Cassius Solus

Cassius Solus is the founder, CEO, and head of research & development at HexGen Systems. His groundbreaking direct neural interface augment, laid the groundwork not only for the growth of his own corporation, but for the tekware industry as a whole.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Born in New Haven in 61 UE to first generation Novis-born parents, Cassius received education from the highest ranked schools on Novis. He has stated during interviews that he was pressured into the physical sciences like his parents, however, found the practical applications of biotek much more interesting.   While attending classes for bio and tekware design, Cassius was simultaneiously working on the initial designs of his first direct neural interface augment. While these types of augments already existed, the varying brain structures across species made universal DNI augments almost impossible, raising the price of this technology while reducing its availability and functionality.   In 81 UE, at twenty years old; Cassius founded HexGen Systems and simultaneously launched their first product, the first truely universal DNI augment. The standardized manufacturing for this tekware augment ensured that its costs were comparibly low to other DNI augments on the market at the time, and launched not only Cassius' career, but HexGen's surge in popularity as well. Between 81 and 84 UE, Cassius would focus his research efforts into finding a way to reduce or remove the risk of augment rejection syndrome, along with releasing some additional tekware augments specifically targeted towards the people of Novis; such as the Toxoplast, a toxin sequestering augment.   By 84 UE, Cassius' efforts were successful. HexGen released their line of Hexite-enhanced augments, which used the corporation's newly developed metamaterial to completely negate the risk of ARS. This event also marked a shift in his and his company's direction, now adding virtual experiences to supplement their line of augments. In early 85 UE, not long after the release of the first Hexite augment line, ground was broken on the corporation's headquarters; the HexGen Spire, which is fully completed only three years later in 88 UE.   With the completion of the Spire, Cassius has completed his corporation's shift towards pleasure; providing augments, virtual experiences, and even completely custom bio-molded bodies. Today, he continues to develop Hexite and augment technology as not only the CEO of HexGen, but as its head of R&D as well.
Current Status
CEO and Head of Research & Development at HexGen
Current Location
Year of Birth
61 UE 30 Years old
Current Residence
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Black and white scales
Aligned Organization
!Unknown Data Input // Scraped Data // Type: 'Secret Histories'


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