Demon King

Nobody really knew his name, only by the title given to him by the masses. It's disputed if he was human or an elf, as even the records are hazy about his appearance. The Demon King lived during the Fourth Age, The Calamity and while his real age and origins is unknown, the moment he arrived in the Riverlands is historic. Leading an army of demons, he marched against the Icon Nephilim, who was destroying the lands with his subjects. He was able to drive him back and turned on the local populace, uniting them under his tyrannical rule. The war was short and he came out victorious. With powerful magic at his fingertips and mighty allies at his side, he created the Demonwalls, magical fortifications in the Riverlands, that safeguarded the lands from the Icons. The Empire of Ys'Hett was founded.The populace saw him more as a savior, at least at first but over time it got worse. He was a tyrant, there was no doubt about it. Magic was outlawed, only those that served him could use it. Worship was strict and barely any temples existed, most were destroyed by his host. In many eyes, he became a Villain, and sooner or later, he would meet his end. This happened during the end of the Calamity, when Vecna tried to become an Overgod. The Demon King saw the rising power as a threat, so he sent his best men and most of his army to join others against the god. He wasn't a weak person but without most of his forces, the populace saw a chance. A group, now known as the Demonslayers, attacked the Demon King, killing him and his cohorts. This had a detrimental effect on the land as his magic was somehow connected to it, devastating much of it. Then Vecna's fall happened, adding more to the disaster. The Demonslayers told that the Demon King was slain and he was no more. Some scholars, to this day, believe that might not be the case, as the Demon King never got a Star, even Villains get one, he didn't. The Immortal ruler of Isila, once a member of the Demonslayers, Luvic attest that there is nothing to worry about.


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