Ankerya Geographic Location in Terrania and Umbregia | World Anvil
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The lands known as Ankerya are nestled between Zappadsia Mountains in the west and the Medialulem Sea in the East. The majority of its main cities lay along the coast as the expansive Minonia Desert flanks its rear. Much like the Primrose coast itself, Ankerya is a fairly loose collection of cities working together for mutual aid and protection. Nominally, the area is governed by a central committee in Trebiya of elected members from various important cities and designated areas deemed vital to the local trade network.  


The Confederation is governing body is the Central Committee in Trebiya. They are a group of 11 representatives from the large cities within Ankerya; Tunesta, Ayden, Merlopa, Izkara, Trebiya, Lebyla, Eridenne and Konmysa. The last two are reserved for the small settlements and nomadic peoples from in and around the Minonia Desert. Divided into North and South regions, they have small sub committees, and elect one of their own to represent the regions in the Central Committee. Some of the representatives are elected, while others are handpicked by their regions ruling entity. The Central Committee votes on a session Chief minister, who leads the group for a term of five years.  


The three main geographical features of the land (Zappadosia, Daegyu mountains and the Minonia Desert) are harsh in their climate, but vast in their natural riches. The cities of Eridenne and Tunesta are massive hubs of commercial and economic activity, exporting seemingly unquantifiable tonnes (to any non-Ankeryan bookkeeper) of raw goods, precious metals and manufactured delights across the world. Ankerya goods and materials are known to even travel beyond the Yerghegor Sea to Umbregia. The cities of Ankerya are incredibly ornate and lustrous. With seemingly unfettered wealth through the lands; massive public works, and artistic endeavors have been patronized throughout history. As a result; craftsfolk, tradesfolk, artists and engineers have long flocked to Ankerya in droves; even from the far-flung edges of the Dwarven and Elven lands on the other side of the world. Since the lands have attracted many foreigners to its cities, Ankerya has become an exceptional place of learning. Tunesta’s central library might boast the largest collection of books and manuscripts in the known world.


For much of history, the many cities dotted along the coast of the Medialulem Sea were merely independent city states. In 1225 AC They were wrapped up in the Pyrhem's Calamity which saw their coasts raided, and Tunesta and Eridenne suffered tremendous damage. The disunity proved to hinder the regions' ability to defend itself, and while discussions of a collaborative defense happened, nothing become set in stone. That was until The War of Symera from 1460-1465. Leblyla and Eridenne was crushed and humiliated by the much larger and more powerful Toussaint. Fearing more bullying by their neighbors, the leaders of Leblyla, Eridenne, Meralopa and Tunesta came together to discuss a union. Self Interest was the ultimate goal, so in 1467 they ratified the The Confederacy of the Cities of Ankerya.   This political cooperation proved fortunate as the Confederation soon faced its biggest threat. In 1521 AC an unnatural entity known as the Dark Sun arose around the peaks Zappadosia Mountians. It launched the struggle that would become known as The Zurlandor Crisis . Ankerya came out of the conflict with a very ravaged land but survived.   In 1727 AC. Toussaint and Ankerya almost came to blows over the sovereignty of the Iridian Strip. This was a stretch of land running from the Altus Mountains to the coast of Kings Bay. Both entities considered the land vital for economic and defensive reason. As the drums of Tor beat; war was averted with a last minute with the signing of the Treaty of Eucilida .
Title: The Confederacy of the Cities of Ankerya
Founded: 1467 AC
Capital: Trebiya
Ruler: Chief Minister of the Trebiya Commitee, Hernaz Ullendo of Leblyla


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