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Perfume Bay


Perfume Bay is lead by the Doge; an elected position that has significant power and influence in the city, as well as a major role in the Primrose Compact. The Doge splits their efforts between being the final signatory of policy within the city and its lands, but also its chief representative in the Compact. The Doge is elected through a two-level process: first a popular vote by all citizens of Perfume Bay and its domain (From the Bonfrau to the Breg River and north up to the Swabian Wetlands) followed by a snap election within the halls of the Esteemed Signoria; A 200 person council made up of representatives of the city's most prominent families and companies. The Doge sits at the head of the 10 Person Council known as the Prima-Concilium. The other nine members are chosen from the Signoria; four by the Doge themselves, and the remaining five by the Signoria. The Doge is also in charge of filling their seven-person cabinet known as the Collegio. The individuals here are oversee the navy, city guard, police, health services, education, agriculture, treasury, and infrastructure at the behest of the Doge. Policies, budgets, taxes and referendums are usually created and proposed from the Collegio or Signoria; and must pass in the Prima-Concilium with a simple majority. The Doge does have veto power but historically has seldom been used.  

Industry and Trade

Perfume is the economic hub of the Primrose Compact. As the landmasses major ocean port, the vast majority of international commerce flows through. The majority of goods from The Varangian Empire, Kingdom of Reinhart, and Toussaint first pass through the docks of Perfume Bay. And the majority of outgoing goods flows through its ports as well. Historically, it has been the preferred destination for Elvenium and Dwarvinum traders to drop their wares, which has long made the commercially minded and capable entities rich beyond the wildest imaginations.   With excess capital, and a firm control on foreign trade, Perfume Bay became the heart for banking and insuring. Entities from around the Compact, and Terranian come to the cities Guided Quarter to look for financial backings, and investment. With the sheer volume of trading bound from and to Perfume Bay, many wise individuals use the coin of Perfume Bay to protect their interests and products. Both industries have helped grow the city into the financial juggernaut it is today. As a result, a famous Perfume Bay Stock Exchange sprung up to meet the demands of fortune seeking individuals. With a simple fee, anyone can contribute coin to economic developments, in the hopes of hitting it rich.   While most of the wealth of Perfume Bay has been made through the moving of goods, the area blessed with abundant natural resources. Long sustained agricultural success has allowed the region to focus on developing industry. The outer ring of City boasts some of the best, and most respected factories in the Compact. Raw materials from both Terrania and Umbregia are pumped into the factories to create highly sought-after goods and products. The city gets its name from one of the first major commercial successes; a perfume shop that used the robust and exotic plants from Umbregia to craft exceptional fragrances. The industry exploded in popularity, and thusly, the city became known of his alluring fragrance.  

The Grey Port

The docks of Perfume Bay have been designated "greyzones" meaning anyone one and their ship that enters the waters of Perfume Bay are guaranteed complete amnesty during their stay.. as long as the port dues are paid in full. The only exceptions are individuals or organizations sanctioned by or formally branded as Absoluta Hostis by the Compact itself. Granted, it is incredibly rare for those infamous titles to be handed out, as the aggrieved party would need to petition the nebulous bureaucracy that is the Primrose Compact. Therefore, Perfume Bay has been a sanctuary for all manner of ruffians and rabblerousers. This has frayed relations with other political entities in the past. In 1574 AC the rebel Dwarven Kinslayer Yadmick Kragbrow headquartered and conducted his insurgency in northern Dwarvinum from the docks of Perfume Bay. Even under threat of invasion by the Dwarven King of the lands known as Barrow-Urk, Perfume Bay did not acquiesce. The matter was on the brink of war, until the corpse of Yadmick was found floating in the bay.
Additionally, the Greyzone includes the endless rows of warehouses connected to the docks. What's special about these is that each parcel of land is considered completely sovereign to the individual or individuals who own the rights. The rules and regulations of Perfume Bay and the Compact are null-void and free from oversight. For this reason, these warehouses have become incredibly sought after by royal families, trade companies and probably, nefarious individuals. Whether they use the warehouses to hid illicit material or as safe havens to facilitate large exchanges free some taxes, their existence has been important to the success of the city. Its said, the reason Perfume Bay's tariffs are almost non-existent is because of the coin made from the rights to these warehouses. The owners themselves are completely unknown except to the highest upper echelons of the Perfume Bay esteemed Signoria and Doge Prima Concilium.


The area had been a sizable naval port during the golden age ofThe Alessian Empire But, was totally destroyed during the Reinhart Raids of the 900s AC. From the ruins, it is believed splinter factions from the raiders set up a small fortified trading post and port. Rumors persist that over the centuries the small port became a haven for pirates and bandits looking for sanctuary from the Varangia navy. The reason being is that in 1312 AC, the city was formally recognized and "founded" by the 1st Doge, Claustro Calligari; who had strong ties and support from Varangia. One can surmise the true cause was to have an official entity work on behalf of the Varangians to protect the shipping lanes moving along the coast.
While many speculate the ultimate strategy might have been for Perfume Bay to stabilize the region in order to one day annex it; the prosperity of Perfume Bay and other Primrose cities; created a strong independent spirit. For the Varangians, having a strong stable ally on his Eastern border probably seemed good enough, especially will the turmoil that would befall the lands in the coming centuries.
Perfume Bay was incredibly influential city during the 1428 AC founding of the Primrose Compact . It boasted a huge navy, and had the coin to support and supply the armies necessary to toppling the False-Emperor Krex Weiberknochen . While the conflict was fought with Lugencroft bravery and Maravian blood, it was Perfume Bay's coin that ultimately decided the outcome. And therefore, they earned the right to a leadership position within the Compact.
Founding Date
1312 AC (Official)
62,350 city proper; 210,000 domain
Included Locations


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