Veo Character in Terra Caelum Legacy | World Anvil
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Veo (a.k.a. Vorty)

Veo was a Peachavian jester working in the theatre district who once had a slight obsession with Sister Garaele. To tell the truth, he still has those feelings. However, the toll that undeath has taken on him has made his obsession slightly more disturbing. Since Garaele raised him from the dead, he cannot physically harm her, meaning he follows her around, lives in her home, and acts almost like a domesticated servant or bodyguard.

Physical Description

Body Features

Veo's body is now mostly skeletal, however he can cast Disguise Self on himself to appear like a human.

Apparel & Accessories

Veo wears jester's attire in black and white colouration, that is only cleaned when Garaele uses Prestidigitation on him. He also carries around a Wand of Wonder, gifted to him by Nick Nara and Nym.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

The Myth of the Lost Mine

More than five hundred years ago, clans of Shadar dwarves and halflings made an agreement known as the Phandelver's Pact, by which they would share a rich mine in a wondrous cavern known as Wave Echo Cave. In addition to its mineral wealth, the mine contained great magical power. Human spellcasters allied themselves with the dwarves and halflings to channel and bind that energy into a great forge (called the Forge of Spells), where magic items could be crafted. Times were good, and the nearby human town of Phandalin prospered as well. But then disaster struck when orcs swept through the east and laid waste to all in their path.   The Rockseeker brothers failed in their attempts to keep a hold on Wave Echo Cave, and had to hire adventurers for backup. Baby McBaby, Deer, Nym, Veo, Nick Nara, and Myrddin were in Obsidian City when their dwarf patron and friend, Gundren Rockseeker, hired them to escort a wagon to Phandalin. Gundren had gone ahead with a warrior, Sildar Hallwinter, to attend to business in the town while the adventurers followed with the supplies. They were also promised 10 gp each by the owner of Barthen's Provisions in Phandalin when they deliver the wagon safely to that trading post.   The adventurers were on the road to the town of Phandalin when they stumbled into a goblin ambush. They discovered that the goblins (who belonged to the Cragmaw tribe) had captured Gundren and Sildar. They dealt with the ambushers and then followed their trail back to the goblins' hideout. They rescued Sildar and learned from him that Gundren and his brothers discovered a famous lost mine. Sildar knows only that Gundren and his map have been taken to somewhere called Cragmaw Castle. The adventurers took several short adventures in the region around Phandalin as they searched for more information about the Black Spider and the dwarves' lost mine. Several of these leads pointed to Cragmaw Castle, which was the stronghold of King Grol, leader of the Cragmaw goblins. Here the adventurers discovered that the Black Spider was a drow scientist named Dave, and that the Cragmaw goblins worked for him. More importantly, they recovered Gundren Rockseeker's map to the lost mine.   Following the map or the directions to the lost mine brought them to Wave Echo Cave. That lost underground complex was now overrun by undead and strange monsters. Dave was there with his loyal followers, exploring the mines and searching for the legendary Forge of Spells. The adventurers had the opportunity to avenge Gundren Rockseeker, to ensure the prosperity and security of Phandalin by clearing the rich mine of its monsters, and to put an end to the troublemaking of the Black Spider.   It is unknown what happened at Wave Echo Cave, and the Black Spider was presumably killed, bringing peace to Phandalin and securing Wave Echo Cave and the Forge of Spells. Deer, along with Nym, helped the Black Spider escape. The party disagreed on what to do with Dave, so Deer and Nym said that they would help the Black Spider escape, and the others would agree to say they had killed him. The party gained the reputation of heroes, but they split up for good after Wave Echo Cave.   With hard work and a little luck, the adventurers cleared Phandalin of the ruffians who threatened its people and reclaimed the lost mine of Wave Echo Cave. Their deeds would be long remembered in this corner of Terra Caelum. In years to come, the restored mines of the Phandelver's Pact would bring great riches to Phandalin and help establish peace and prosperity in the area.   Nundro Rockseeker, having been rescued by the adventurers after being a hostage of Dave, took over administration of the new mine. Even though the adventurers chose to split up and move on in search of new adventures, Veo always has a warm welcome in Phandalin.




Towards Sister Garaele


Sister Garaele


Towards Veo




Towards Nick Nara


Nick Nara


Towards Veo



Vague Acquaintance

Towards Diona



Vague Acquaintance

Towards Veo



Diona and Veo only know each other through Sister Garaele. Diona is a part of the hot squad with Garaele and Damian Pokobo, and since Veo follows Garaele practically everywhere, they know each other loosely.

Currently Held Titles
Year of Death
Current Residence

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Character Portrait image: by Bryan Syme


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