
Sacorem, one of the 9 families, is known for inviting all from the outside, delighting in the exotic and strange.   They are considered the "melting pot" of the 9 families and actively encourage cross-breeding between different species.   The darker side of this does occasionally rear it's head as wizards and artificers who are a bit too interested in genetic manipulation, but these sorts of practices are, at least publicly, discouraged.


Major family with a litany of minor families. While most of the 9 families have minor families, Sacorem actively props up it's minor nobility (while also giving them a lot of leash to squabble). To this end, Sacorem's canton is structured like many small cantons, with the city of Macia being the only true "Sacorish" city.


They are considered the "melting pot" of the 9 families and actively encourage cross-breeding between different species.

Unity through difference

Founding Date
Geopolitical, Country
Leader Title
Parent Organization
Controlled Territories
Neighboring Nations