Session 11 - "Founder's Day - Part 1"

General Summary

Springtime, Fireday, 30th of Gozran, 4721 AR
Three Days Until the Festival
The house-sized spider to the north continues lumbering through the forest, bending and pushing trees aside in its path. Studying it, Zor'ahn realizes that it is an Immenwood Goliath, immense fear-inducing monsters. The party decides to hunker down and wait for the spider to pass. It eventually turns to the east and bumbles out of sight. With the danger finally passed, the party decides to head back to the camp.   4.24p
Arriving back at the fishing camp, the party finishes exploring the rest of the area. There are two outhouses to the east and, as Tristan begins mounting the steps, he spies what appears to be a small blade underneath the porch. Zor'ahn reaches out with a disembodied hand of shadow and retrieves a rusty dagger. Checking the outbuilding, they open the first door and find a storeroom with fishing gear, barrels… and giant rats.   4.44p
The fighter moves forward and skewers the first. Kaliff fires a void warp, but it has little effect. Zor'ahn moves in as he manifests a wooden blast that viciously slams into the next rat. It turns and savages its jaws into Tristan, ripping his flesh. Ehrn advances, slashing out with her glaive, putting the vermin down. Zor'ahn can hear the sounds of scurrying coming from a large hole in the floor. Kalitos moves in and readies and attack.   Tristan moves to the next room and lays into another rat. From his place, Kaliff fires an electric arc, striking two more. Zor'ahn causes the wooden floor to expand and mend itself over the floor. Ehrn joins her husband and adds another kill to her tally. Kalitos wads into the fray as well and ends the final rodent. The party takes a moment and finds this room contains much of the same in terms of inventory.   They spend the remainder of the day taking stock of the damage and what is needed to repair it. Kalitos speaks with Olli and makes having her as a housemate official. When asked, Kalitos holds his hands out for her inspection and she unsubtly says that he has good hands for catching fishing. After establishing the couatl's, Kalitos begins clearing out the bodies.   Springtime, Starday, 1st of Desnus, 4721 AR
Two Days Until the Festival
The Fishing Camp
The Exterminators awaken well-rested and without incident.   Otari
The Ricard's check on their child Sebastian and Ehrn's mother, who keeps the boy while the parents are out.   While the Raeboren brothers are working at Odd Stories, the daughter of Mayor Oseph Menhemes, Dorianna, approaches Kaliff. She has dark circles under her eyes and says she hasn't been able to sleep because of nightmares. In her dreams, Dorianna keeps seeing a figure, who she initially thought was just some sort of cloaked person hiding in the dark. But a few days ago one of its feet stuck out from beneath the cloak, but it was a cloven hoof instead of a normal foot. Just last night she saw part of its face and it had tentacles where its mouth should have been. He isn't sure offhand what it could be and downplays it, but Kaliff makes mental note to talk to James Morlibint and Wrin Sivinxi. He tells her, "Our minds can make us do strange things," before sending her off.   Tristan picks up nails. Amache, daughter of Carman Rajani the bladesmith, is having a shouting argument with her father, which is overheard by Tristan:   "Dad, stop being an asshole, no one wants you to be mayor."
"Don't disrespect me, I'm your father, I don't want to see you for the rest of the day."   After the exchange, Amache emerges red-faced. Upon speaking with the father, Tristan finds that Carman is a bitter man, but skilled bladesmith, and he feels like the town owes him something because of his lineage with Vol Rajani. Not playing into the man, Tristan asks for nails and Carmen appears annoyed at him not sympathizing with him more. He makes a comment about "Us bladesmen needing to stick together and keep things in order". Carman tries ingratiating to the fighter, tell him that the lumber consortiums trying to come in and take over and the current mayor wants to let. Campaigning is during the festival and hopes to count on his vote, he says, and that Greenspoon the Mighty is also running, vote is a week later. Greenspoon is a big guy, covered with blue tattoos, who begs in the marketplace usually.   Tristan later runs into Amache who apologizes for him overhearing the argument, saying that they shouldn't be doing that in front of customers. She also asks him to give her lessons some time in exchange for pay or babysitting.   Zor'ahn at the Crook's Nook, is told some of the employees have gone missing, possibly in the swamp, Fogfen around Gauntlight Keep. Fogfen is a dangerous area in general and is usually quite foggy and difficult to traverse marsh, so it is not immediately obvious why someone would go out there. It is also the site of Roseguard's last battle with Belcorra Haruvex, where Otari died in battle. Belcorra was trying to destroy Absalom itself with the Gauntlight. Dr. Zacchaeus Quagmire III, who was also interested in Gauntlight, was told by Wrin not to go out there. Something about the name Haruvex strikes Zor'ahn and begins nagging at him.   Kaliff was looking into Wrin's belief that "something was wrong with the stars" is doing research and bringing her books to look over. He also brings up about Dorianna's nightmarish visions she had been having. Wrin is not sure if they are the reason or a symptom of what is going on, but she thinks the girl's dreams are possibly of a Denizen of Leng. She tells Kaliff to keep an eye on the girl.   Everyone gets a visit from Mayor Oseph Menhemes and is personally thanked for their efforts of securing the town and requests that the party take part of the cooking contest as a judge, the last big event of the day.   Springtime, Moonday, 3rd of Desnus, 4721 AR
Day of Founder's Day Festival
  The actual day of the Founder's Day Festival is rainy, but no one is letting that take away from the celebrations. There is historical play at 4.00p that James wrote, where Wrin gets to play the bad guy wearing the hat of disguise the party sold to her. Wrin would like the Exterminators to gather this evening for a special Harrow reading that must be done at a specific time when the planets are aligning at a specific time (around 11.30p), making the reading more potent. She only really does readings during a special time and rarely does them for anyone at all. There is a rumor that the real Rosa Argentus, the actual sword used by Vol Rajani, will be in the play. It is usually only ever kept at Dawnflower Library . The play itself is only about an hour long and is followed by announcements and mayoral speeches to kick off the campaigns.   The whole day has lots of activities and games during the day where people can earn real coin for first, second and third places (10gp, 5gp, 2 gp respectively), up until 4.00p. There are four activities during the day, including two team events - sledge pull, wild cow milking. Flume fights down the Lumber Flume, chess with Rab Churtle, a flume wheel ride (kiddie ride), and crafting competition (done by Keeleno Lathenar) are also taking place.   8.00a
The crafting competition is done by Kaliff and all sorts of different crafters gather together. Kaliff decides to do a toy for Sebastian. The sorceror is matched with Jeven, whom Kaliff intimidates. Jeven butchers his piece and Kaliff makes a moving snake. He wins 1st and is given a certificate.   10.00a
Many other events begin taking place:
  • Bingo and story time with Priestess Banderdash and Greenspoon the Mighty.
  • James is hosting a contest for naming a new coffee shop that he has been working on.
  • Adventures in experimental beverages done by Magiloy, a potion-maker and alchemist, and who's Crow's Casks tavern is a shrine to Cayden Cailean.
  • Gambling and dice games at Crook's Nook.
  • Zor'ahn participates in the beverages contests, which involves three small casks with lids. Magiloy bets if he picks the one that is beneficial he will win 5 gp, else he will get a tummy-ache. The dark ranger agrees and suddenly mixes all three together and downs them together. He starts vomiting up a milky substance to the cheers of everyone watching, but it begins invoking a recent painful memory to him. Magiloy then asks the crowd if they want him to try one more, Goblin Pepper Stout, which is actually quite delicious.
    Report Date
    12 May 2024
    Primary Location