Darkonian Nights in Terra Caelum Legacy | World Anvil
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Darkonian Nights


The Hour of Ascension, a legend well-known all throughout Darkon, spoke of a future day in which the deceased would rise from their graves and claim the domain for themselves. Almost everyone who lived in this domain was raised to believe in and fear this legend. The Hour of Ascension came, and the heroes who were to save humanity... failed.   600 years have passed. Four adventurers awaken in a ruined temple, with no memory of the past six centuries, only remembering Darkon as a realm of peace and unity.  

Chapter 1: Keening

Session 1

Dwr awoke first. Dwr, a water genasi sorcerer, awoke in a sarcophagus in the Temple of Aphrodite. The temple consists mostly of a simple chamber with six sarcophagi around a statue of Aphrodite herself. Two of the sarcophagi had been opened already, one appeared to have been busted open a long time ago, as evidenced by the moss and ivy growing over the withered stone, and the other freshly opened, with nothing but a tuft of fur on it. Each sarcophagus had two runes on them, one above the other.   Dwr noted that one sarcophagus had a cracked wooden mask sitting next to it. He pushed that sarcophagus open, to see a man half covered in draconic scales. Kire then awoke, his sarcophagus slowly draining of water, and he put on his mask. On Kire's sarcophagus, the upper rune was the symbol of Hades.   Lime Isques III and Fitzmanny were the only other two to be awakened. Lime was last, putting up a strong fight when he was awoken by people he considered strangers.   The four of them, soaked to the skin and wearing nothing but underwear they'd awoken in, found ill-fitting cleric's robes in a deeper chamber of the temple and donned them before leaving. They walked down the steps to a small shrine to Aphrodite, finding an abandoned rucksack with some loose items spilling out of it.   They continued on the path, eventually crossing a bridge and finding a small encampment of undead goblins. Kire befriended one, who accepted the name Ron, and then Ron said he would lead them to the nearest settlement. Along the trail, Ron mentioned it was known as Marbh-Cathair, or the City of the Dead.   Approaching the City of the Dead, the night began to fall, and thick mist started to rise around them, with gravelights starting to appear too. One in particular seemed to be trying to get their attention, only appearing to Lime. It floated in a straight line directly through the mist and the fields to a simple oak tree. Along the way the group noted that there were rusted swords in the ground, some with a symbol of a raven and others with a different rune, that resembled the one on Dwr's sarcophagus.   At the tree, there was a simple unmarked grave. After getting nowhere with this gravelight, the group began to leave to return to the trail as Ron said it was not safe to be in the mist. Lime yelled at the gravelight, which echoed his exclamation right back at him. Fits also punched the tree, and when he did so, Lime felt it in his stomach for some reason.   When the group arrived at the City of the Dead, they found the portcullis rusted with age. The boys lifted the gate and entered.   The city itself is a sort of citadel structure, with 60-foot-high and 20-foot-wide walls surrounding it, and classic building architecture withing. At the centre of the city is a multi layered settlement, with accommodation and amenities on several layers of this massive structure. The town was noticeably eerie, and though they could see people walking around town, nobody made a single noise.   After trying to rest in the Huntsman, and an encounter with an evil doll that left Ron beheaded, the group started questioning this entire place.   It seems the entire town is made up of ghosts who died in the Hour of Ascension, and the three women they met at the start are shadow fey named Theodora, Persia, and Alvyra. The doll had briefly mentioned the Hour of Ascension, but the fey gave them more information, as well as the current year. The current year, of course, being 7822- a whole 602 years later than they last remember.   The fey, entertained by their behaviour, decided to throw the party a bone. They mentioned that they wanted to be rid of a woman named Tristessa, and with the party's help, they could defeat her. They offered their service for the fight, as well as equipment, and mentioned that when they defeat Tristessa they can pass through the mist to enter Darkon proper. The session ended with the boys accepting this offer.  

