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Northern Free Cities


  The Northern Free Cities is a coalition/confederation of 6 City-States of dwarven and human origin, with enough monetary and technological power to defend themselves. With main focus is trade of Hexodiths


Based in the mountainous northern region, all of these cities were made to mine, process and develop technologies using Hexodith Ores, used in the new wave of technology, due to this their power and riches increased. But, being blocked by their governments to trade with other nations and even though still rich, they felt underpaid, they rebelled being rich enough to hire mercenary armies and technologically advanced enough to make sure they don't die, that they eventually won their independence.

Nature and Internal Politics

Each city-state has their own laws and political systems, but all are to some degree democratic or at least their cast systems are fluid enough so everyone has the chance to become something greater. Even though they have different systems, through one way or another, each city elects or chooses a representative, who represents them and those Representatives then form the Free Council.
The Council controls the military and the official diplomatic relations with other nations and they can also declare Coalition Bounties/Banishments across the entirety to the Northern Free Cities
Due to the City-State like nature, there is no official Capital of the Free Cities, instead, they made a diplomatic headquarters in a small town, in the middle of the mountain range, alongside their inner-city trade-routes, where the council members go and meet to discuss what's new and what's next and during harder times they also live there.
Being a trade coalition they have business deals with almost everyone, apart from the Dar Mund Kingdom, who still want to conquer them.
They have excellent relations with the Mišára Kingdom, as the Royal Family has connections in most of the Free Cities. They have really good relations with the Derovian Meritocracy, who buys from them a lot, as a young nation fighting for its existence, similar how they were. They have fairly good relations (from their PoV) with the Elves and Humans. Some Free Cities have deals with the Mechani Empire, but no official statement has been made by the council.
Political, Confederation
Parent Organization
Neighboring Nations

Friendly, Trade Agreements

NFC helped a lot during the creation of Mišára Kingdom and they have cooperated since, with Mišára  mainly trading in food and services for NFC's in technologies and raw materials There are talks in making an official alliance

Friendly, Trade Partners

Derovian Meritocracy buys a lot of technologies and products from the NFC and is inspired by some of their cities' political and social structure. There are talks of forming an official alliance

Friendly, Trade Agreements

Friendly, Trade Agreements


The NFC has no official diplomatic stance with the Mechani Empire, but some of the cities do have trade deals with the Empire.

Hostile, Trade Ban

Due to NFC being a nation which rebelled from the dwarves, the tensions are high and dwarves are hard to forgive. Dar Mund has a trade ban against purchasing from the NFC and anyone caught breaking it will be charged for treason. The NFC on the other hand has no such ban, but if anyone of NFC's citizens is found to sell information to the dwarven kingdom, they are then proclaimed traitors and will be charged for treason.

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