The Pocket Dimension Known as D1

Formerly a psi-crystal warehouse and processing plant, this building was ripped from the firmament of the Prime Material Plane, and thrust into a quasi-reality wherein Gàbba Gàol is as good as a god.The building is technically made up of three spearate spaces; the Warehouse, The Pit, and the Treasury. Below The Treasury
The Warehouse is the abandoned hulk of the ancient Crystal Plant, where a non-stop rave has been raging for the last four-hundred-odd years. The sound and light systems have been jury-rigged from the remainders of the old plant, which had used specialized equipment to bathe the crystals in specific sound patterns, for specific intervals of time. The music has been designed to encourage the souls that have been shunted to D1 to abandon their senses of self and essence, the souls that end up here are bathed in sound, rather than the psi crystals the equipment was initially designed for. The poor souls that end up shunted here find themselves dancing to their deaths in a paroxysm of musical abandon, eventually forced through pre-proscribed patterns into throwing themselves bodily into The Pit.
The Pit is a new construction of Gàbba Gàol's; an emulsifying tank that forces the souls together into a super-heated ectoplasmic slurry, and slowly bleeds them off into a surprisingly low tech, high-volume distillation process that takes place in The Treasury. The machinery used in The Pit was stolen from a Dwarfish mithril mine's crucible assembly, which (truth be told) has pissed Moradin off something awful. And, as far as Gods go, Moradin is known as being somewhat petulant. It is said, by Stevie Vekhet in particular, that Moradin does not "play well with others", and if the God of Dwarves finds out Gàbba Gàol is the one who stole the fruit of his people's ingenuity, there wil be very serious trouble for the efreeti, indeed.
The Treasury is also a new piece of real estate, containing a custom-designed and implemented mass soul distillation process, that transforms the super-heated slurry of combined ectoplasmatic soul material from The Pit into a perfectly clear, body temperature liquid for Gàbba Gàol to consume and bathe in. The liquid gathers, drip by drop, in a massive, Adamaic receiver flask that was, at one time, a holy water font. It is an item uniquely suited to the task. Stolen, it was, from an ancient temple of Umberlee, which Gàbba Gàol had hired thugs to ransack, and then run off the priests. Umberlee is furious, which accounts for the extra stormy seas around the southern horn of Taisha, and the rash of rogue waves plaguing the ocean surface above The Cerulean Trench. The font, which Gàbba Gàol calls his Fountain of Youth, drains into four pools of clear, glowing liquid, via unhallowed routing canals. As Gàbba bathes in these pools, he absorbs the latent entropic energy of the souls that have been distilled; gaining in strength, dramatically extending his immortality, and drastically increasing his body's capacity for arcane power each time. It takes two thousand fully "seasoned" souls to fill each pool, and it takes Gàbba a day of soaking to empty one. Unseasoned souls, however, are much harder for Gàbba to absorb. He needs to put effort into those, and for that, he makes them suffer.

Purpose / Function

This former warehouse is in use as a soul harvesting and distillation facility, aimed entirely at pushing Gàbba Gàol over the edge from "very powerful", to "actual God".


It is a large, open area, formerly used as a commercial crystal processing plant.

Sensory & Appearance

The music is non-stop, and totally infectious, synchronized with lights and pyrotechnics. The planks of the walls are covered with tie died tapestries, too-real seeming portraits of beloved artists and singers, and luminescent posters of velvet unicorns and sweet and fuzzy kittens. The floors are covered in sawdust and vomit, Respite having a tendency to cause newer users to vacate the contents of their stomachs, and the closer and closer one gets to The Pit, the more and more one smells subtle undertones of urine.


The occupants of the room are souls that have completed the profane Ritual of Ascension proscribed by The One True Church. However, due to some clever and sneaky manipulation of cosmic law, there may at any one time be three or more flesh-and-blood, living creatures, occupying this Guff.

Contents & Furnishings

There are luxuriant furnishings along the western walls of the plant, set there for the partygoers' comfort as they 'nod out', vibing to the subliminal beats of the enchanting music. There are cushions everywhere one turns, as well as display tables full of candies, such as ring-pops and lolligaggers.


Gàbba has added The Pit, and The Treasury. The audio equipment, and stage, has been jury-rigged together from existing parts that were sitting around the plant. Pròju Tto has replaced the old wooden staircases leading to the plant's management floor with security devices built with cast iron, and protected with various magic that warn, deter, and (eventually) kill, if one does not have the proper clearance. There are, of course, ways around this, but the staircases have helped Pròju tremendously, boosting his image and estimation in the mind of Gàbba Gàol. In a similar fashion, the track supports and separating archways built into the load bearing walls of the building have also been replaced, all of them with ensorcelled cast iron facsimiles. All of these updates to the building have been made to more eaily track the current inhabitants of this tiny realm, and with much success.   Atomizers have been added to the fire suppression system in order to more easily infuse the air with the drug currently called Respite. This is one half of a two-pronged psychic attack, the other being the subliminal spell casting in the music.


The planks of the walls may be old, but they are very thick and still quite serviceable. There is a noticeable lack of windows, as the factory owners believed that they would be a distraction to their workers...all of the windows are in the roof, which lets in sunshine, but does not distract the workers. The second floor is a simple trestle set up, home to Pròju Tto's office. There is a catwalk that runs down the middleof the massive, open area of the warehouse. It is floored with brick and mortar, pock marked and worn with use. All of the old equipment is still perfectly serviceable, however, Gnommish technology as it is, and that includes the track system, all of the resonator equipment, the electrical wave motion generator, and the audio indexer. The beams holding up the windowed roof are made of entire trees, which have been milled, mortised, and tenoned to one thirty-second of an inch tolerances.


Every cast-iron fixture in the facility is, in actuality, a crowd control and reporting device.
Founding Date
5155 NG
Alternative Names
Additional Rulers/Owners
Compartment of Vehicle
Vehicles Present

Articles under The Pocket Dimension Known as D1


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