Session 2

Soon after the fey left, the group retrieved a shovel from the Gnome Depot in the City of the Dead and headed for the exit of the city, only to meet the Vistani, who introduced themselves to the party. The Vistani were being escorted to Marbh-Cathair by the mercenaries Gome and Bonnie. The Vistani woman, Eva, appeared to have some kind of magical foresight, and as well as giving the party advice against the banshee Tristessa, she also sent the Vistani man Han to go with them.   After getting to know one another better, they dug up the unmarked grave under the tree as the fey had told them they would find helpful equipment there. In the grave was an empty wooden casket with a mithril chain shirt and two Darkonian blades, with the symbols that were on Lime's tomb on them. There was also a simple black glove that fit Kire perfectly, and an engagement ring that was of a generic size.   The group left this location and headed straight for a clearing in the forest along the border of Keening that Tristessa typically wailed at every night. The group decided upon waiting for her to emerge from her cave and then try to talk to her to gain more information, and then perhaps try to be charismatic enough before killing her.   When Tristessa arrived, Dwr questioned her, and asked her why she wailed in these woods. Tristessa explained that her baby was ripped from her thousands of years ago and she was left in the sun on the side of the mountain and left by her people to starve to death. She then noticed the presence of Alvyra and the other two shadow fey, and became hostile.   After some crafty combat, the group defeated Tristessa. The group were disappointed as they thought that killing her would fully unlock the mists. Alvyra managed to remove the souls of Persia and Theodora and process them into gravelights, and then put them in the flask the group had. The group went to Tristessa's cave to see if she had any loot, only to find a person impaled on a pike outside the cave and nothing more than a children's crip with a sack of potatoes in it.   The group had noticed that a path had emerged in the mist from Tristessa's clearing, so they returned and followed that. It led to Tristessa's Sacred Grove, making a small walled garden area with an altar in the centre. On the altar was a pedestal and on the pedestal, a gem shaped like a perfectly cut black diamond.   The group agreed that shattering the gem would open the mist, and Lime attempted to break it. While his sheer force alone would have been enough to shatter the gem, green energy pushed his blade away from it. From the entrance to the garden emerged a figure, surrounded by mist. It was a woman in a neat outfit and a crooked black witch's hat, with a spellbook floating inches away from her. She had stopped Lime from breaking the gem.   She addressed the group as if she knew them, first reprimanding them for having the absolute cheek to show their faces in Darkon again, then told them to kneel before their queen. Everyone kneeled immediately, besides Gome and Lime. She paid no interest to Gome and Bonnie, focusing all her attention on the other four, addressing them as if they were rivals almost. She seemed genuinely confused that they had no idea who she was, and then she introduced herself;   The Witch-Queen of Darkon. She was the Witch-Queen- the ultimate ruler of Darkon and the alleged perpetrator behind the Hour of Ascension. She seemed frustrated, thinking that the group were pretending to act dumb, until she realised the truth of their words. Dwr mentioned they woke up in sarcophagi at the Temple of Aphrodite, and Kire scolded him for that. Alvyra sucked up to the Witch-Queen, only to be beaten in the face, almost to a pulp.   The Witch-Queen grinned. "Well," she said, "let's do it differently this time."   Then, she cast Finger of Death, killing Lime instantly and reviving him as a zombie permanently under her command. Lime then went to stand by her. She said she was looking forward to meeting them all over again, and then she let the mist envelop her.   The group was left alone in the Sacred Grove, gathering their thoughts, until they heard the sound of death hounds howling in the distance. The Witch-Queen had set her hounds on them.   Alvyra claimed she could use the black gem to manipulate the mist and let everyone escape. Dwr reluctantly handed it to her, and when she tried to take it for herself, the two struggled with unnatural strength and cracked the gem in two.   "You've doomed us both, now," screamed Alvyra. "I'm dead, I'm dead!"  

