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Fri 2nd Oct 2020 03:10

It started in a tavern and ended in circus madness

by Marya Silverstring

Start in the tavern 'Drunken Dragon'
Several shady people there
Halfling bard there as well, telling tales
And a deep gnome offering scribing services
4cp per Ale
8cp per Pie
5sp per Room
The deep gnome (Nim), offers us to share his table
And we agree to it
He deals in lore and writing services
Otherwise seems like a decent fellow
Charges normal rates for lore (2gp/day)
Or 2-3 silverpieces for knowledge of the top of his head
A little later a charcoal grey tiefling comes into the room
And he knows Nim, he seems to be called Melech
He has a white mask on his shield as well as a raven feather in his hair
A little later there's a commotion outside, lots of people and wagons
Seems to be some kind of circus, that's performing in the night
They also seem to have some kind of surprise
Sounds like a fun adventure!
Especially for Magnolia
They also seem to have some kind of weird talking in your thoughts kinda creature with gems in it's skin/scales
That might be the fun surprise! :D
And we get tickets from Melech, yay!
It's tickets to "Madame Krishana's Traveling Circus"
And then randomly first a genasi comes over asking for a letter to be filed
He then bails right before
Then a human comes over, buys us drinks and asks for tickets
Oh well, it's because of the creature
And it seems that some people here think it might be sentient and a slave
Damn this circus would have to be made up from idiots to keep slaves here O.o
Dalmir and me decide we need a proper bath
It seems the bath is called "Sylvan Forest", how fitting for us
Public Bath: 2sp
Private Bath: 4sp
Cloth cleaning services: 1sp
Also there's shared private baths.... we're definitely not gonna take this one O.o
Dalmir takes the public ones
I take a private one
We get towels and I get the badge for a private room (number 6)
We also both use the cloth services
Should only take 15 minutes
After all of this, it's off to the circus!
Pretty neat tent, 30ft. high at the highest part
Front row seats, awesome!
And the cage seems pretty big
All of it just outside the north gate
And we even get to keep our weapons, great!
Performers are masked with some makeup
They claim to have a dragon O.O
Ok something about this whole show is off
Creature with orange scales and fins
Also gemstones in embedded in those wings
Dragonlike, but weeeeird o.o'
Ok that creature summoned a weird eyetentaclethingcreature and then disappeared
And that thing starts shooting people with eye rays
At first we consider running, but of course some of our new found friends have to play heroes....
So we play heroes as well
I heal up the mistress of the circus 2 times, bringing her back from almost certain death
And then it's time to bring out my inner wolf
Though holy hells this tentacle thing hurts me
Then I teleport above it and get a bite in, but this thing refuses to fall >.<
And then things go dark~
Next thing I see is Melech standing over me, saying "She has more in store for you"
As well as "get up wolf girl"
Seriously, wolf girl, really? o.o'
In any case this thing has me pissed off
So I go directly back into wolf form and go for it again
And finally Dalmir kills it with a magic missile
So he pretty much explodes it
The dragon seems to be gone, there's a hole in the top of the tent
Then Crownsguard come
A short discussion with the Guard then
At least they don't suspect us
We have to talk to this Circus director woman
And there seems to someone asking for us outside
Seems to be a rough guy with an eyepatch and short black hair
And another person with greying hair and a very thick and bushy mustache
Both are pretty big
They say that the person in charge of the city has business with us
And I know them, oh well, nice that the Myriad is so engaged
We're slowly going to a nicer residential district, the "Garden Grounds"

Continue reading...

  1. And so a wild ride began
  2. From rogues, twigs and wolves
  3. Traveling time with Dalmir
  4. It started in a tavern and ended in circus madness
  5. An interesting proposal and the hunt for a "dragon"
  6. Catfights, dead ends and new leads
  7. Hungry wolves and nightly talks
  8. It all could've been resolved with a simple negotiation
  9. Saving a dragon and loads of secrets~
  10. Even more secrets and saving a life thought lost
  11. Finally free
  12. A new fey adventurer, giant bugs and ash zombies
  13. Some little tunnel crawling time
  14. And some more tunnel crawling with big crawlies
  15. Big guys with a big sword
  16. A big fight, getting out of the mines and a goodbye
  17. Sticks and stones may break your bones
  18. Tales of thirsty trees and predatory priests
  19. A quick getaway from a Vecna priests lair
  20. Zadash, city of light, city of magic
  21. Invisible stalkers, planning and magical stuff!
  22. Creepy kids and political intrigue
  23. Zadash, city of coincidences
  24. Now shit is personal - for Melech
  25. Way too much crap going on and more coincidences
  26. Two more people and a funeral
  27. Loads of planning and talking stuff
  28. Meeting Zintris' mom and an almost makeover
  29. We get ourselves a spy
  30. Relocating families and a pet assassin
  31. A relaxed evening in the city that loathes halflings
  32. Meeting a queen in her pjs
  33. Luxon stuff and a decent bit of shopping
  34. Lots and lots of talking
  35. Preparations and talks~
    16th Sydenstar?
  36. Clapping zombies
    16th Sydenstar?
  37. More zombie clapping
  38. Zombies, insects and pie
  39. More insects, saving lives and worm
  40. Just talking to military people
  41. Uhm yeah
  42. On the road again~
  43. Preparation time
  44. Before we go into the belly of beast~
  45. Into the belly of the city
  46. Loads of bugs and a couple of kids
  47. Some more city crawling
  48. Setup for a chase
  49. Escaping forward
  50. Exterminating otherworldlies
  51. Finally a second to relax
  52. Just some decompressing time
  53. We're back!
  54. Back again again
  55. Buggy buggers again
  56. Another dragon deal?
  57. The mercenary pirate place
  58. Aaand out of the city~