
The Barony of Pelgate lies along the southern range of the Broken Crags, in Terrinoth’s eastern reaches. Pelgate derives most of its wealth from iron mines throughout the feet of the Broken Crags, and its southern lands extend into the bountiful Velvet Plains. Pelgate was the site of important battles during the Dragon Wars, and its lands still bear the scars to prove it. In the centuries of peace, however, Pelgate’s travails have been largely forgotten, and other baronies’ accomplishments eclipse its reputation.

Within the bounds of the barony, the Ashen Hills extend from the base of the Broken Crags. These jagged and rocky foothills are so named for their condition in the aftermath of the Dragon Wars. Useless for farming, the hills are notable for the strange, rune-marked obelisks that break forth from certain grassy mounds. Aside from these mysterious stones, the Ashen Hills are home to Fort Rodric, constructed following the Dragon Wars to honor the hero who is its namesake.

Baroness Pryor is the most aged of the Daqan Lords, and among both her fellow barons and subjects are those who fear she may no longer possess the strength to deal with the rising threat in the east. After Kell, Pelgate lies closest of the baronies to the Ru Steppes, and its position between two mountain chains provides a natural bottleneck and defensible position. Still, a greater number of subjects and peers fail to even recognize the looming danger, and so Pelgate takes few steps to prepare its defenses. Dame Corinne Varr, a captain of Pelgate’s army, fears that her barony will soon be tested, and takes preparations she can to prepare her soldiers. In frustration, Varr has begun to enlist aid from sellswords and mercenary mages traveling through Pelgate’s lands.

Geopolitical, Barony
Parent Organization
Controlled Territories
Neighboring Nations


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