Interlude XIII: Mistwalkers

Session 3

The party, beaten and bloodied from the attack of the Witch-Queen's hounds, got help from Eva to pass through the mists to a safe domain. Eva brought the group to Old Barovia, a country not under the control of the Witch-Queen. There, they received a warning from Eva of Count Strahd von Zarovich, that region's darklord. She told them not to speak too much of the worlds outside of Barovia as Strahd is an entity all too eager to learn of other lands he could potentially conquer.   Approaching the town of Vallaki for a rest, the group were stopped at the gates as they were travelling with Vistani. However, when the dusk elf Zyn stepped in, the Vallakian guard allowed the group to pass through. The group mingled around town, in particular harassing a local weapon merchant and intimidating him, and they went to Blinsky's toys. There, they found unsettling dolls with serious likeness to a real woman.   They then went to the Blue Water Inn to get lodgings to rest before travelling to Krezk, where Eva said she would have to go to inform her friends of what had happened. Dwr met Johannes Martikov here, and they flirted briefly.   The group then travelled to Krezk together under the cover of night, with no trouble as they travelled with the much feared Zyn. Zyn and Eva entered the Abbey of Saint Markovia together, alone. Gome saw a strange figure standing outside the abbey, but that figure then disappeared. When sounds of a conflict and the crashing of windows came from within the abbey, the group went to find out what had happened. Along the way, they saw a woman who looked exactly like the doll in the toy shop. She seemed dazed, confused, and scared. Her name was Rosalina. They said they would come back for her, then they entered the abbey.   Before them was carnage. Sickly patients, Vistani, and werewolves- slaughtered, in pieces. Eva was sobbing on her knees as Zyn stood against a harpy tied to a post. As the group investigated, Zyn approached the harpy and casted Fireball down her throat, burning her up instantly.   It was then that Zyn revealed himself to be Strahd von Zarovich himself.   As it would turn out, Saint Markovia had travelled from the remote island Domain of Dread to Old Barovia to try and challenge Count Strahd von Zarovich. Her expedition and rebellion ended with Vistani and werewolves tearing through the sickly patients of the Abbey of Saint Markovia, however Saint Markovia managed to convince a small group of wolves and Vistani to try and carry on the fight. Saint Markovia also tried to keep Rosalina safe there. Strahd slaughtered the remaining rebels, as well as transforming the saint into a horrific harpy.   After this revelation, a deal was struck between the Darkonian Knights and Strahd, wherein in exchange for information about the neighbouring countries, Strahd would provide aid in the Knights' time of need. The demon Narrian provided a magically binding contract for them both to sign.   Over coffee, the group learned of reincarnation and the manner of the passage of souls in places like Barovia. After they had their bonding time, Eva opened a gateway through the mist at the gates of the abbey. The party followed her through.   Finally away from the spies of Strahd, they asked Eva for more information about him. She revealed all of Strahd's story, and that she was his half-sister. While she could leave, being half Vistani, she did not want to, as she was hoping someday the Curse of Strahd could be lifted. The group asked if she wanted their help, but she said she had already foreseen their fates, and that they were needed elsewhere. She said that she knew someday the curse would end, she said she had seen it already in her visions, and that the group were more important and needed in Darkon.   Eva also explained that since the Witch-Queen hated Vistani so much, she would not be able to meet them again in Darkon until she was gone.   The group has asked Eva to bring them to Nevuchar Springs, however, Eva said that there was an abandoned cathedral she thought they would like a little more. The cathedral itself stands around a half day's journey from Nevuchar Springs, but it was safe and secluded, and seemed made for them.   She left them at the Cathedral of the Fallen. Much was uncovered in the cathedral, and it appeared like the cathedral was devoted to... them. Clues in the cathedral pointed to them having previously inhabited it, such as photographs, runes, and possessions found in bedrooms.   After exploring the cathedral, and making dinner together, they all went to sleep.   In the middle of the night, Gome awoke to the sound of footsteps in the corridor. She peaked out, only to see a figure outside the door of the room belonging to Fitzmanny and some worshipper of the Raven Queen. She called out to the person but received no reply. She approached, and asked her name. The figure only said; "Ana". Gome then sat outside her room, falling asleep on watch.   Dwr awoke that night as well, also to the sound of footsteps, however these were high heels clicking down the corridor. He emerged and saw the silhouette of the Witch-Queen and two able-bodied men with her- Lime and Han, both possessed. Dwr approached them, and the Witch-Queen said that she was angry at them for leaving Darkon. She said it wasn't fair. She also said that this "game" was personal. She tried to rile Dwr up by telling him that she owned all of Darkon, and that they weren't safe anywhere. She could see them. It was at this point that she made Lime put his hand up her skirt. Her eyes fluttered and she grinned, telling Dwr that she owned all of it- the land, the cathedral, the people. She pulled Lime's hand out from her skirt and sucked on his fingers, one by one.   "Every. Last. Inch."   Dwr felt a flash of anger, his eyes turning silver and draconic, but he resisted his urges. He told the Witch-Queen she didn't know who she was messing with, and turned to walk away. As he did so, Han began to laugh. And laugh. And laugh. Han was under the effect of Tasha's Hideous Laughter, and he laughed maniacally until he began to spit up blood. Han died on the floor of dining hall in a pool of his own blood.   Kire awoke to see Lime in his room. Lime was simply just standing there, looking at him. Kire got up, looking extremely confused. He asked Lime if he was dead, and Lime said he was still alive, in a way. As Kire went to leave the room, Lime reached out and touched Kire's cheek longingly, before vanishing.  

