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Daisuke Shinomura- Kuremoto (a.k.a. Daiyamondo)

Daisuke has the body of Hokuto Shinomura's son, and the soul of the sorcerer Ishida Tokimune. He is an unofficial member of The Shinobi Corps of Kakureta and the adoptive brother of Enatsu Kuremoto. Their late father Satuo Kuremoto retired in the village, and fulfilled a request from Hokuto to raise the boy after Hokuto disappeared from the village. After many trials and tribulations, he and Ishida have come to an understanding, and now work together to protect their home from both The Laozi Invasion, and the incursion of demons from the shadow realm of Jigoku.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Dai is very fit, but he appears sickly or unwell. Though he is tall and broad-shouldered, possesses great strength, and does not tire easily, he has dark circles under his eyes and sweats disproportionally to his level of exertion. These are all symptoms of the Maho poisoning he still suffers from.

Body Features

Dai's right arm- and hand- has been broken from the elbow down on several occasions, and he wears a bamboo-and-straw brace to help strengthen it.

Identifying Characteristics

Daisuke is tall for a Hokkaidan- about six feet- partially due to the Oni blood that still courses through him, despite his efforts to purge himself of it. He has brown hair, with a shock of white- another symptom of the Maho poisoning- and pale, sickly looking skin. Sometimes, if the sun is on him and one looks closely, one can see his veins, like black eels swimming in a deep river.

Special abilities

In addition to the martial stances and special manuevers that he developed with the help of his father and sister, Dai also possesses the ability to tap into Maho- a dark magic that comes from the shadow realm of Jigoku- to enhance his physical strength and resilience, and even perform some supernatural feats. He possesses the ability to travel briefly through Jigoku, stepping into one darkened area, and emerging from another by passing through the Shadow realm for a brief second. Currently he can only do this in very short bursts, no more than about 30ft at a time.   He also possesses darkvision, as well as a ring which hides cloaks him from creatures who possess darkvision.

Apparel & Accessories

Daisuke wears a battered suit of red lamellar armor he inherited from his sister, consisting of the chestplate, bracers, and shinguards, without the shoulderpads or helmet. Although it is no longer the full, imposing o-yori suit it once was, the armor suits Dai just fine: it is not as constrictive as heavier armors, allowing Dai the freedom of movement many of his martial manuevers require. Furthermore, it allows dai to conceal most of it under his kimono. He wears a straw hat while travelling, to help hide his skin- now overly-sensitive as a side-effect of his Maho poisoning- from the sun, and to keep the elements off his face.   He also wears a haori jacket, previously belonging to Ishida. When he found it, it was jet-black, with raven feathers sewn into the collar to form a sort of mantle. But ever since Ishida came to realize his mistakes and renounced his infernal pact with Sutoku, the cloak is now a beige color, and the feathers appear to have transformed into owl feathers. Daisuke is not quite sure what powers the jacket possesses, but it is magcial in nature.   Daisuke also possesses a small flute, gifted to him by his father. He is fond of playing it during quiet, contemplative moments.

