Stars of Tethys

Stars of the night sky of Tethys are unique and can come and go. First, each star has its own "owner" and the majority of them form clusters or constellations. Constellations and clusters show either Titans, True Gods (Greater Deities only) or Major Entities. All Titans have their own Constellations. Chronos being the only Titan to gain one after The Second Divergence  as his history was obscured until that even occured. Once a God achieves Greater Deity status he gains his own constellation. The number of stars equals his number of Portfolios, so he can gain or lose stars. If a Greater Deity loses his status (either by becoming an Overgod or due to other factor), he loses his constellation also. The other type are Major Entities, these can range from simple constellations or clusters (the second when their number is fluctuating or uncountable). While Titans and Gods will have their constellations named after themselves, the Major Entities share their constellations/clusters with other of their same kind (like the Constellation of the Spire showing the Hellish Spire and each star being one of the Archdevils). The last type are sole starts, that aren't part of a constellation or cluster. First, are those from Heros/Villains. Each Hero or Villain who denounces divinity and becomes remembered for centuries to come will have his own star, these can only go away if people forget about the existence of the Hero/Villain. Second, is the North Star which is always seen on the night sky, showing all travellers where the north is. This is also the location of the Palace of the Overgod of Tethys. Last sole stars can be seen only through magical means or special technology as they are far, far away. These aren't stars like all the others but other spheres of reality.   Also, there exist Stars, which are like the Sol. More were found near the end of the Third Age, Kingdoms. Suns that are the center of Sphers (like The Cube of this world).  

List of Constellations

List of Clusters

List of Sole Stars


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