Session 12 - "Founder's Day - Part 2"

General Summary

Springtime, Moonday, 3rd of Desnus, 4721 AR
Day of Founder's Day Festival
The party continues to enjoy the celebration and is walking around taking in the sights and smells. Ehrn is passing by a couple with a baby when he notices the tune the mother is singing to the child. She has a beautiful voice which draws her to the woman. Upon paying closer attention, Ehrn begins puzzling over the words of the song and why it's being sung to a baby:  
"When the fog is creeping,
And the moon is low;
When the town is sleeping,
Gauntlight starts to glow!"

"That’s when she arises
For her midnight lunch.
Naughty kids are prizes
For her teeth to crunch."

"But if you obey me,
And obey the rules;
You’re safe from Belcorra;
She just eats the fools!"
  Looking at the young couple and apart from the odd song, they appear like typical townspeople. Despite the initial puzzlement, Ehrn decides that the song about Gauntlight Keep and Belcorra Haruvex serves as a cautionary tale, akin to a "boogeyman" told to keep children well-behaved.   For the next round of activities, Gallentine Deliveries is hosting an archery contest in favor of the Huntress, and an obstacle course has been setup in honor of Otari himself. It is hosted by Yinyasmera and the Osprey Club and is based on Otari's heroic feat of leading away a squad of demon assassin's while the remaining Roseguard dealt with a cult of Lamashtu. The course even takes place over the rooftops of Otari itself.   As the group continues to wander about on their own. Zor'ahn runs into Wrin while near Blades for Glades moving in his direction with a worried and anxious look on her face. Not wanting to speak with her, the dark ranger fades into the crowd and Wrin continues on, pushing through the crowd. Once past, he begins following her toward Osprey Street near the river. Wrin walks off the road close to the river and appears to take a moment. She is breathing hard and attempting to adjust her clothes. Zor'ahn sits next to her startling her and she chides him for it. She eventually composes herself and asks what he's been up to.   They make some small talk before deciding to go observe the obstacle course competition. They continue talking as they walk with Wrin adding a constant stream of consciousness of musing and observation intertwined with their regular conversation.   The course starts at the Lumber Flume with contestants running across logs flowing down and then part of the flume itself. From there, one must swim to the pier, climb on to the Otari Fishery, finally making their way towards the Market Square via rooftop where the finish line is located.   Kalitos waits with four other contestants: Byron, a young man with long blonde hair that works with one of the lumber companies, Melinda Dallin is also a large woman and gives him a good chance, Cayden Gedney is slim and athletic with short clipped black hair and stands calmly and takes in the environment, obviously strategizing. And Elluin is the last and is also slender with long blonde hair, a mustache, and a nice goatee and could also present a challenge.   Yinyasmera is there hosting the event, the proprietor of the Crook's Nook and the not-so-secret head of the Ospery Club. She lays down the rules that there is no outside help and no use of magic, but above all have a good time, be safe, and make Otari proud.   Kalitos attempts to get a jump ahead and quickly moves across the logs making good progress with Byron close behind. Melinda however slips and faceplants into a log as does Kayden and Elluin, all now out of the competition.   Moving down the flume, Byron also trips and falls and is also out. Kalitos now just needs to finish the course in a reasonable time. He makes it on with the crowd cheering out to him. Finally, Kalitos gets to the Otari Market, but gets hit by dye bags thrown by children. He overacts and mimes being vanquished as they call out that they got the demon king. Yinyasmera gives Kalitos the second place ticket.   2.04p
The next round of activities consist of:
  • Wrestling and boxing at the Otari Garrison
  • Riddle contest at Odd Stories
  • Knife throwing at Blades for Glades
  • Tree chopping contest, which is popular with the lumberjacks
  • Mushroom hunting for the kids with Worliwynn at the Stone Ring Pond
  • Turtle racing at the Otari Fishery which people bet on. Theodore, a tortoise, is the presiding judge.
  • Music and dancing competition at the Rowdy Rockfish with a house band there that anyone can join
