Session 4 - "Menace Under Otari - Part 4"

General Summary

Gozran 26 4721 AR, Springtime
Tristan rushes forward, skirting the open pit in the center of the cavern, sneaks in a blow from his bastard sword past the kobold's defenses, and raises his shield. Kalitos follows the fighter's lead and rushes at the second crossbow, slashing it with an electrified sword simultaneously with an explosion of fire. The boss kobold moves forward and brandishes his staff at Tristan, mumbling arcane words of dread. A heavy sense of dread falls over him. The remaining crossbow steps back and fires at Tristan, but the bolt glances off his shield. Grumbling it reloads. Zor'ahn Kaliff advances slightly and fire an electrified arc at the kobold, but it barely affects them. Ehrn rages forward and lays into the boss with her glaive.   Tristan lashes out at the crossbow, but he is clearly shaken and misses. Quickly climbing the incline, Kalitos launches into a dual-pattern strike, burning a mystic brand into the kobold's body. With an explosive shower of sparks, the boss kobold falls to the floor. Kaliff dazes the remaining crossbowist and Ehrn skewers its remaining life.   To the east, Zor'ahn sees movement under a pile of bedding. The ranger commands for them to show themselves, and a frightened kobold reveals itself, pleading for mercy. He appears to be holding a bundle to his chest. Tristan moves to assist with restraining it. Zor'ahn questions the bundle and it reluctantly shows a large egg with blue and green colorations. The elf asks what they are doing with all the fish and it says they are feeding their friend, a blessing actually, a green dragon. Ehrn moves the prisoner into the main cavern.   The kobold says his name is Scrag and that the party and the town are not his enemy, unlike Zolgran, indicating the boss. He claims he is not with the leader and does not want to be part of his "ill-conceived plans". He only wants to care for this blessing, as well as others they have. Zor'ahn continues questioning him, who confides that Zolgran keeps the dragon restrained and hungry, greatly angering her. Zolgran quarreled with Kolgran, her brother, which almost destroyed the tribe. Ever since then, the boss only wanted to destroy Otari. Zor'ahn confides that the party is only there to find out what happened to the fish and has no interest in detaining Scrag.   Zor'ahn continues to question Scrag about the boss kobold's plans, which included raising the dragon and setting it loose on the town. He was once part of the Sootscale, a disgraced tribe, and wants only to regain its former glory and take the town as a base of operations. Scrag did not agree with her plans. He continues that the brother and sister had a magical duel that created a fire that continues to burn above, killing Kolgran in the process. The ranger asks who Scrag will teach the blessing to hate, who simply responds, "No one".   Tristan asks what hand they had in the construction of the old ruins and subterranean structures, and Scrag replies that they tore down the walls and passages, but the architectural was here previously. Scrag also says they acquired the egg from a traveling goblin merchant almost two years ago, by the name of "Legitimate Jack". In his company was a woodland giant called "Jodie". He had all manner of strange wares and did not actual realize the egg's true, blessed nature. When asked further, Scrag says the dragon's name is "Threshpahn", however Zolgran chose it and it is a dirty name. He describes it having a "beautiful hue of emerald with blue striations and shades of cerulean". When asked how to approach the dragon, Scrag nervously looks the east and shakes his head. Zolgran could barely control the creature and it now only has hate on its mind. He fears that those above in the town will always be in danger. Scrag plans to take the egg far away from civilization and does not fear being tracked by the dragon because now it only hungers and wants to eat. The party is then shocked to learn that Threshpahn is loose and could only be controlled by Zolgran, however it is only the size of a horse but can spit poison. Scrag also believes that the egg was sired by a blue and a green dragon and is clutchmates of Threshpahn. The party concludes with a round of introductions and instructions the kobold to leave a message with Greg Giles at the Otari Garrison if every he needs help. Kaliff quickly crafts a sling for Scrag to hold to the egg.   After checking for traps, the iron chest in the back of the cavern is opened and the party finds: Smoking Sword, +1 Short Sword, Hat of Disguise, Wand of Healing, and 2 Healing Potions (Minor) .   There is also a crumpled, well-written letter in Taldan by a Dr. Zacchaeus Quagmire III:
Dr. Zacchaeus Quagmire III Letters
Letter One
