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The country of Thybaj (population 400,000) lies east ofTharggy in the Jendasha and Jorakk River basin. A tribe of Dejy nomads who found the Fertile soil ideal for grazing livestock and growing crops originally settled Thybaj. After repelling a wave of Fhokki barbarians, the Thybaj nation lived in relative peace and isolation. The people of Thybaj befriended the elves and halflings of the Fyban Forest and the dwarves and gnomes of the Vrykarr Mountains. The beneficial effects of this were unilaterally evidenced during the Years of Fear, a three-year period of raids by giants and humanoids all along the Vrykarrs and the Jenth Ridges.   Today, a sole monarch, the Shajody or chieftain, rules Thybaj. The position of Shajody is not a hereditary seat; rather, the current Shajody appoints a new Shajody, hopefully before retirement or death of the present chieftain. To insure against a patriarchal system, the new and old Shajody cannot be from the same family. The Shajody's duties include solving disputes, the control and monitoring of trade, dealing with all foreign and domestic matters, training and controlling the military and handling all governmental matters. The current Shajody is Dakary IE.   It has become traditional (and necessary) for the Shajody to appoint trusted friends, Dothoki, to handle these affairs. The Shajody merely oversees the work of his appointees. There are hundreds of Dothoki who control all aspects of the government and the judicial system. Although the position of Dothoki is one of prestige, it is an exceedingly difficult and often thankless job as the Shajody claims all of the glory and none of the failures.   The Thybaj basin is an area ideal for agriculture and grazing. The plump sheep and cattle, unfortunately, have a tendency to attract giants and humanoids from the upper Vrykarrs. Thybaj is also rich in mineral wealth. Thus, many miners from the Vrykarrs call Thybaj home.   Demi-humans are prevalent in Thybaj, as is religious diversity. The Church of the Life's Fire, the Courts of Justice, the Founder's Creation, the Order of Life, Church of Chance and Temple of Enchantment all have large followings in Thybaj. The House of Scorn, the House of Hunger and Impostors also have many worshippers here.   Thybajy merchants often trade with those of Drhokker, Tharggy and Skarrna. They export gemstones, silver ore, copper ore and wool.
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