Chapter 2: Who are We?

Session 4

The morning began with Kire and Fits having visions of the past, showing the group's dynamic and their friendships. They incinerated Han's body then travelled to Nevuchar Springs to try and learn more about Darkon. There, they met the Heathers; a group of antagonistic dryads who protect the town from monstrosities. After many complications, such as having to put down the pyromaniac tiefling JD, they found the dog Cerberus in a cave tended to by the gardener Veronica. They tamed Cerberus and after talking to mayoral candidate Ardin Brr and Baron Redtree they left the town on good terms.   Cerberus seemed to have the ability to shapeshift between a large three-headed form as well as a simple hound form. They rode out of town on Cerberus' back until they were confronted by the Witch-Queen. She asked them if they knew her name, and Kire suggested it was Hecate as he had heard the name of Hecate in his vision. The Witch-Queen was angry at this, thinking they were lying about having forgotten as them remembering that name was otherwise impossible in her mind. She lashed out, but the Raven Queen summoned herself to protect the group. She told them to run, and they returned with haste to the Cathedral of the Fallen. The spirit of Ana was in the cathedral, waiting for them. She explained that the Raven Queen would hold her off and make her see that the party was not strong enough to face her yet. When the group rested, the Raven Queen visited them in their dreams to inform them she wished she could explain everything to them but could not.   Kire then had a vision in which he was at the edge of the mists with the Witch-Queen and Lime, and she allowed Kire to pass through the mist to see what was outside. He was treated to the beautiful sights of a massive cavern in the Abyss.   Bonnie awoke to the sound of movement, and saw the Witch-Queen at the well outside the cathedral. The Witch-Queen bullied Bonnie, calling her names and absolutely demeaning her. Bonnie managed to unintentionally steal her spellbook.  

