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Chandris (CHAN-driss)

Rising out of the lush Jungle of Miasma is a massive, golden ziggurat that towers alongside the canopy like a giant's throne. The City of Gold, ruled by its God-King, is a proud and ancient city without equal in Talonn. Its isolationist policies have protected it from the unwanted cultural influences of the world, only allowing in what is deemed useful by an army of scholars and bureaucrats; whether or not this practice is beneficial is hotly contested and has been for thousands of years.    The city is the ceremonial seat of the central temple of Sune in Talonn, and she is the city's patron goddess. The Courtesan of the Gods is revered from thier seat in the Vase, and is traditionally wed to the God-King as his second wife for their clairvoyant abilities.


Chandris is known for being dominated by the furred, feathered, and scaled folk of Talonn. Founded by gnolls, the city was a haven for "beastfolk" in the ancient days of upheaval in the age of Crystal. In the Dawning age, it is one of the most diverse cities in Talonn and people of mixed ethnicity are not uncommon. In fact, it is far more unlikely that you will meet a resident of Chandris who is purely human or elven; much more likely to meet a half-dragonborn, half-aarakocra whose grandfather was a yuan-ti. To this day, much of the nobility are Gnolls, because of the success of the current Khan dynasty.


The government of Chandris is a "nest of vipers" (q. Louvre the Jackal) centered around the God-King and his family. The title of God-King is not purely dynastic; any challenger of sufficient rank can challenge the current holder of the throne for the title, but power loves to dig its claws in. The current Khan bloodline dates back to 1653 Dawning, although there have been many attempts to unseat it since then. The court of the God-King is notoriously dangerous, and the nobility particularly vicious in their maneuvering. Existing around the court is a maze of bureaucrats, ladies-in-waiting, and advisors, all equally as political as their masters.


The city of Chandris is one of the most technologically advanced in Talonn, alongside Hatupis and Blackmoor. However, technology's progress is controlled closely by the government, creating a carefully cultivated appearance of ancient splendor while maintaining public services vastly superior to any other city besides Hatupis.


Chandris is divided into districts by the physical terraced structure of the main city. The ground level is divided into four districts, and the terraces above are designated via elevation.
  • Silk District: Chandris is famous for its clothing, and rightfully so. Nowhere else in Talonn is there an entire district populated by weavers, silk farmers, tailors, dyers, and designers. Color is everywhere, as is the acrid scent of the dyes used. The streets here are covered by large colorful tarps, and are a popular destination for tourists if they manage to get into the city.
  • Clay District: Craftspeople, most notably brickmakers, potters, and stonecarvers make up the bulk of the Clay District. Also a popular spot for artists, it boasts many small theaters secretly attended by nobles on trysts, young lovers, and the common people. Residents affectionately refer to themselves as “mudpeople”, but will take offense if outsiders try to, as it used to be a derisive term used by nobility in the past.
  • Ruby District: Miners, refinery workers, and other industrial workers populate this district. Historically the most unrest has happened in this area; their work is perilous and difficult, and owned by nobles. As such, it doubles as a site of resistance against the bougie inner terraces. Unfortunately, it is also a popular hideout spot for criminals because of its many tunnels that reach into the bowels of the ziggurat.
  • River District: Fisherman’s and docking quarter. The river passes underneath the tiers of the city’s pyramid-like structure, and boats above a certain size are docked and turned around here in a massive, high-tech dock that employs hundreds of workers and mages whose job is to ensure smooth trade and travel. Famous for its extreme customs checks and distrust of outsiders. Also famous for its street food and underground cock fighting rings.
  • Terrace of Coins: The mercantile and middle-class tier. The markets are very competitive and loud in some areas, and quiet and refined in others. There is a very heavy guard presence in this district, and thieves are very rare.
  • Terrace of Swords: The military and guard tier, situated above the Terrance of Coins, is the divider between the golden world of the nobility and the common folk. High-ranking military own estates here, often housing their subordinates given that many of them have other homes as nobility.
  • Terrace of Cups: The nobles’ residential district. The manors here are marvels of architecture and beauty, the streets wide and clean, and almost entirely cut off from normal life down below. The rituals of court here are incredibly intricate and dangerous.
  • Terrace of Kings: The Golden Palace and the Vase are located at the top of the city, overlooking the Jungle of Miasma and the entirety of Chandris. One of the most secure locations in Talonn, it is forbidden to enter here without permission on fear of immediate execution. The Golden Palace, true to its name, is a wonder of the world and unparalleled among buildings in Talonn.
  • History

    Chandris was founded in 1496 by the first God-King, known only as Khan. Khan was a gnoll warlord hailing from The Swath, ousted by Hatupis along with his people. He and a few other warlords found bitterly over the Jungle of Miasma, which was an abundant land. In the end, Khan prevailed and every God-King after him has borne his name as their second name in deference to their history, regardless of heritage. Every since its founding, the city has thrived autonomously, only deigning to join the Lodone coalition in the age of Tempest for a substantial tithe.

    Points of interest

  • The Golden Palace: A sprawling palace made of shining golden stone. It is ancient and kept by a veritable army of live-in servants, and lived in only by the royal family and their attendants. The God-King’s necropolis is located underneath the terrace itself and accessible from the private quarters of the God-King and his family.
  • The Vase: A separate chryselephantine compound that houses the clergy of Sune, including the Courtesan of the Gods. It is extremely difficult to get into as an outsider, and requires significant clearance or an internal request. It is an airy, open construction that overlooks the jungle, lined with columned walkways and gardens. Many clerics live here and study here, and it is popular as a pilgrimage destination.
  • The Fishbowl: A massive, unmistakeable performance arena that doubles as a gladiatorial arena. It is an impressive feat of architecture with huge curved golden struts that can retract a tarp roof over the entire edifice. Huge statues of God-Kings line the walk up towards its entrance, and many more are perched on the walls.
  • Tourism

    Visiting Chandris is incredibly difficult and yet still incredibly popular, especially among the monied. Obtaining a visa to enter the city can take months, and the clerks are not moved by bribery, so even among the rich it is a long process. Once in the city, though-- the wonders never seem to cease. The Sunbound Market is a popular destination, as is the Silk District, and the theaters in the Clay District.


    The building codes in Chandris are terribly complicated, and the fees for violating them immense, so it is rare to see new construction within the main ziggurat structure unless something else was demolished. The buildings are all golden brown stone or stucco (in less affluent areas), with flat garden rooftops and colorful tarps stretching across the streets. Most impressive is the King's Road, the monumental stairs leading from the four city gates to the Golden Palace, and the elaborate docking system suspended over the river.
    Alternative Name(s)
    The City of Gold
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