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Treaty of Centralium

It was the end of the Second Channel War. The mighty army of the Valonia Empire and the powerful navy of the Maritime Kingdom completely destoryed the whole Irg forces. The capital city of Irgian was besieged, sacked, and flamed. And with the councilors in their captivity, the Irgia Republic was no more.

To mark the official end, the Emperor Rondius V of Valonia, Supreme Councilor Barloccim of Irgia , the King Goubodar of Maritime, the King Garil of Garol, and the Governor Jaroset of Erkin, signed the historic treaty with heavy demands from the offenders. It was signed near the Centralium, the former meeting place during the republic's association with the empire.

This treaty marked the significant political and diplomatic shift upon the South Estisia. Gone of the powerful sounthern republic. Only the dominator of the west - the kingdom at the river's end.

Document Structure

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The signing event was crowded with people, witnessing the powerful republic fell before their eye. What they're gonna do next? Will the empire treated them as good as the former? No one knew. The signing site later became the monument.

The treaty itself now has been stored inside the House of Wisdom at Valone.

Historical Details


The influence of the Irg culture was no more. Julian Vasner, the man who declared war, became the Supreme Councilor ruling the republic.

The Protectorate of Garol become the Kingdom of Garol, with the biggest alliance that is the empire. It grows tremendously thanks to the tunnel they dugged during the war. The Protectorate of Erkin however, had became the Erkinia Province under the direct rule of the Valonia Empire. More Valonia immigrated start moving into these region as a result.

The relationship between the empire and the Maritime Kingdom become closer. They saw each other as the superpower in their own fields. The question was, how long before ones power started to disturb? Also nobody knew.

Treaty, Diplomatic
Vellum / Skin
Authoring Date
60 VE
This article is part of the Irgian-Arwish Conflict ORGANIZATION CHART NOT AVAILABLE


Author's Notes

For Summer Camp 2024
20/7/2024 - 4th Summer Camp prompt submitted! Still inside the world Terraloga.

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Jul 21, 2024 21:43 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

Interesting treaty - I love how many different people signed it. The terms of the treaty are interesting as well.

Jul 23, 2024 18:24

Thank you! It's like the end of an era treaty, where no one could decide to stop until it's too late.

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