Festival of New Dawn Tradition / Ritual in Terra Caelum Legacy | World Anvil
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Festival of New Dawn

The Festival of New Dawn is hosted in a different Alliance member state every year. It is celebrated when the lights of other outer planes shine in the sky, which has happened every thirteen months since the Collision. Each host celebrates the event differently.  

Notable Festivals

The First Festival of New Dawn (8002)

To deal with the immediate effects of the Collision, an annual festival known as the Festival of New Dawn was set up and hosted in the Western Plains this year, in Anthor.  

The Second Festival of New Dawn (8003)

London Carnation hosted this year's festival, in the Highfields.  

The Third Festival of New Dawn (8004)

Jorah Thorn hosted in the Wild Woods after joining the Alliance.  

The Fourth Festival of New Dawn (8005)

Alec Grace hosted this year's festival, in the Sword Coast.  

The Fifth Festival of New Dawn (8006)

Newly coronated Kram Silverdeep hosted the festival in Salzenstadt City, which essentially was a two week long citywide drinking festival.  

The Sixth Festival of New Dawn (8007)

Marjorie Greaves hosted the festival in the Free Peach for the first time. Serana Greaves attempted to ruin the festival and her sister's reputation by causing a mass panic of a terrorist threat.  

The Seventh Festival of New Dawn (8008)

Lizzy, queen of Breantis, finally got to host the Fesitval of New Dawn in Okhathage.  

The Eighth Festival of New Dawn (8010)

The Festival could not be celebrated as the Tyranny of Dragons had begun.  

The Twenty-Ninth Festival of New Dawn (8009)

The Festival of New Dawn was held in the city of Waterdeep for the first time rather than what remained of the official capital city of Anthor.

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