Session 5 - "Menace Under Otari - Part 5"

General Summary

Gozran 27 4721 AR, Springtime
Otari Garrison
The party arrives at the Otari Garrison, corner of Drake and Hyashi at speaks with Greg Giles about selling the weapons and armor that they acquired while in Undertown.   Bait Alley
The party briefly runs into Keeleno Lathenar, the proprietor of Otari Market, whose wife Ayla was murdered by Jaul Mezmin, a werewolf still on the loose.   Kalitos stops by Blades for Glades where Carman Rajani and his family, Vol and Amicia, work. He arranges to have a new dueling sword ordered and then be affixed with a new magic rune. Zor'ahn meets with Wrin to make a special order.   Wrin   1.02p
The party makes its way back into Undertown. There, Zor'ahn slips in the initial passage and a giant spider emerges. It attacks Tristan and immobilizes him with a web, however Tristan quickly escapes. Kalitos casts frostbite and hops down from the ledge. Zor'ahn summons a sword-shaped shadow and flings it at the monster. He then rubs his hands together and slams them against the ground; a giant tree coalesces from the shadows. Kaliff shoots cold iron needles which stitch into the spider.   The giant arachnid tries to sink its fangs into Tristan, but the tree lunges between them and absorbs the blow. It continues to assault him, but is unsuccessful. Tristan rakes his smoking sword, searing pain into its body. Kalitos flings a ball of flame and fatally chars the beast.   Zor'ahn causes the wooden barricade to disappear. Past it is a door to an ancient burial vault. The floor shows a dark, roiling fog, within which is some sort of movement is visible. A blue light emanates from a torch, illuminating a large stone sarcophagus. Zor'ahn steps back and hears a scrapping sound coming from around the corner. A strained wheezy sound is audible. Zor'ahn steps in and a rotting humanoid turns on him.   1.12p
Tristan rips his smoking sword through the corpse. Zor'ahn slams an elemental blast into the monster, cracking and splitting its body, spraying gore over all nearby. Ripping itself out of the coffin is a skeleton guard. Kalitos moves forward and flings a ball of fire at it. Another skeleton emerges near Kalitos. And another by Tristan, which is slashed by him. Ehrn moves forward and destroys the second skeleton. Kaliff moves to Kalitos and flings a phase bolt at the first skeleton, but misses. The first skeleton advances on Zor'ahn, but is unable to land an attack.   Tristan strikes back against, smashing the skeleton to bits. Zor'ahn slams positive energy into his foe, ending its unlife and summons another aiding tree. Kalitos and Ehrn end the last one. Zor'ahn determines the blue glow emanates from an everburning torch, which Kaliff takes up.   Inscribed in Common on the tomb is, "Here lies Aesephana Menhemes the Huntress. May she rest in peace." There is a key-like indentation in the shape of an upside down triangle on one side, Erastil's holy symbol. She bares the same name as Mayor Oseph Menhemes, and was one of the original founders of the town and the healer of the group. Kaliff doesn't see anything about the sarcophagus, but he senses something is off which sets his teeth on edge. The party attempts to force the lid open, but it does not budge. Zor'ahn takes a polished shield he finds.   1.32p
The party begins to clear away the second barricade and hears the sound of rushing water. Beyond is a 2 foot shallow flow of muddy water that is coming from the east. A large dark stone doorway blocks the cavern in that direction, the water flowing underneath it. The door itself is covered with hundreds of tiny sigils. Kaliff is that the lettering is dwarven runes. The sigils are actual symbols of objects.  

No legs have I to dance No lungs have I to breathe No life have I to live or die And yet I do all three   I sing with no song I cut with no knife I fly without rest I die without life   Three lives have I: Gentle enough to soothe the skin Light enough to ride the wind Hard enough to break the stone   I watch the birth and death of kings I last beyond all living things I touch the land; I know the sky Yet even I will someday die
  The party works out the answers to the riddles: Fire, wind, water, and mountain.   When pressed, the sigils all glow blue but then flare even brighter before fading out as the door opens. Within a chamber where there are four floating orbs in the corners of the room that crackle with energy. Visible is a stone altar which the water pours from. In one corner is a fiery orb. The floor of the tomb is entirely inscribed with arcane symbols and runes.  
Report Date
18 Feb 2024
Primary Location
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