Session 5

The next morning began with the demon Narrian making breakfast for the party. The group gave him information, as well as learning details of the Demonomicon of Iggwilv from him in return. They decided to go to the town of Maykle to try and find an archive of some sort, to potentially gain insight on what happened 600 years ago. They travelled along the Blue Brick Road, encountering a young girl named Torothy Tale whose dog Dodo had been attacked by a brain-feasting scarecrow. After this encounter the group reached Maykle.   They went to the Maykle Library, and met with a blindfolded gorgon librarian. The librarian showed them the archives of newspapers and journals relating to the Hour of Ascension  . They discovered, in the book Trials and Tribulations of the Darkonian Knights, by Sammaster, that they had been champions chosen from across Darkon by the Skorva. There was also a seventh champion- a witch, from far out beyond the mists. They learned that there was a lycanthrope fighter that went by Bez, and that Ana's full name was Anaphylaxis and that she was a death cleric of the Raven Queen.   The ruined Church of Gallosia in the town kept a secret archive in its lower chambers, and the gorgon offered to give them access in exchange for taking care of the Tinman in the woods north of town. She also said to beware of the Tailor of Maykle, a local serial killer.   In the encounter in the woods, Bonnie attempted to seduce the Tinman, who said he could not feel love. This did not work, and they had to enter in combat, taking the Tinman's arcane battery.   Returning to Maykle, the group went to the church and entered the archive room in the basement. They learned lots more about Gallosia herself, that she used to go by a different name but changed it to appear as a benevolent and trustworthy god to the Darkonians. More importantly however, she had not died, but was still alive, binding a dangerous creature to the castle of Necropolis, to stop it from destroying all of Darkon. They also learned that Anaphylaxis had had a motherly role in the group, and that she had learned how to master reincarnation.   Their research was halted by an insidious cackle coming from the western chamber. They approached, and saw the Witch-Queen, flanked by Lime Isques III and Kas the Destroyer, two paladins in heavy armour. Dwr and Kire spoke the Witch-Queen's name.   "Tasha."   She was proud. And then the combat began. As it did so, the demon Narrian appeared behind them, ready to fight with them.   Tasha led with Fireball, knocking Bonnie and Gome down straight away. Narrian cast Black Tentacles, restraining the two paladins to disable them for the fight. Dwr shot off Chaos Bolt, the critical damage severely cutting through Tasha before bouncing to the two paladins. Her health low, she attempted to cast Disintegrate on Dwr, however this was negated by Narrian's Counterspell. It was then that Tasha knew she had fucked up. As Narrian tried to cut through Tasha, another demon appeared, telling Narrian not to "mess with his property". This demon was Graz'zt, who engaged in one on one combat against his fellow demon. However, a few more Chaos Bolts from Dwr, and Tasha was taken down, melting into the floor, leaving her hat behind.   Lime seemed broken of Tasha's control, and when asked if he remembered what had happened, Lime said he remembered everything, and that he wanted to forget again. He then slit his own throat, disappeared as Tasha and Graz'zt had.   Ana had also appeared in her ghostly form, and she had healed Kire and Bonnie. They asked her questions, and she revealed that she had reincarnated, while her soul had moved on her spirit and consciousness lives on in this ethereal form as a shade. She pointed to Gome and said her soul lives within her, then she disappeared too, saying she couldn't stay much longer.   After resting, the party found Narrian and Kas gone, and lurching over a pool of Lime's blood was a strange creature in hooded robes, wearing a plain metallic mask. They stood up, hands in the air, and said that they could find Lime for the Darkonian Knights.  

Interlude XIV: Offerings

Session 6

They did not take Ismaros up on his offers of finding anyone for them just yet, and decided to return to the Cathedral. On the way, the Knights realised that a bounty had been placed on their heads. For helping Maykle, they were allowed to leave.   Upon returning to the Cathedral, they decided to spend time praying to their gods, and used the opportunity of Tasha's defeat to prepare and arm up for future conflict. They all managed to commune with their gods, apart from Kire who was ignored by Hades. Bonnie surprisingly received gifts and blessings from Aphrodite.   After a rest, Kire asked Ismaros to find the wife of Hades, Persephone.  

Chapter 3: Turncoat

Session 7a

Kire and Dwr travelled through a rift created by Ismaros and met with Persephone in her garden.  

Session 7b

The Knights travelled to Corvia in search of Bezier. Instead, they found Death House, and the draconic sorcerer Maralie Charm. They rid Death House of its awful curse, then Narrian burnt it down. Tasha created a teleportation circle between the Death House foundations and the Cathedral of the Fallen, working as a fast travel point between the two locations.  

