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Issue 5: Creeping Rot Cured by R.A.M.I!

General Summary

The Ravnican Agency of Magicological Investigations stepped even further into the public eye with their work regarding a distinct sickness that plagued Precinct 3 and one of the more sacred Selesnyan groves last week. At the behest of Trostani, Selesnya's Voice, R.A.M.I. agents were dispatched by Alquist Proft in order to ascertain the origin of the plant disease. According to recent reports, the 'Creeping Rot' as it is now being called, originated from an old mansion gifted to The Selesnya Conclave by The Boros Legion after The Day of Shadows riots caused a significant portion of the crop fields in Precinct 3 to burn. The old mansion was home to none other than General Mantarthas, a revered commander in the Legion who would succumb to an arrow wound given to him during the Day of Shadows. The Mantarthas mansion would then be reconstituted as a structure to house one of the sacred Selesnyan groves, and would be responsible for creating nearly 10% of the entire Precinct 3 vegetation.   In recent days, however, a creeping black-vined disease would sweep through this grove, causing the Selesnyans to reach out to R.A.M.I. to help investigate the origin and potential solutions for the outbreak. The concerning speed of the growth forced R.A.M.I. into action, and investigators were sent to assist. Upon arrival to the mansion, the agents made entry to the abandoned abode and dispatched the horrors living within. Reports indicate a supernatural presence at the mansion, and attempts to alter the state of the mansion were met with hostility from these supernatural entities. Upon pressing further into the mansion, the agents discovered a Leacher's Emerald, a powerful necromantic item used to siphon the life from living organisms to sustain the undead. Upon recovering the artifact, the agents spoke to Trostani on what to do with it.  
I will not intervene in the cycle of life. You are offspring of the great Mat'Selesnya, and I am in no place to deter you from your place in our life. If the emerald is used for evil, I will attempt to stop you, as is my mandate as the Voice, but the emerald is yours, do what you will with it.
— Trostani, Selesnya's Voice
  The reports from R.A.M.I. indicate the Leacher's Emerald was then promptly gifted to Trostani for safekeeping, in return for Green Loop transportation passes for the investigators. Also of note, Teysa Karlov was interviewed at R.A.M.I. earlier this week regarding the specifics of the ongoing murder investigation at her manor in Precinct 1. No details have been released due to the information laws regarding ongoing investigations, but we will continue to update you, the reader, as we get information.   by Zara Zu'un

Zegana Missing!

The Prime Speaker of The Simic Combine did not show up for the mandatory guild master's meeting yesterday evening. Since then, a search has commenced with efforts of The Boros Legion and Azorius Senate lawmages to find her. She was last seen in her chambers in Zonot Seven speaking to her close affiliates, but that was more than 3 days ago. Though Zegana is known to enjoy private time for meditation, her dissapearance in the light of the recent muder at Karlov Manor has put most investigative forces on edge. If you have any information regarding Zegana's location or recent activity, please reach out to your nearest Boros Legion post or contact The House Dimir Tribunal office to be directed there.   by Sniffles
Report Date
18 Aug 2024

Krenko Escapes... Again!

A large prison riot last night at Uzdec Prison resulted in 12 killed lawmages and 228 wounded prisoners. Upon corraling the inmates at Uzdec prison, it was found that Krenko, notorius goblin Mob Boss, escaped along with a few known associates. Krenko was recently incarcerated for his previous escape from Sawtooth Prison by R.A.M.I agents after a standoff at an old abandoned Boros port warehouse near Zonot Seven. If you have any information on Krenko's whereabouts, please contact your local Azorius Lawmages or Boros Legionnaires.   by Sniffles


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