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Warlord's March

Warlord's March is the flat, coastal region of west-central Hasdall that is characterized by heavily fortified castle-keeps, and resource-rich fields that have been under constant contention for centuries.


Almost the entirety of The Warlord's March is characterized by flat plains, and the occasional gently rolling knoll. The coasts are slightly elevated with steppes present along some of the coasts, the vast Ashen Ocean immediately off the coast expanding ever west.  
Warlord's March Regional Map - Pre Void War

Localized Phenomena

Superheated naturally occurring geysers around Wülfred that erupt turbulent jets of steam and boiling hot water up to 75 feet in the air. 


The temperature of The Warlord's March is mostly temperate, the colder temperatures of the wintertide season rarely make their way far enough south to create too drastic of an impact. Due to being surrounded by water on three sides, the northern portion of the march is susceptible to violent storms and torrents of flooding rains. The springtide, the rainy season, is the harshest part of the year as it pertains to weather phenomena. 

Fauna & Flora

FLORA:  whitebell clover, beadrow poppy, sagebrush grass, goldenbell flower, conica flower   FAUNA: whiteriver jack rabbit, hellark (songbird), wetwater wasp, mudsquito

Natural Resources

ORE:  Gold, Silver, Coal - Multiple resource-rich deposits located throughout the region that are under constant contention   RELICS:  Several enormous extra-planetary space rocks crashed to the surface of the land thousands ago. The rocks were of a material unknown to anyone, a light blueish-purple glassy appearance. Thought to be a gift from the heavens, early man used segments of the rocks to carve statues of the gods. Presently, more than a dozen statues and relics that have been carefully preserved and cared for over several millenia, are the source of constant conflict among the warring clans. The remaining bits of what is now referred to as "moonrock" are also a source of great contention. 


The Warlord's March has been a hotly contested area for thousands of years. Ever since man has been able to fashion tools to harvest the ore that is abundantly located in and around the marches, conflict has been present. Tribes of men would ally with each other and defend their claim, fiercely fighting off outsiders who would contest their stake. One of the first groups to form included nomads from the southern lands of Omren, and the northern foothills of The Carigon Mountains   Lywold, a brash war chief and a brutish man, was the recognized leader and "warlord" of the growing tribe of migrants. Despite his outright aggressive personality, Lywold had a certain charisma and determination that inspired others to follow him. He sought to control as much land, and obtain as many riches as he could. He and his men constructed a fortress in the southeastern portion of the marches, to defend themselves from outsiders, who were virtually nonexistent for many years.    Over time, however, other tribes began to band together and create a force of opposition to Lywold and his men. Settlements in close proximity to Lywold began to form; men of singular names with similar ambitions: to conquer land and control resources. War chiefs named Ladunh, Mastow, Reywold, and Styverwold would challenge Lywold's forces for control of the lands.    Precious gold veins were fought over, as well as coal deposits and other natural resources. Armies of the various tribes warred for centuries, with power shifts happening constantly. It wasn't until many years later, when the tribes began pushing northward searching for new veins to mine that they first discovered the mysterious "moonrocks".    Having presumably fallen from the sky because of the multitude of craters in the area, these mysterious rocks were long, obelisk shaped, and vibrantly aquamarine-purpleish in color. Some had already clearly been extracted from craters in the ground, as their enormous heft from being drug out of the holes had left large rut marks. Another large moonrock also had a large segment extracted from it, and it had been carved and fashioned into a statue, the likeness of which resembled one of the divines. Initially, the men who came upon the mysterious rocks were taken aback. They were filled with a sense of skepticism and hesitance, but also a great feeling of wonderment and awe. They believed the rocks to be a gift from the gods, because they had never seen something so brilliant before.    Naturally, the moonrocks were clamored after by the different groups, and again, a valuable resource had become a point of contention. But very shortly after the discovery of the strange moonrocks, invaders from the north entered the fray and began contesting the resources. What the men of the southern reaches of the marches did not know, was that tribes of men had been doing the exact same thing in the northern lands that they had been doing; forming tribes and fighting over the resource-rich lands.    The great northern clans were originally led by warchiefs that were called Chrissold, Sahyrst, Wülfred, and Bründt. The single name pattern is believed to be a regional tradition; a great warrior was referred to by his surname only. Or, in some cases, their names were changed entirely and arbitrarily. The origin of each of the clan's original names is not known. Over the years, however, the names of each clan did not change. Generations of bloodlines were fathered within each tribe, and the nine different fortress keeps of The Warlord's March are still currently known by these names today. Whether or not an heir of these bloodlines still exists in each location is not known, but the namesake has remained for each.    As of the current date, and the years that have past since the war, the status of The Warlord's March is greatly changed. Sariel's army utilized a great northern surge through these lands, and decimated many, if not all, of these clans. Fear of The Jirengroth Vale, as well as the overall hostility of the tribes of The Warlord's March, has prevented anybody from confirming the current status of the tribes and the lands. It is believed that the magical blight is a thousand miles south, but even still, the casualites of the war were felt the hardest in the lands of the marches. 


Tourism is not viable for this geographic region. The lands are mercilessly guarded and patrolled, and outsiders are dealt with in a succinct and decisive manner. 
Location under


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