Dearest Charlotte and Theodora,   It is with the utmost confidence that I write – confidence that you will find first this letter, and later myself. I am certain that you have not forgotten the lesson I taught you: always check the backs of paintings! And this one even has a tiger on it. Ah, you used to love tigers, Charlotte.   What a remarkable place this is! And so unexpected. You will already have observed, by the time you find this, that it is not particularly welcoming. No matter! Esteemed members of the Historical Society such as yourselves will not be fazed by such trifling difficulties, I am sure. A bit further down you may even find one or two friendly faces. It is just as I have always said: not all librarians are out to devour your rotting flesh. You might also be cautious of ghosts, and not friendly ones like your old great-aunt Maud back at the manor. Poor souls! And so delightfully macabre. Furthermore, a rather squirmy entity is roaming about these parts, with whom I advise an approach of considerable caution.   The collection below is as extensive as it is surprising. I know you might wish to stop by and have a look, Theodora, but I’m afraid the poetry section is a bit slim. Nevertheless, knowledge is power, and I have hidden both within a certain tome you are bound to be familiar with. It is the third formally accepted treatise of Jan Dreli Kolai the Sage, whose work I know you have encountered in the course of your studies. The illustrations are lacking, alas, but the translation is quite good. I left it amid the carrels to the east. You should find it helpful. I know that you will be careful to search for hidden passageways. I have noted quite a few myself, as doubtless you have the secret door adjacent to this painting. A respectable member of the Historical Society leaves no stone unturned! Which is why I must proceed further. Perhaps you will catch up! My old legs aren’t what they used to be.   I believe one of those fascinating but unfriendly mechanisms is approaching, so I must wish you well.   Ever Onward!
Your Affectionate Uncle,
Dr. Zacchaeus Quagmire III
  None of the names or the library mentioned in the letter are familiar to the party, but Tristan speculates that it could the Dawnflower Library in town.   7.52p
After identifying the magic items and attending to everyone's wounds, the party turns their attention to the dragon. As they begin to enter the chamber to the east, they find it dimly lit by a phosphorescent mushrooms, some as high as 10 feet, the ceiling towering further above. Remains of wooden barrels litter the floor. There is a raised area to the northeast and a small passage to the east. Threshpahn emerges from the forest of fungi and locks her eyes on Zor'ahn. He quickly begins to tell her that he has food for her, but the dragon wastes no time and impulsively charges him.   Reacting even quicker, Ehrn charges forward and takes cover behind a dense cluster of mushrooms. Kalitos does likewise and moves in a separate direction. The dragon crashes through the tall fungus, charging in Ehrn's direction, but it is unable to locate her. Tristan moves to aid the barbarian, but he is struck by the dragon's tail, and is unable to land a blow. Zor'ahn moves to flank with Ehrn and strikes deeply with his swords. Kaliff steps around and sends grim tendrils at the dragon, but to no affect.   Ehrn rages and lands an icy strike with her glaive before stepping back. Kalitos moves at the dragon, but is tripped up by its tail and swings wildly, missing entirely. Threshpahn goes into a frenzy and savagely lashes at the dark ranger but does not fell him. Tristan activates the newly acquired Smoking Sword, almost ending the monster. Pushing past a haze of blood soaked pain, Zor'ahn slashes open the dragon's leg, which cases her to quickly bleed out. A wail of sorrow erupts from Scrag from the west.  
As Scrag leaves, he shares that the second giant spider should not disturb them. The party begins to field dress the wyrmling carcass. The brothers make their way back to the living space and search the area, finding a place where it appears a new tunnel was being started. They find a painting which depicts an adventurer travelling on a horse. On the back of piece is a signature that says, "G. Curran", most likely Grifo Curran, an artist in town. The tunnel behind the wall smells wet and feels of wet, humid air and veers to east.   8.52p
The party starts down the passage with the dragon carcass…   Outside Otari
…and eventually emerge in a dark ravine about 30 minutes outside of town.   The Otari Fishery
The party walks into town and someone tries to ask what they are carrying, but they carry on and let the carcass speak for itself. She is astonished and more townspeople begin to become interested in the group. A small crowd follows the spectacle as they arrive at Otari Fishery. Tamily Tanderveil greets them excitedly, ushering them inside for food and the tale of their adventure.   Gozran 27 4721 AR, Springtime
In the midst of the celebration, the sound of a slow clap starts from a corner. The man issues a blistering retort and toasts "the Earthworm Slayers". Ehrn moves on the man, but Tristan intervenes and asks who he is. He replies "Monsieur Franz Frangelico", a famed monster hunter from Absalom. Zor'ahn and he exchange barbs, but Frangelico attempts to dismiss them, but Tristan and Zor'ahn get the last word in.   Tamily tells the Dragons that she has an extra gift to give them if they would come back her home at 2:00p.  

Report Date
11 Feb 2024
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