Specialized Equipment

Daisuke has a sword, given to him by his father, which he has named Luna. The spirit of this sword was awakened when it was struck by a bolt of lightning during Operation: Seiki. This blow almost killed Daisuke, but awoke the kami of the blade, which now possesses the speed and destructive power of a lightning bolt.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Daisuke was stillborn on the Night of A Thousand Devils. His father, Hokuto Shinomura, was beside himself, and did something unspeakable: he used a cursed sword to rip the soul from Ishida- his former student, fallen from grace and killed by Hokuto's hand- and place it in the lifeless body of his newborn son. It was thus that Daisuke's life began, and he has been plagued by conflict and torment ever since.   Growing up in Kakureta, Daisuke did not know his birth father, only his adoptive father- a kindly old Sparrow samurai named Satuo Kuremoto- and his adoptive sister Enatsu. Dai, as his sister and close friends call him, was a troubled lad, as he didn't understand why he had a strange affinity for the powers of darkness and shadow. Growing up in a ninja village, this was not deemed all that strange, but it did make Dai feel apart from his fellows. He spent much of his youth alone, meditating on the disquiet he felt in his soul, and attempting to focus his body and mind through martial study with his father and sister.   When he came of age, and the Laozi Invasion threatened his home he stepped up, along with a small group of shinobi, to defend their isle.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Daisuke is proud to have accomplished some great deeds in the service of his family, his village, and his kingdom. Though at the time of the incident, he was not in direct control of the body he shares with Ishida, he was the most explosive aspect of the Wan Bay Incident: he snuck aboard the two Laozi ships guarding the harbor, and detonated their powder magazines. The ships sunk, the rest of the Heroes of Hokkai were able to smuggle out the children of Soga Korokane- a Sparrow swordsmith with whom the party had made a deal: if the shinobi could spirit away his children, he would forge for them a magic sword capable of slaying any Oni.   Daisuke was able to overcome Ishida's hold on his body, and after Dai's friends agreed to delve with him into his subconscious and face Ishida in the Spirit Realm, has made peace with the penitent sorcerer, who now offers information and guidance about the forces of darkness he once allied with.   [dc ]Daisuke himself stopped the demonic general Kidomaru from tearing open a portal to the shadow realm of Jigoku: by tripping the demon and knocking him into the rift he had created, Dai was able to stop the ritual and save the Kingdom of Hokkai, and perhaps the world.

Failures & Embarrassments

Daisuke has always been deeply conflicted about the nature of his spirit, even when he didn't fully understand it. Ishida's penchant for bargaining with the denizens of Jigoku filtered down into Dai: the demon general Kidomaru, once held in the jade mine of Rojigo Village, made a blood pact with Daisuke to increase both their strengths. Dai now bears the taint of Maho, the magical, corrupting influence of Jigoku. It has sublty transformed his body, increasing his musculature and height, but stripping the color from his skin and hair. Though it can infuse his mortal body with bursts of unnatural strength, it is slowly poisoning his body and soul, and no cure is yet known to the people of Hokkai.   One of the unforseen consequences of this dark bargain was infecting his father, Satuo Kuremoto, with the oni's blood. Satuo, being old and frail, could not withstand the demon's possession, and so became a monster. Kidomaru used the old man's to battle Daisuke and the Heroes of Hokkai, and remind him of his foolish arrogance. As Daisuke's childhood home burned around them, he made his most difficult decision yet: wishing to prevent the demon from wreaking havoc on his home, and to end his father's suffering, Daisuke cleaved Satuo's head from his body, killing him. The corpse burned away in the house fire, and Daisuke carries the burden of his father's death with him to this day.

Mental Trauma

Daisuke suffers from a magic-induced form of Dissasociative Identity Disorder. Because Daisuke's soul is not his own, he has two personalities: himself and Ishida. Ishida retained his memories, and sought to use Daisuke's body to forward the goals and plans he'd had in his former life. Ishida and Dai battled constantly over this, and Dai sometimes lost control of his body to Ishida involuntarily, causing conflict between himself and the other Heroes of Hokkai. After diving into his own soul, he confronted Ishida, and with the help of Tsuki, convinced Ishida that he was wrong, and turned him to the side of good.  
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Dai actually possesses a third alter, a dark manifestation of the pact he's created with Kidomaru, which threatens to take over his body when he attempts the powers of Jigoku he possesses.

Morality & Philosophy

Daisuke has recently committed himself to the ideals of bushido that his father raised him with, to be a proper samurai, and to try and leave behind the darkness that plagues him. Though his training as a shinobi has not left him, he is now attempting to walk the path of a samurai, and uphold the social order that does not understand, or even acknowledge the existence, of himself and his friends.

Personality Characteristics


Dai desires to protect his homeland by any means necessary, including making dark bargains with demonic forces. Though he still is willing to do whatever it takes to save Hokkai, and is not offended by the methods his shinobi bretheren use to achieve their goals, he now seeks to be a better samurai, and to honor the memory of his late father.


Family Ties

He still has a close relationship with his foster sister, Enatsu, who currently y
Neutral Good
Gray, piercing.
Brown, with a shock of white
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Sickly pale
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
Hokkaidan, Laozi, Infernal.


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