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Mišára Kingdom


A young kingdom on an island south of the Dur Mun Kingdom and East of the Taer-Ci Kingdom. Left alone due to a lack of threat/gain from being conquered.
The current rulers of this kingdom are Theodore and Isla Mišára. (Formerly "Whitesoul" and "Mia-Aris" respectively).
The Kingdom's Symbol/Animal is the Hippogriff (Union between Humans - Eagle and Elves - Unicorn/Horse) They mainly trade in food, silk and are fore-runners in Classical Magical Studies  


The second Young Nation that came to existence. The Mišára Kingdom was founded by a human prince "Theodore Whitesoul" and an elven duchess "Isla Mia-Aris", both members of their kingdoms' royal families. They were representatives to the Newly Founded Northern Free Cities, where they met and eventually fell in love. While there, they made connections which proved useful later on.
When their families found out about their love and they were disowned and banished, but they had enough followers that liked them, who went with them into exile, with this they started a new kingdom on a Neutral Island until then inhabited mainly by half-lings, satyrs and gnomes, located south of Dar Mund and east of the east coast of Taer-Ci.

Internal Politics

Though still following the feudal system, they find the racial ideals of their former homelands ignorant and stupid, making their kingdom the best it could be they actively welcome anyone from any race, who can contribute to their lands, or just who wants to escape the Old Kingdoms. Calling the kingdom (and themselves) Mišára, a mixture of both old human and elvish languages, meaning "mixed".


The island has hilly pastures, deep forests and even a few mountains in the northern regions, making it an ideal place for a mixed population to live. The capital of Cer-Togen [Ser-Togen] is on the northern coast of the island, being a trade city. The kingdom mainly focuses on agriculture and for now depends on their trade with both the Free Cities and Dar Mund, to create their weaponry and fuel their military, but their main asset for now is their Mages Guild, which has made interesting developments in both regular magic and the new Spell-Tech.

Diplomatically they have strained, yet peaceful relationships with the Human and Elven kingdoms. They have excellent relations with the Free Cities as they have helped them a lot during the creation of Mišára. They have surprisingly good relations with the Dar Mund Kingdom. They have friendly, yet guarded relations with the Derovian Meritocracy and they have natural but cautious relations with the Mechani Empire.

United, we are strong!

Geopolitical, Kingdom
Alternative Names
Leader Title
Head of Government
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute
Power Structure
Feudal state
Economic System
Mixed economy
Parent Organization
Official Languages
Related Species

Friendly, Trade Agreements

NFC helped a lot during the creation of Mišára Kingdom and they have cooperated since, with Mišára  mainly trading in food and services for NFC's in technologies and raw materials There are talks in making an official alliance

Friendly, Trade Agreements

Even though the dwarves do not agree with Mišára's ideals, they don't see them as a threat and a great trade parter for food. In exchange the dwarves usually send militias or work-force, to help the young kingdom build and improve


They see themselves as fellow young and small nations, though differing in ideologies, still with similar ideals

Peaceful, but cautious

Mišára Kingdom is affraid of the Mechani empire, due to its militaristic society

Neutral, bitter

Due to the origin of Mišára kingdom, the humans have some prejudice towards it

Neutral, Bitter

Due to the origin of Mišára kingdom, the elves have some prejudice towards it

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