Interlude XV: Holy Night

Session 8

After their trip to Corvia and their encounter with the shambling mound, Baby, the party returned to the Cathedral of the Fallen, exhausted and ready for a rest. As they slept, the party began to have the same dream. When they awoke, it was a bright sunny morning, with snowflakes made from spider’s silk falling outside.   Fits was the first to wake from his rest, realising this was exactly like a previous vision he had. He walked outside of the Cathedral to see the remnants of a snowball fight and a snowman of Kire just outside the door of the Cathedral. He climbed to the roof to get a better view. From there he could see that this world he was in was clearly pre-mist, with a clear view for miles.   Gome woke next, in the snow by the well. She also noticed that the mists seem to have disappeared and that nature was healthy again. She saw Cerberus sleeping outside the Cathedral, however his fur was now red. Maralie woke up in the bath in her iconic purple pyjamas with lesbian dogs on them and headed outside to join Gome. Dwr woke up in his room, went outside and began a snowball fight with Maralie. Kire was the last to wake, alone in bed. He saw items in the room that weren’t there before, such as a cactus and a note from Lime saying that he, Ana and Bez had headed to Marbh Cathair.   He was the last to join the party outside where they saw that Kire didn’t have his scales. As this happened, Fits and Lolth climbed down the side of the building, greeting Dwr and Kire, but not recognising Gome or Maralie. She opened a Teleportation Circle to send the party to join the remaining Knights in Markovia.   The group appeared in an alleyway in the Imperial City of Markovia and figured out the year is now 7221. They were approached by Phantasos and Morpheus, two eccentric characters who informed the group of the wedding of Queens Dahlia and Perennia for which they needed to get a present for. After a quick fashion montage, the group set off to find a wedding gift. They stopped in the Disnée Store, where they found two high elves, Mockey and Monnie, who rubbed Kire up the wrong way and informed Maralie that Queen Dahlia mat be from Lorelei, Maralie’s home town. Outside the store, the party met a high priestess of Markovia and after a short chat, decided to summon Narrian.   Behind the Disnée Store, the party successfully summoned a significantly younger and more handsome Narrian who had not yet met Strahd. The party also learned that at this point, Graz’zt wasn’t bound to Tasha yet. They asked Narrian for a gift for the Queens, and he provided two sets of gorgeous gold jewellery. Fits then had a freak-out, resulting in an intriguing encounter between his nail and Mockey’s thigh.   The party passed the Church where the wedding would take place and noticed a purple spider carriage outside. They headed to a nearby pub called the Croaky Flagon, where they met Ana and Bez and passed the time before the wedding drinking and catching up. When they reached the extremely private event that was the wedding, the group noticed Lime in a matching suit of alternating colour to Kire. Lime hugged Kire, and kissed his neck. The wedding ceremony followed, with the two Queens in beautiful dresses mirroring the others aesthetic, with an amazing party to follow.   As the party headed to the afters, Kire went back up to his old room, with Lime following him. They had a deeply heartfelt conversation, after which Lime went to kiss Kire, which he pulled away from.   Back at the party, Dwr noticed all the gods of the Skorva at one table apart from Gallosia. He spoke with Aphrodite, who told him that she couldn’t sense his or Kire’s souls, and that Gallosia was busy putting the finishing touches on Necropolis and their temples. A drunk Kire also confronted Hades at the table beside Aphrodite’s. Gome comforted a confused Kire on the garden steps while Maralie was having sensual lesbian intercourse with the high priestess of Markovia. After their chat, Gome and Dwr managed to make Kire realise his love for Lime, giving him the engagement ring they found in Lime’s grave, prompting his memories to return. However, as he rushed to the garden steps, he saw that Lime was already talking to Kire, past Kire, and realised he would never feel that love again, and in that moment died of a broken heart.   As that happened, Dwr was charmed by Aphrodite, who confronted him about being an impostor, slashing his face with a dagger and snapping his neck. As the group panicked to help Kire, they awoke again in the Cathedral, unsure if what they saw was real or not. However, they soon realised that it was all very real.   Lolth appeared from the large tree at the end of the Cathedral, telling the party that the gods had abandoned the Knights and that she would willingly become their patron. Dwr and Kire didn’t believe this, and despite a protesting Fits, they prayed to their gods. Dwr reached Aphrodite who had no idea what happened, and though she was apologetic, Dwr lost control, hitting her in the chest with an ice knife, causing her to disappear and her statue to crumble. Kire had a heated encounter with Hades, where he stood up to him defiantly and seemed to earn some respect.   The group also learned of Tasha’s past, including how she killed Dwr after siding with the purple dragon, Urik von Kharkov. The group were confused, beaten and bruised and didn’t know what to do. However, Dwr seemed to have lost it, pledging allegiance to Lolth.   Tasha promised Kire that she could work out a way of letting him see Lime for 10 minutes a day as a way to make up for her past mistakes, however, with the help of Gome, they managed to fully resurrect Lime, with a twisted casting of Raise Dead.   As they did all this, the demon lords of the Abyss, including Lolth, Narrian, and Graz'zt, simply watched on from above, as if they were watching a performance.


