hatch a Draeling that bears an unknown yet powerful mark, reportedly the mark of the Duma themselves before their split and the Draelish's fall. Channeling a type of unknown Essence but bearing the ability to wield all of the different affinities, this type of Draelish comes about, if at all, reportedly only once every or every other generation.   2. Choose (or roll) which Core Affinity you will play as:*  
  • You gain the following trait to add to your template when you play as a certain Affinity:
  • Core Affinity. You gain resistance to a certain damage type as determined by your Core Affinity.
*Do note that, unless expressly allowed by the GM, Draelish cannot start out playing as a Januris.  
You also gain an additional trait based on your Core Affinity called your Affinity Attribute when you play using a Generic or Affinity-specific Template. Do note that Affinity-specific templates have these traits already locked in place and cannot be changed. Below is the list of traits tied to each Affinity:  
  • Nimble. (Air Affinity only) Your base walking speed increases to 35 feet. You can also jump two times your normal distance, though you can't jump farther than your remaining movement would allow.
  • Wave Weaver. (Water Affinity only) You have a swimming speed equal to your walking speed and can breathe underwater up to 1 hour x your Constitution modifier (minimum of 1 hour). Additionally, you have advantage on Strength and Dexterity saving throws made against effects that would move you against your will.
  • Earth Treader. (Earth Affinity only) You gain a climbing speed equal to your walking speed, and you have advantage on Strength and Dexterity saving throws made against effects that would knock you prone.
  • Vitality. (Life Affinity only) As a reaction, you can end one disease or condition on yourself. The condition can be Blinded, Deafened, Paralyzed, or Poisoned. Once you end one disease or condition using this trait, you cannot do so again until you finish a short or long rest.
  • Inner Flame. (Fire Affinity only) You have darkvision, allowing you to see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were in dim light. You discern colors in that darkness only as shades of gray.
  • Desolate Dweller. (Sun Affinity only) You have resistance to the Cold damage type. You are also naturally acclimated to high altitudes, including elevations above 20,000 feet.
  • Mental Defenses. (Mind Affinity only) You have advantage on saving throws against being Charmed or Frightened.
  • Enhanced Strength. (Body Affinity only) You count as one size larger than what you are when determining your carrying capacity and the weight you can push, drag, or lift.
  • Otherworldly Discernment. (Spirit Affinity only) You have Blindsight out to 10 feet, in addition to your normal senses. You can see invisible creatures and objects, and through fog or darkness (magical or nonmagical) within this range. If you pick up Blindsight from any other source, this vision increases by an additional 5 feet per instance.
  • Ancient Light. (Light Affinity only) You have magic resistance, granting you advantage on saving throws against spells.
  • One with Shadows. (Shadow Affinity only) You can hide using a bonus action if you are in dim light or darkness. Creatures have disadvantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks to see you even if they have darkvision.
  • Inheritor. (Flux Affinity only) You can choose an Affinity to match with, gaining its Affinity Attribute trait. You can switch which Affinity you are matched with upon finishing a short or long rest.

Draelish Templates

"That nishma may think he's better because of his flashier scales and fancy channeling, but I'm going to make him regret calling me a mahka when he gets a well-earned blast in the gut," -Relu battle-monk in regards to a Duras merchant, Kasniska Clan Ktailamatalan.   Draelish have access to many innate skills and abilities, including strength, endurance, fighting prowess, and essence magic, as well as other, more ancient forms of power. The templates below represent how a Draelish might express the different focuses available to them in unique ways, with 3 of the templates focusing on a more generic set of traits while the Affinity-specific templates focus on the cultural values and unique abilities inherent to each Affinity as well as the sphere of influence they all represent.   Generic Draelish Templates:   Affinity-specific Draelish Templates:  

Age, Name, and Background

  Age Name  

Character Arc

  Alignment Goal   Flaw What do you want in this moment? Would you want your character to respond in this way? If not, make it a flaw.   How do you respond? How does your character respond?   Personality Card
by Sam Santala
Click here to return to the 5e Character Creation page.
Tales from Vaxus Content Copyright 2023 Tales from Vaxus. You can use content created by Tales from Vaxus following the permissions listed here (link coming soon).  

Draelish Template Shortcuts

Below you will find the different Draelish templates that you can play as in Vaxus. Every Draelish in-universe would canonically have access to almost all of the features presented across the different templates (barring Affinity restrictions and personal ability), but for the players, they are split up into various groupings of abilities centered around a common theme. If this is your first time playing as a Draelish, it is highly encouraged to read through the entire article before jumping into the different templates.   Generic Draelish Templates: Affinity-specific Draelish Templates:

Draelish Feats

Several Draelish Ancestry feats have been created for use when playing as a Draelish, with some having prerequisites such as Ancestral Heritage, a certain level requirement, or access to certain template-specific abilities. Do note that the following official 5e feats are incompatible when playing as a Draelish: Dragon Fear, Dragon Hide, Gift of the Chromatic Dragon, Gift of the Gem Dragon, and Gift of the Metallic Dragon  

Cover image: Falindrith by Sam Santala


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