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Meet the Limm

A funeral of bringing the soul to the afterlife

The Sky is a limit. And the limit is in the arm of Limm.

The sky is believed to be the realm of the afterlife where dead people can everlive or wait to be reincarnated. The body belong to Luum and the soul belong to Limm. When one die, the soul will stuck in the land and Luum alone will soon take them via decomposing. In order to meet the god of life Limm again, creating balance between two deities, they must bring the body up to the sky, to join the afterlife, and the best way to reach is cremation.

Lumus Tradition

The ritual is originated in the cityLumus. Once the people is confirmed dead, the closest relative in the area will be called to hear the tragic news. They will be brought to the Temple of Luum, near the Shrine of Luum.

The body will be washed with disinfected distrilled water, and pour in aromatic oil made of jungle herb. Limbs will be massage to relieve stiffness of joints and muscles. Corpse is prepared this way to preserve them long enough until the end of the ceremony. The body will be put in a pyre made of stacked firewoods. The priest announced their legacy to the attendants through the view of family members as well as their friends. After the final pray, the pit is set on fire, burning everything until woods turn to ash.

Once the fire extinguished the priest put whatever the body has left there in a clay urn, to either give to the family or keep at temple. The spot then be swept out and mixed with soil, preparing for the next funeral. The attendants have feasts comprising of jungle forage and Peppers.

Valonian Tradition

In Valonian the funeral mutated with their materialism. Urn can be made of Marble and Granite beautifully craved by the professional Stonecutter. The ceremony may be larger depends on the family wealth, meaning there are larger feast, had more entertainment, or more sacred religious figures. The government has the support for the ritual in minimum cost. The ritual is held in the Temple of Luum in Middle District of Valone, and the rest of the Valonian towns.

The burial was also integrated into the funeral. In their belief, the life create above the buried soil as if Luum take the body but Limm hold them between. The life made on death that once alive. The cycle it is.


The funeral usually take place in the a few day to complete, but it can be extended by the family desire.

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The Sky
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The realm of balance, where the death goes.

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Author's Notes

30/7/2023 - 16th prompt submitted! Silver badge secured!

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Aug 1, 2023 19:29 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

I love the differences between the ceremony in the two places, and I love the meaning behind cremation rather than burial.