The following is the cast of players and their characters, in order of appearance.  


Dwr is a level 10 Darkonian water genasi sorcerer played by Dillon. Originally the champion of Aphrodite, Dwr was one of the six chosen put into a magical comatose state by Aphrodite to protect him for the day Urik's reign would come to an end.  

Kire Yrigh

Kire is a level 10 Darkonian Dragonborn bard played by Tom. He was infected with the dragonborn virus before his first death. He was abandoned at the Church of Hades on the island of Markovia. He spent his childhood reading and learning instruments, and he became a bard. He was originally the champion of Hades.  


Fitzmanny is a level 10 Darkonian gnome fighter played by Mairtín. People call him Fits as he is prone to psychotic outbursts of evil. Being overshadowed by his younger brother (who also stole his wife) didn't help with his condition. He may have killed his children in his rage. He was originally the champion of Lolth.

Lime Isques III

Lime is a level 10 Darkonian human paladin originally played by Omar, who then became an NPC. Lime is a massive Darkonian himbo who only got through the Necropolis paladin academy as his family was a well-established line of paladins before him. Before the Hour of Ascension, himself and Kire had accidentally fallen in love. When Tasha turned him into a pawn, his memories came back to him, and he felt tortured and confused. After Tasha defected to the Knights, Gome and Kire managed to resurrect him properly.


Gome is a level 10 Darkonian half-orc barbarian played by Eileen. She joined the Darkonian Knights shortly after their resurrection. She was brought to the Knights by Hananya and the Vistani. She joined with them to defeat Tristessa in Keening, and to try and save Rosalina from the clutches of Strahd in Krezk, then accompanied them through Darkon. She is a reincarnation of the original knight, Ana.

Bonnie Astutia

Bonnie is a level 10 Darkonian high elf rogue played by Susan. She joined the Darkonian Knights shortly after their resurrection. She was brought to the Knights by Hananya and the Vistani. She joined with them to defeat Tristessa in Keening, and to try and save Rosalina from the clutches of Strahd in Krezk, then accompanied them through Darkon. Bonnie's home village was destroyed in 7871, and she went to adventure as a person who steals from the rich and gives to the poor and helpless. She is a reincarnation of queen Perennia of the Markovian Sunset Empire.

Maralie Charm

Maralie is a level 10 Darkonian eladrin sorcerer played by Jane. Maralie is an eladrin draconic sorcerer who hails from the same town as Bonnie. She is a monster hunter however has a huge fear of children and men. She is a reincarnation of queen Dahlia of the Markovian Sunset Empire.

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