The Quagmire Letters

An anticipated series of letters well-written in Taldan by Dr. Zacchaeus Quagmire III to his nieces, Charlotte and Theodora.  

Letter One

The first letter was found in a kobold lair in Undertown.  
Dr. Zacchaeus Quagmire III Letters
Letter One
Dearest Charlotte and Theodora,   It is with the utmost confidence that I write – confidence that you will find first this letter, and later myself. I am certain that you have not forgotten the lesson I taught you: always check the backs of paintings! And this one even has a tiger on it. Ah, you used to love tigers, Charlotte.   What a remarkable place this is! And so unexpected. You will already have observed, by the time you find this, that it is not particularly welcoming. No matter! Esteemed members of the Historical Society such as yourselves will not be fazed by such trifling difficulties, I am sure. A bit further down you may even find one or two friendly faces. It is just as I have always said: not all librarians are out to devour your rotting flesh. You might also be cautious of ghosts, and not friendly ones like your old great-aunt Maud back at the manor. Poor souls! And so delightfully macabre. Furthermore, a rather squirmy entity is roaming about these parts, with whom I advise an approach of considerable caution.   The collection below is as extensive as it is surprising. I know you might wish to stop by and have a look, Theodora, but I’m afraid the poetry section is a bit slim. Nevertheless, knowledge is power, and I have hidden both within a certain tome you are bound to be familiar with. It is the third formally accepted treatise of Jan Dreli Kolai the Sage, whose work I know you have encountered in the course of your studies. The illustrations are lacking, alas, but the translation is quite good. I left it amid the carrels to the east. You should find it helpful. I know that you will be careful to search for hidden passageways. I have noted quite a few myself, as doubtless you have the secret door adjacent to this painting. A respectable member of the Historical Society leaves no stone unturned! Which is why I must proceed further. Perhaps you will catch up! My old legs aren’t what they used to be.   I believe one of those fascinating but unfriendly mechanisms is approaching, so I must wish you well.   Ever Onward!
Your Affectionate Uncle,
Dr. Zacchaeus Quagmire III


None of the names or the library mentioned in the letter are familiar to the party, but Tristan speculates that it could the Dawnflower Library in town.  

Other Letter(s)

Location(s) currently unknown.

Journal, Personal
Signatories (Characters)