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Derovian Meritocracy


The Derovian Meritocracy is a unique nation, created from human cities unified by their ideals, that those who do the most, deserve the most power. They have the best naval shipyards and focus on naval power and trade with exotic countries.


Seeing their new rules, which was at the very least a fluid caste system, to sometimes a straight-up rule of the people, they became more and more unsatisfied with the hard caste system they were in and it was unfair that those which worked their bodies the hardest, had no rewards or say in the matter how the nation was led. Though some educated people understood why, they felt there was a better way to do things
This idea of creating a better fluid caste system and the refusal of Erados to do so fueled the civil unrest until one region, Derovia, with an idealistic duke "Arlo Tempest" decided to separate from Erados, creating a new fluid caste system, where everyone got rewarded for the hard work they did, how much they helped their region or community in any way possible. Erados saw this as a small rebellion and sent a small army to quell it, however by the time it got there, the ideals spread across more regions where some aristocratic leaders were overthrown and all the militias of those regions united in a new Derovian Army. Using a mix of both conventional and guriella tactics, they were able to not only defeat the loyalist army, but also take few more regions and even convinced a number of the loyalist soldiers to join them in the new nation they were creating.
After seeing their resolve and ability to defend themselves, the king that ruled Erados at the time, decided that he won't risk more soldiers or cities being taken by suing for peace under the condition, that Derovia will not expand further into the Kingdom of Erados. Derovia agreed with this and until the king's death, they were truthful to their word, though the king's death was not too far away.
In this time of peace they reorganized the government. Until then it was Arlo of Derovia who decided "who helped the most", but he himself knew that is not a sustainable way to solve who will lead the newly formed Derovian Meritocracy.

Internal Politics

They have an Assembly made from Officially Recognised Communities (that can be towns, cities, but also guilds or just nationalities) Those are the leaders of these communities.
During Elections, each community chooses 1 person they think did the most and want them to lead the country either due to their military, economic or diplomatic accomplishments. These people are then brought to the Assembly, each Assembly member then votes which position the candidate should fill and score them from 1-10 fo how much they think the candidate deserves the position (the community which brought him there abstains). After which the numbers are counted up and you get 3 leaders who create the Derovian Triage.
A Military Leader, an Economic Leader and a Diplomatic Leader. Those 3 then rule the nation together and need at least 2/3 votes to pass laws or actions.
They stay leaders for 5-10 years after which there is a new election. UNLESS one of them dies OR The Assembly almost unanimously (90%+) votes to have new elections if the Triage is proving to be too incompetent.


Originating from the human kingdom, they are located on the north-west of Nostrea, having some coastal cities. They are mainly trade and agriculturally based, but are trading for weapons and mercenaries with the Free Cities. They trade a lot with the other continents bringing in exotic merchandise. Their capital is Morénia, a massive coastal city focused on trade and seafaring. They make the best and fastest ship in Nostrea and use that to their advantage.

Diplomatically they have an uneasy peace with the Kingdom of Erados, as more regions keep flipping from Erados to Derovian Meritocracy with the promise of a chance to become someone else. They have good relationships with the NFC and Mišára Kingdom. They are trying to get a good relationship with the Mechani Empire, seeing them as similar to them in some ways, but are cautious of their militaristic nature. And they have neutral relationship with both Taer-Ci and Dar Mund
Geopolitical, Country
Parent Organization

Friendly, Trade Partners

Derovian Meritocracy buys a lot of technologies and products from the NFC and is inspired by some of their cities' political and social structure. There are talks of forming an official alliance


They see themselves as fellow young and small nations, though differing in ideologies, still with similar ideals


Derovian Meritocracy is trying to befriend the Mechani Empire, due to its military prowess, but wants is cautious as the Meritocracy wants to stay its own thing


Dar Mund dislikes them a bit as they are breaking the old laws

Tense, but peaceful

The human kingdom of Erados, dislikes Derovian Meritocracy, as it lost most of it's land to them and see them more as a rebellion

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