
Airships existed before the formation of the Archadian Empire. The Elves had their own designs but they were few in numbers. Used rarely, only on special occasions, as they were powered by Elven High Magic. The Humans toyed with the idea of using balloons as a way to create airships but they were mostly a novelty. The Gnomes tried many times to create a functional hybrid one, infused with magic but mostly non-magical structure. Many such experiments were explosive in their failure. Those that were successful were private, used by researchers to travel far, sometimes they would sell their services as transport but rarely such a vehicle would be found, even in major cities. It wasn't until the creation of Arcanite and great ambitions of its creators that the Airships became common. Some say too common. The Archadian Empire created airways for many airships, creating a global network. Over time, it became the preferred way to travel, as they were sometimes faster than sea ships and were capable of having many more goods on board. After the Fourth Age, The Calamity, almost all of this was lost but thanks to the city of Quadropolis, the airship network was revived in the Fifth Age, Current Age. It isn't as vast as before but almost all major cities around the world, especially in the Old World have at least one airport.
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