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Session 1: The Travelling Circus's Surprise Report

General Summary

1 Brussendar, 835 PD   In a tavern in Deastok known as The Drunken Dragon, Alvyn Nackle sat alone advertising scribing services and waiting for a friend to arrive. Sebastian Barromite and Carson Cressbruck made their arrival shortly thereafter, sitting at a table nearby and scoping out potential marks for schemes and scams. While they watched and waited for food and drink, Marya Silverstring and Dalmir Blackanvil entered the tavern with an invisible companion (Magnolia Petalpool), ordering some food and taking a seat at the table next to Nim to chat. Around that time, the final member of the group, Melech Lavant, arrived after a long journey, spotting the friend he'd arranged to meet up with sitting around a table with a couple of strangers. The groups shared tales and talked with the twin halfling bartenders who seemed equally interested in carousing and serving, ordering food and drink as well as separate rooms for all but Melech and Nim, who wanted a shared room for purposes that would later become known.   A commotion from outside with gasps of awe and interest from passers-by drew a large number to the window, crowding it before anyone could get a good look. Melech headed to the door and opened it just a couple of inches as people began to pile in around him to see what was going on. A voice announced the arrival of Madame Krishana's Traveling Circus, explaining that there would be a sunset show just outside the north gate for anyone interested. After finally opening the door, Melech was knocked over by the people pressing on him from behind. He reached out to grab something to avoid falling flat on his face (almost falling all the way anyways) and in the process caught a glimpse of a large, pale orange creature with orange stones embedded in its scales in the nearest wagon which seemed to speak into his mind and offer friendship.   Madame Krishana suddenly slammed the hatch shut to prevent further sneak peeks. A rather panicked Madame Krishana proceeded to call Nashtai over to provide free tickets seemingly in hopes of preventing further talking about what was in the cart before quickly realizing that she could play things to her advantage with what amounted to potential free advertising. She then began to speak in more cryptic, mysterious tones, stating that they'd have to show up to the show if they wanted answers to questions. Nashtai expressed that she hadn't yet seen what was inside and that she was excited to see it. Carson also managed to catch a glimpse, believing that he saw some odd sort of dragon but not able to actually put together the specifics.   After a bit of finagling and a failed scam attempt by Sebastian, Carson managed to talk out some tickets from Melech. Each member of the party then split off to do their own thing. Sebastian found a bakery (Bread & Butter) and commissioned some bread with some fancy wheat. Marya and Dalmir visited a local bathhouse (Sylvan Spring Baths) to get cleaned up. Melech and Nim finally got a chance to let Sia and K'van out to chat and reconnect.   Finally, the time neared sunset, and the group set off to claim their VIP seating at the large tent just down the hill. The circus opened with a claim from Madame Krishana that they'd discovered a new dragon. She opened a cage in the eastern corner and appeared to whisper something just out of sight to the occupant before stepping back. All of a sudden, the cage began to wrench and rock, and Madame Krishana got a look of fear on her face (some party members got additional insight into this). Suddenly, all the members of the circus troupe near the gates began to bleed from their eyes, ears, and noses, the closest ones experiencing sudden and instant death as parts of their heads exploded into gore. The party got a look at the wingless, gemstone-covered dragon as it fearfully stepped out of the cage before conjuring some sort of ethereal beholderkin and disappearing from sight.   At this point, the circus descended into chaos, spectators fleeing while the floating, tentacled creature began to finish off members of the troupe. Those able-bodied enough to flee did so, Madame Krishana the only one injured and still on her feet. The party first attempted to help tear openings in the tent to help the escape (which worked) and then converged on the creature. A long, difficult fight ensued, with the creature knocking Madame Krishana out multiple times and managing to down two different party members, its attacks getting more and more frantic as things continued. Nim abandoned the battle early on, heading outside to try to distance himself and catch a glimpse of the dragon (which he saw flying west, toward the mountains). The remainder of the group stayed to protect the remaining members of the troupe, seemingly managing to save one as Nashtai carried her offstage. While the creature's attacks grew more frequent and frantic as the fight proceeded, the group managed to destroy it, leaving no evidence of its existence other than the damage it had done. No civilians were injured or died over the course of the fight either.   The Crownsguard arrived afterward, and Nim took the opportunity to head back to the tavern to do his own thing while the rest of the group stayed around. The Crownsguard asked questions but the only member of the troupe inside (Nashtai) related that she hadn't seen it before tonight, and with no one injured but members of the circus, the guard didn't appear interested in taking prisoners for the moment. While the guard appeared to be interested in asking further questions of the party, they were interrupted by someone outside who wished to speak with the group which the guards showed some deference to. The party minus Nim proceeded outside, meeting a pair of tall, well-dressed men with defined facial hair who informed them that the man who runs the city wished to speak with them. Marya recognized these people. The session concluded as the party followed them into the Garden Grounds (the residential district), approaching the home of whoever had requested their presence...

Character(s) interacted with

Met each other for the first time   Bumped into Madame Krishana and Nashtai on the streets   Dalmir and Marya went to Sylvan Spring Baths and met the dwarven woman working the front desk   Sebastian went to Bread & Butter (bakery) and commissioned custom bread from the human man that owned it   Saved Madame Krishana and another member of the circus; Nashtai provided first aid.   Met up with a couple of people who claimed to represent the "man who runs the city"; followed them to his office.
Lia's Thursday Game
Marya Silverstring
Melech Lavant
Sebastian Barromite
Player Journals
It started in a tavern and ended in circus madness by Marya Silverstring
Report Date
02 Oct 2020
Primary Location

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