Esmerelda Calvus Character in Terra Caelum Legacy | World Anvil
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Esmerelda Calvus

Lady Esmerelda Josephina Calvus

Esmerelda is a Shadar vampiress living in the Rubygold Mountains. She dresses in a luxurious gown of rich purple, black, and white, and is a woman of proud posture and porcelain skin. Her jet black hair falls in loose curls, framing statuesque features and pulling one's focus into the gaze of her icy blue eyes. The faintest trace of sweet perfume drifts from her at all times.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

The previous Lord of Harrowcrest, Nathaniel Harrowcrest, was a reticent, stone-faced man. His attitude drove his wife, Matilda Calvus, to leave him and take their only daughter, Esmerelda. The latter only returned decades later after Nathaniel’s death, in an effort to discover who her father was. Unfortunately, it was during this journey that she was attacked and infected by a vampire.   Esmerelda did not believe she could return to her previous life. The people of Harrowcrest were accustomed to an absentee ruler, so they showed no resistance when Esmerelda instead sought to claim Harrowcrest Manor. Though she kept to herself in a similar way to her father, Esmerelda had also been raised to be kind. She slowly became more active in the community, earning the respect and eventually the fondness of the people as she learned and developed as a leader. And by the time that Esmerelda could no longer hide her immortality, she had long since proven who she was to them. Harrowcrest accepted her admission and implored her to stay.   Further decades passed and Esmerelda was met by an incubus named Etriel summoned at the bidding of Barnabas Fletch. The summoner’s scheme failed the moment it began but the vampiress and her fiendish visitor grew close until he even became a permanent resident of Harrowcrest Manor. In November of 8008, they announced their plan to wed.  

In Unholy Matrimony

Harrowcrest was deep in preparation for the wedding of its lady and her groom. Various members of the community had taken on the responsibilities of planning, catering, and officiant. Most were absorbed in their duties, including the bride and groom-to-be, who were trying to deal with the tension of their respective wedding parties gathering within the increasingly claustrophobic manor.   But disconcerting news had reached Harrowcrest. Word was that a mysterious monster-slayer with a merciless reputation had been sighted in the area, no doubt drawn by the prospect of crashing such a union. While a single individual posed little physical threat to the town’s infernal residents, his interjection could have jeopardised what was an important day for Harrowcrest. Rather than sully the occasion by personally hunting a man through the streets, Lady Calvus had instead called for outside help. She wished for the party to act as security until the wedding’s conclusion. They were instructed to remain subtle and unobtrusive so as to not upset the preparations and to, above all else, stop the monster hunter from ruining the wedding.   Lady Calvus was absorbed in the frantic preparations of her wedding. Aside from organising with Maisie Holloway, she also had to contend with the tension between Etriel’s party of fiendish friends and her own entirely human mother and half-brother and best man, Mikael. Her responsibilities leave her without spare time. Coupled with a shared wish for the wedding to be without flaws, this placed Esmerelda in no position to deal with the news of an infamous interloper. Though she was more than capable, she rathered paying for outside help than to slaughter a man and ruin her own wedding day. The same applied to the gathered wedding parties. Fortunately, it did not preclude hiring a discrete security detail.   Adventurers Atilas, Blaze, Diari and Wick provided their services and stopped Abram van Sloan from fucking up her wedding. She awarded each of them with the title of Hero of Harrowcrest.


Esmerelda Calvus


Towards Etriel




Towards Esmerelda Calvus


Year of Birth
7899 111 Years old
Etriel (Husband)
Icy blue
Jet black curly
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Ruled Locations

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