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Formed out of the end of the Convergence War when magic began to come together, this city is the beacon of magical power within the continent. Lorded over by the Runevale Federation, but still a part of the Assarian Empire as a whole, the city has long stood as a training grounds for young minds and aspiring mages.


Often widely varied, but the races are of no concern. All citizens within the city are magical themselves, involved with it, or teaching others about the nature of such.


The City itself, much like the Federation that runs it, is ruled by the leading body of mages. All experienced beyond their years, most actually sponsor the goodness of the realm with what deeds they can do. Some fragments however do exist that seek out their power alone.


Not many are foolish enough to assault a city filled with some of the strongest mages in the continent. Though, some dragons in the past have wrought havoc here, the denizens have not felt the need to add any sort of defenses other than their magical watchtowers that keep their gazes outwards constantly.

Industry & Trade

Not much industry happens within the city, but much trade does. All sorts of goods and valuables that the city does not have in great supply are shipped in with outwards trade of magical goods and enchanted materials. Often trading back and forth with Pov'rakea exclusively


The city itself is made up of long spiraling roads through tranquil gardens, paths, and trees where much of the residential areas are. Where the magical training happens and where much of the power is lies in the 9 huge towers that spiral upwards. All interconnected and chaining together, these towers stretch high in the sky and act as a beacon for travelers for miles around.


Powerful mages

Guilds and Factions

Assarian Empire, Runevale Federation,


Founded in the last drags of the Convergence War, the city was brought together by those who wished to see the world repaired and not torn asunder by the magic they control. Many of the mages within the walls, and even the leaders, do not wish to see repeats of those wars, and especially any sort of mirroring of the Desolate Lands


Beautifully and masterfully crafted. Long Gothic archways made from white stones and beautiful coloration of art in-between the long magical spires that stretch skywards. The residential homes themselves are crafted well, but often only out of the wood from the nearby woods along the small chain of short mountains


Lined along the edge of a smaller chain of mountains with a long forest stretching from them with the dark rains from above, the city is spread outwards from here and spirals around the center of its spires. The skies here are always dark, except for an occassional few times a year, or when a powerful spell is cast above

Natural Resources

The natural resources in the area are very few. Primarily wood from the forests, but otherwise any sort of natural stones, metals, or other normal objects need to be transported inwards
Alternative Name(s)
City of Magic
Large city
Location under
Owning Organization

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