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Merchuiu Sedellath

Merchu is a triton shadow weaver. He was a lonely triton before he was taught the mystic arts and learned how to be a sorcerer.   Merchu is very aloof, and can sometimes border on impulsive. He takes credit for things he did not do, and either flirts with everyone or insults them (or both). He's a sucker for a pretty face, but he can be quick and brutal when he wants to be. He also has tendencies to act up for attention. However, deep down, he is a very loveable boy who enjoys spending time with other people, as much as he may say otherwise.

Physical Description

Special abilities

A child of the sea, Merchu can call on the magic of elemental air and water. He can cast Fog Cloud, Gust of Wind, and Wall of Water with this trait. Once he casts a spell with this trait, he can't cast that spell with it again until he finishes a long rest. Charisma is his spellcasting ability for these spells.

Apparel & Accessories

Merchu typically wears punk clothes with his Archmagi Robes over them. He recently upgraded his equipment to incorporate an elegant black and red gown he found at the Ironleaf Clearing. He also wields a Water Elemental Essence Shard and the Wand of the Two Ravens, which he used once to cast Modify Memory on Caomhán to erase some particularly painful memories.  

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Merchu was born to a vaguely loving family in an underwater town called Ticino. He was always smaller and lankier than the other tritons, and at age 15 he left Ticino to try to make a living on dry land. He settled down in Anauroch, travelling from place to place before he found his calling in Ballay. In Ballay, he found the Ring of Fire, an arena where people were expected to fight to the death.   At first, because of his physical weakness, this was just a dream, however after travelling throughout the east, he learned that he had a unique talent; he was a shadow weaver. He was a fast learner and soon mastered shadow sorcery, and returned to Ballay with something to prove. He took down one of the reigning champions, earning himself the rank of champion within the Ring of Fire.   While he was champion, he befriended two other champions; the Ghast and the Headless. Together, the three of them made up a very strong team who remained undefeated champions for years until 8009. The nickname given to him was the Tritonic Terror.  

Storm King's Thunder

All champions must fall. When the Heroes of Thunder came to Ballay, they needed to make money, and one method that they went for was to win the grand prize at the Ring of Fire. Lir, Jayden, Diesel the polar bear and Caomhán the Self-Made killed him, taking the grand prize.   A few days later, after he had had a Raise Dead cast on him, he was approached by Caomhán and Lir, who asked him to assist them in slaying the great blue wyrm Iymrith. The fame and fortune called to him, o he accepted. The night before the attack, Diona made a Heroes' Feast, to fully prepare against Iymrith. In the morning, the heroes got the Feet of Maple to disclose to Dyrvirad the Glimmering Guardian the location of the Blue Dragon Mask. When he went to the Dragon Archivist headquarters, it distracted Iymrith long enough for the heroes to infiltrate her lair in Ascore. Lir and Caity Starflower set to work at scribing the Wyrm rune into the sand. However, they did not have enough time to successfully scribe the rune, and Iymrith teleported back to her lair. When she did so, Hekaton rose to his full height and challenged her to attack him, and the Battle of Ascore began. The battle was starting to look ugly for the heroes when a choice use of a Wish, Lir managed to heal everybody who had been struck down, which gave them the upper hand they needed to win the battle.   After the battle, Merchu engaged in a blood ritual to bring Lir's soul back to their body, and in doing so burnt all his clothes in a bonfire in the middle of the desert, after which he promptly and impulsively disappeared. He joined a group of adventurers who were all part of a travelling circus, a family of drow with other exotic races doing other acts.   When he tired of being a member of the circus, he sought out Ace Ventura to give him something to do, and a cause to work for. It would also help him gain renown and feel better about himself.  
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Time with Ace Ventura

Trying to gain renown in an adventuring guild all by yourself is hard. That was specifically why he wrangled Diona, Caomhán the Self-Made and Lir into doing side quests with him.   In their first quest together, they travelled to Dimdale to deal with the potential threat of an undead wandering the area. The undead turned out to be the animated skeleton of a fallen soldier named Edrick who had been killed by a flail snail and sought to die a true warrior's death. After a glorious battle, he was defeated by Caomhán, and his soul was lifted by a Valkyrie.   In their next quest together, Merchu brought Diona Caomhán and Blart to Mistville, where they would meet with Llewellyn and try to decipher an old map of his that could potentially lead to untold treasures. While clearing out the attic of his home, Llewellyn had come upon an old scroll. He could not read the writing, so he requested some Ace Ventura adventurers to decipher the text. The text was directions to where the grandfather of the previous house owner had hidden a trove of magic items.   After arriving at the springs, known as the Ironleaf Clearing, himself and the adventurers found several traps guarding various treasures. It was revealed in the grandfather's tomb that Llewellyn was an imposter, and he was then killed by Merchu. The adventurers finished clearing out the springs, and Diona started making plans to start a flail snail ranch there in the future.   Merchu then got Caity Starflower Diona and Caomhán to take a quest in Kilwood. The quest entailed acquiring Kobold Flour from a nearby encampment of blue kobolds for a local baker. The baker, a silver Dragonborn named Cluudrax, wanted the flour to enhance his dragon origami croissants for the Great Monster Bake-Off as part of the Kilwood Monster Festival. The adventurers went to the kobolds, who said that they would give them the flour in exchange for dealing with a particularly nasty elemental that was residing in the nearby well. After dispatching of the elemental, the party delivered the flour to Cluudrax and enjoyed a fun night at the Monster Festival, where he participated in an event where he caught a pig. The reward for winning the event was a Quartz Figurine of Wondrous Power.

Gender Identity



Gay, except for very muscly women



Good Friend

Towards Diona



Good Friend

Towards Merchu



Good Friend

Towards Lir



Good Friend

Towards Merchu



Good Friend

Towards Caomhán the Self-Made


Caomhán the Self-Made

Good Friend

Towards Merchu



Good Friend

Towards Blart



Good Friend

Towards Merchu


Honorary & Occupational Titles
The Tritonic Terror, Fish Boi, Weather Boi
Currently Held Titles
Date of Birth
1st of March
Year of Birth
7988 22 Years old
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale blue
Quotes & Catchphrases
"I'm just a fish with a dream."   "Yeah I did most of that. You were there, too, I guess."
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
Common, Primordial, Orcish

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