James Morlibint

Morlibint owns the Odd Stories bookshop in Otari. Morlibint is a middle-aged human man with a light complexion and short red hair. The bookseller lives and works from his shop, and is a scholar and fan of fiction. Morlibint enjoys the company of other book-lovers, and and can speak on magical theory and trade spells. However, he prefers reading a good book in his armchair over adventuring.   The wizard specializes in fanciful fiction, but he and his husband, Carl, also sell textbooks, teaching tools, and scrolls. Morlibint is incredibly well read and can help the heroes decipher tomes in ancient or unusual languages they might encounter in their adventures. He eagerly purchases rare books the heroes come across in their adventures, hoping to resell them at a profit (after reading them, of course).   Despite his perpetual scowl, he warms quickly to the presence of other scholars and wizards, for he’s always excited to “talk shop.”
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