Teravar History of Teravar Timeline
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History of Teravar

The entirety of everything to happen within the New World

The Colonization Era

1454 AC 1501 AC

After explorers have discovered land in the east, every country back home asks themselves "How can this benefit me?".

  • 1501 AC

    33 Eine

    The Great Call

    King Iefyr VIII of Moonsong declares Venrir to be the new Holy Lands of elfkind, before setting sail for the new world and beckoning all elves to follow. This is considered the birth of The Holy State of Venrir and the start of a great pilgrimage East.

The Great Call

1502 AC 1571 AC

It is your religious duty to Migrate East! Tens of thousands of Elven citizens come every year to the new world. But they are far from the only ones coming to this new land!

  • 1569 AC

    22 Tyix

    Birth of Krare
    Life, Birth

    The birth of the future leader of Orckind in the New World.

Decline of Venrir

1572 AC 1607 AC

A series of weak kings causes Venrir's stagnation in an era where her main competition changes from the Drow Native Kingdoms to a more human threat to the North!

  • 1580 AC

    29 Tyix

    Krare becomes Captain of the Steelskin Riders
    Life, Career

    Krare becomes head of his own detachment of Orcish Dragoons, which acted as the beginning of his de-facto warband.

  • 1595 AC

    18 Baed

    Krare finishes uniting the Orcs

    After a series of decisive duels, Krare finally brings the mercenary bands of orcs together under one banner! Immediately, he sets to work arming his peoples for a war to earn the right to a homeland.

  • 1601 AC

    4 Soat
    1606 AC

    19 Ci

    The Reclim Guerra
    Military: Skirmish

    Orcs led by Krare would kick off a massive war with every one of their surrounding neighbors. This is the only recorded instance of Pronia, Venrir and Inoccia working together as all three nations attempted to wrestle down the newly united Orcs. This failed miserably for the three nations, especially Venrir who lost their Easternmost territory for fighting back.

The Gwanurdagr

1608 AC 1645 AC

Venrir and her vassals are locked in a life or death struggle amongst itself. Meanwhile Pronia stands unquestionably alone atop the continent, expanding further and further Westwards.

  • 1608 AC

    32 Orearus
    1645 AC

    2 Eine

    The Gwanurdagr

    "The Brother War" among elves; this single conflict destroyed hundreds of cities and killed thousands before finally Lelym seized the throne and defeated all other claimants, thus bringing an end to Venrir decline.

  • 1621 AC

    15 Tyix

    Brilzru arrives in Yuethanil
    Life, Relocation

    The Bronze Dragon lands in Yuethanil and negotiates a 100 year deal for ship salvage.


The Venrir Resurgence

1646 AC 1701 AC

After the Gwanurdagr comes to an end, Venrir begins a series of reforms and campaigns under Lelym to reclaim their lost glory.

  • 1694 AC

    6 Ci
    1701 AC

    19 Eine

    The Isthmus War
    Military: War

    The greatest of the Pronian and Venrir wars. After initial gains by the Pronians, their offensive stalled out at the narrowmost point of the Elf country: The Ikonikai Isthmus. Thus, the seven years of war are named for the very bloody fighting that took place there. In the final months of the war, Lelym the Restorer managed to break through the human lines before inflicting several crushing defeats on them. The resulting Treaty of Buckerford was considered especially humiliating on the Human Coalition and still a source of bitterness today.

Postwar Era

1702 AC and beyond

After the Isthmus War, Venrir stands dominant over the continent. Can they hold their supremacy?

  • 1707 AC

    17 N'ndrak 22:00

    Death of Lelym the Restorer
    Life, Death

    The Restorer passes away into history, leaving a nation in great mourning for losing their greatest leader.

  • 1707 AC

    19 N'ndrak 11:00

    Coronation of Casala II
    Life, Career

    Cassala II is crowned Queen of Venrir after the passing of her father; Lelym the Restorer.

  • 1708 AC

    2 N'ndrak

    The Goblin Expulsion Act
    Political event

    All Goblins are hereby ordered to leave their lands on the mainland and re-enlist with their old naval ships. Once signed on to further service, all goblin land is hereby to be auctioned accordingly: Three parts to the former Goblin owner, One part to the local government, One part to the national government.

  • 1709 AC

    7 Ci
    1709 AC

    19 Baed

    The Great Mutiny
    Civil action

    Thousands of Goblin sailors revolt against their captains, either forcing them aboard lifeboats or tossing them overboard depending on their treatment. Within three months, two thirds of the entire Venrir navy will be lost to mutineers which begins the (now First) Pirate War

  • 1709 AC

    19 Il'rinu
    1711 AC

    3 Baed

    The First Pirate War
    Military: War

    Venrir Mutineers and Loyalists alike faced off in dozens of battles on the high seas. While intitially successful, the goblins realized attrition was slowly whittling down their numbers and sued for peace after several successful raids.

  • 1711 AC

    3 Baed

    The Treaty of Misid
    Diplomatic action

    In trade for an end to Goblin Piracy for ten years, Venrir ceded the island of Misid as a new homeland for the mutinous sailors to establish their own nationstate. This date is recognized in Misid calendars as the official founding of their homeland and is now a major holiday on the island.

  • 1719 AC

    32 Draiylax

    Tellorth's Gambit
    Military: War

    In the far east, rumors circulate of an island kingdom wracked by civil war. This seems to be ongoing even now. Little is known about the combatants save Tellorth IX, the name of the rebelling lands of the same name, is fighting against his ruler whose name you have not learned.

  • 1721 AC

    Goblins resume The Second Pirate War
    Military: Skirmish

    After a ten year long treaty expired, Misid and Venrir are back to skirmishing on the high seas!