
The current incarnation of the town of Otari appears to have been built upon the ruins of a previous settlement where only forgotten basements and underground storerooms still existed, which has become to be known as the Undertown. Over time, various monsters and other creatures, moved in and expanding the reach of the area by expanding the subterranean network into other forgotten locations and even the cellars of the current townspeople. This was recently the case when rats and kobolds broken into the basement of the Otari Fishery and began pillaging the store of fish there.   It has also recently been discovered that there are lost shrines to Gozreh and Abadar within the catacombs At least three of the founders of the town, the Roseguard, appear to have crypts somewhere in the subterranean maze.   A tribe of kobolds, former members of the Sootscale tribe led by Zolgran, were recently dealt with when it was discovered that the disgraced chieftain was raising a green dragon called "Threshpahn" for the sole purpose of destroying the town above. It was a conformation between Zogran and her brother Kolgran that was attributed to the partial destruction of the town above. The lone survive of the tribe, Scrag, had been allowed to leave alive with an egg of the dragon. The kobold viewed the unhatched offspring as only a blessing to be raised so that it could live in peace and without malice as so accustomed of its kind.  


The underworld of Otari is primarily made up of roughly honed rocky passages and finished caves that are interconnected to old and even still active basements and storerooms. The environment is overwhelmingly dark, dank, and fetid with earthy organic matter. Some parts also include enormous caverns that are filled with large mushrooms and other luminescent fungus.   Due to the discovery of a specific tunnel that continues ever downward for quite some distance and time, it is suspected that it may eventually lead somewhere into the Darklands.  


Several species of creatures have been encountered in the Under Otari such as: