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The Empress

The Empress sits at the head of the Iron Empire, a nation that under her sovereignty has grown to dominate the political landscape of the Shimmering Sea. Her empire extends west of the Shimmering Sea, her domain reaching to the Ice Wall in the north and the Great Western Ocean. The Empress came to power nearly two centuries ago and has not aged (as far as any can tell when given the privilege to meet with her), leading many to theorize she is truly immortal. What is certain is that she is a sorceress of great power and her spies extend beyond her boundaries. She sits at the head of one of the most efficient systems of bureaucracy in Terraneus, limited only by the nature that the system only works with her at its head and that there is only one of her. Her legions are spread throughout the vast borders of her empire, though she only leaves her capital of Citadel when her sorcerous power is needed or she must make a statement.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Not much is known about the Empress before the Final Storm. When the Iron Empire seemed about ready to collapse from the Wyrdwinds and the forces of the Mistwalkers, the girl who would become the Empress appeared among the fracturing legions. Already a powerful sorceress, the Empress was able to withstand the changing effects of the Wyrdwinds and create a nexus of stability from which the Iron Legions could march out and reconquer the lands that had been lost in the invasion. Though it took several years, eventually she had restored enough of the Provinces to be able to legitimately call herself the Empress. She was coronated, to the objection of some of the surviving nobility with ties to the old royal family.   Swiftly after her coronation, most of these opponents were found dead or missing. Those who had escaped fled the Iron Empire. The Broken Crown claims legitimacy to the Iron Empire through these nobles. The Empress continues to rule without challenge from Citadel. It took her nearly half a century to reshape the remnants of the old Iron Empire to suit her needs, creating the feared and respected Imperial Bureaucracy. It took her about another century to reclaim the western provinces, where she faced some of the stiffest resistance, first from the Broken Crown and then from the Cairnlands, where the Wyrdwinds are strong enough to have weakened the borders between worlds and the dead are said to walk. Even now, the Bloody Plains are contested between her and the Lords of the Cairnlands as the Empress's gaze turns to the Shimmering Sea.   While the Broken Crown is a persistent thorn in her side that she cannot seem to ever truly eliminate, it was the Shadowlord of Scarmouth who truly drew the Empress's ire in recent memory. Though his name is already being lost to the sands of time, damned from ever being recorded in the Imperial Records, his power had cast doubt on the dominance of the Empress. She had had to come in person to defeat the necromancer. It was the first time many had seen the true power of the Empress in living memory as she broke the port of Scarmouth, flooding it beneath the ocean to destroy its defenses to allow her navy to seize it. Since that war, the Empress has returned to Citadel to oversee the stability of her empire.


Contacts & Relations

The Empress commands the obedience of the Chosen Forged in Iron.

Social Aptitude

The Empress excels at manipulation and maintains several layers between the mask she shows the world and her true thoughts. She has a lot of natural charisma and the experience of managing a bureaucratic court that spans centuries. She knows proper etiquette and will use it as a tool, but she will also act outside of what is expected of her if it will get her what she wants. She is supremely confident in her abilities and portrays herself as such to others. She doesn't necessarily come across as full of herself, so much as that she knows how dangerous she reputedly is and that the rumors are not wrong.

Wealth & Financial state

She commands and can requisition whatever she needs from her empire in terms of wealth or funds.
Lawful Evil
Current Status
Ruling the Iron Empire
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Empress of the Iron Empire.
At least 220
Date of Birth
Circumstances of Birth
Round Purple Eyes
Long Black Hair adorned with blue and silver gemstones. Her hair is thick and straight.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale White
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
It is said that the Empress can understand all languages that are commonly spoken around the Shimmering Sea, as well as many ancient languages that have not spoken for centuries. Obscure languages or those from remote and isolated regions she, of course, has no comprehension of.

Articles under The Empress