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Kronli Oathsworn

One of the The Sentinels of Terrania ; the greatest heroes of our time. Kronli and his compatriots were heavily responsible in defeating Pyrhem Wrathbringer and Ancalmo ending the Pyrhem's Calamity . He also became a key figure during the Invasion of the Mountain King . Many Terranian consider Kronli one of the greatest warriors of Terranian History.  


Kronli was born in Sparanta, Heleninum . His parents named him Weakheart as he was born within Lathander grasp, walking toward the end of life. Doctors guessed he would not survive his 1st year upon this plane. The poets posit; based on the life Kronli would go on to live, Helm himself intervened as Lathander handed the young child off to Kelemvor, God of Death .   Like many in Sparanta, Kronli grew up idolizing the Great Paladin Order, The Eyes on the Horizen . While Kronli may have been born the "weakheart" he did not grow up to be one. When first able to he joined the Eyes and went on to become its greatest paragon.   During the first few decades of Kronli's service, he saw action across Heleninum. He went on many expeditions deep into the The Agrios Agnosto and lead campaigns in Arcopolis and Mempythos to root out Condemned Gods of Terrania activity. In the early stages of the Pyrhem's Calamity , Kronli fought the Bloodhorde while supporting the defenses outside Sparanta. When the Primarch realized the threat Pyrhem poised to the region, he dispatched Paladins to various cities, that is how Kronli ended up in Eridenne.  

Pyrhem's Calamity

In the early stages of the The Great Siege of Eridenne , Kronli and three of his Eyes compatriots fought upon the cities outer wall. A massive wave of Bloodhorde crashed upon the walls and its defenders fought tooth and nail to hold back the onslaught. During the engagement, the three other Eyes Paladins perished. It was said Kronli held the ramparts by himself for almost an hour, cutting down hundreds if not thousands of Bloodhorde. For this reason, General Jermil Keshlonga sought out Kronli to join his special unit, The Sentinels. During the Calamity, Kronli was said to have landed the killing blow on Ancalmo 's Chief Herald Kalmir Slaughterbringer and Pyrhem himself at the climax of the battle for Myropolis.  

Invasion of the Mountain King

Kronli returned to Sparanta to continue his service to the Order and Helm. Upon hearing about the troubles brewing in northern Heleninum , Kronli convinced the Primarch to send him there. It did not take Kronli long to catch wind of Perithes expedition into the The Agrios Agnosto to investigate the The Mycretians and a growing threat. He was surprised to find Estmyra Mystbringer already in Perithes party. Thanks to Estmyra's convincing, Kronli joined the Sacred Band.   During the Invasion of the Mountain King, Kronli found Alethia; Herald of Remiel's raw prowess remarkable. But, the way she used it was unrefined. As a result, during the downtime throughout their journey, he trained her rigorously. Alethia was an exceptional student, and Kronli discovered he was equally as exceptional as a teacher. The two formed an incredibly strong bond, as mentor-mentee.   Kronli was given the Sacred Band and the goal of defending Heraloniki from the other half of The Mountain Kings army. Kronli arrived at the city to find the Strategos had fled, and the defense force in disarray. He immediately whipped them into shape, invigorating the defenders with a sense of pride. He had the defenses bolstered and then awaited the coming attack. The training and improved defenses were vital in the successful defense of the city. At times the defense waned, but never broke. During the climax of the battle, Kronli was said to; upon catching sight of the enemy commander (A being known only as The Great Green One leap from walls and charge alone towards it. He ended up slaying the enemy commander causing a massive route and in the chaos that followed, returned to ramparts. His soldiers were absolutely flabbergasted at what they had just witnessed, and those who survived swear to Kronli being a demi-god. It was at this point the relief forces from Nevma and Thesslion arrived, encircling the enemy army and destroying it. On the spot, Kronli was proclaimed Lord of Heraloniki. But his first and only act was to proclaim his successor, as he immediate set off to rejoin the remaining Sacred Band in the Agrios Agnosto.   During the final battle, Kronli held the vanguard of the defense. No matter how hard the beasts under the Mountain King's control hammered that position, he and his soldiers did not bend. During a lull in in the onslaught, he left to check on Estmyra and Alethia. By that point Alethia had left to fight The Mountain King using the The Corrupted Relics of Remiel . Kronli witnessed firsthand her slaying of The Mountain King and was there to help Estmyra attempt to subdue her; unsuccessfully. After Archangel Remiel's appearance ended the corruption of Alethia, Kronli was at her side when she took her final breath on our plane. Before Remiel ascended with Alethia's body, Kronli was said to have placed his sword; the one he had carried with him since his entry into the Eyes; in her limp hands. All artwork of Alethia created hence forth shows her wielding the Sword of Kronli.   Afterward, Kronli returned to Sparanta and the Eyes Order. By this time his exploits were world renown. In 1265 AC, Kronli was unanimously elected Primach. He lived out his days guiding the Order into their golden age. Because of Kronli, The Eyes on the Horizen is considered the greatest of all the paladin orders. All Helm devotees wish and pray the can one day follow in Kronli's footsteps.
Name: Kronli Weakheart Oathsworn
Honorables: Champion of Terrania, Defender of Eridenne, Eyes on the Horizon Primarch, Lord of Heraloniki
Race: Tiefling
Home: Sparanta, Heleninum
Class: Paladin of Helm; Oath of the Crown
Lifesplan: 1201 AC - 1312 AC


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