  • Zor'ahn goes to the Otari Garrison where he meets up with Greg Giles, the quartermaster. He is already three sheets to the wind, but stills appears to be functioning well. Greg tells him to strip down and explains that there will be three matches of three rounds each and that they must fight as proper men (to eye-rolls from the women) as the contest is dedicated to the Rose Knight.   The first opponent is Coor, a big 6' feet tall, fat man with sumo-like build and a big snake tattoo, who has been eying Zor'ahn from the start. He tells the ranger "I'm going to crush you, skinny boy" much to his amusement. The first round goes to Zor'ahn and the second round ends brutally in his favor as well. Coor grumbles disgruntledly and staggers off as Captain Lardus Longsaddle announces Zor'ahn as the winner to the crowd's cheers.   Ron is next up against the ranger, a skinny and wiry man with a large mole on his face which begs attention. He shakes Zor'ahn's hand in good sportsmanship and the match begins. Zor'ahn throws the man over his hip and knees his neck. The next round is his as he chokes Ron out.   The third rounds begins to great fanfare as the crowd begins chanting and making way for Giles, last year's champion. It is obvious that he is still very drunk. With surprising speed, Giles makes like a drunken master and wraps himself around Zor'ahn, all though somewhat sloppily. With a heroic effort, the second round is taken by Zor'ahn. However, Giles surprises again and pins the ranger in the final round.   Kalitos goes to knife throwing, which is hosted by Carman Rajani, which has few spectators and only two other contestants, most likely due to his abrasive personality and his constant speaking of his distant relative. Sychen is wearing hunting leathers and looks outdoorsy, and Helena who appears quite muscular. The contest is in honor to Carmen's great-great-great-great grandmother who was known for her skill with throwing small blades. There will be three rounds of throwing at various distances.   With precision, Kalitos strikes the target as does Helena and Sychen. The next round goes to Kalitos and Helena, but Sychen is out, but both miss the target during the third round and fourth, with Helena winning the final round.   The riddle contest is hosted by James Morlibint at Odd Stories and appears quite popular as there is Kaliff and six other participants, including surprisingly, Greenspoon the Mighty. Carl, James' partner, is serving coffee and drinks. James starts by handing out parchment and instructs the contestants to write their answers down, with the first to correctly guess to be named winner, a title that Kaliff claims.   3.04p
    The much anticipated group competition, the sledge race, is hosted by Lady Alymora Inkleholtz, owner of Whistledown Cutters lumber company, one of the three richest families in Otari. She has been instrumental in getting the children books and education with plans for building a school in town.   The second team is headed by Klorte Hengus, the day-to-day operator of the Giant's Wheel He is famed to have been a gladiator that wielding two hatchets, earning him the nickname "The Lumberjacker". He, Greg, Aleia (a large lumberjacking looking woman) and Grog, the chef at the Otari Fishery, will face off against the Ricards, Zor'ahn, and Kalitos; the Lumberjackers vs. the Lumber Jackson 5.   The contest consists of a race that involves pushing a heavy sledge through the town. The team must finish in order to place, and the Lumber Jackson 5 handily wins.   Otari Market
    A large tent has been set up for the historical performance, The Roseguard Chronicles. James approaches Kaliff in a panic, asking if the party can help fill the roles because the actors are being such divas. Dorianna was going to act, but she chickened out at the last minute. James hands over the script before leaving. Available roles are Otari, the Huntress, and the Rose Knight. Ehrn elects to play the part of the Rose Knight herself, with Kaliff serving as Otari.   There is a heated discussion between Vandy Banderdash and Carmen, talking about Rosa Argentus. He is being particularly animated and confrontational, while she speaks softly and reassuringly, saying that the sword will be safe and in good hands. Ehrn approaches them and asks if everything is ok. She asks if there is anything special she needs to observe since she will be handling the artifact. Carmen replies yes, she should just hand the sword over to him. He then grumbles and angerly pushes himself away from the group. Vandy gives Ehrn a cookie, and then they meet with up with James to work everything out. Ehrn expresses her nervousness at characterizing such an awesome and honorable woman.   In the meantime, Mayor Oseph Menhemes is going around and shaking everyone's hand. The party members not participating in the play sit near their new rival, Monseiur Franz Frangelico.  
    Report Date
    19 May 2024
    Primary Location