Dread Baron

The great god of the Islanders. The Dread Baron brings gifts, you are ready to fight for his cause, which is uniting people with their dead. Followers of the Dread Baron do not fear death as they all know what will happen to them in the afterlife. They keep their heads high and help whenever they can. Clerics have a unique ritual among the followers called Dawn of the Dead, where the bodies of the once deceased are exhumated and the families take their dead relatives to show them the world for one day. Some pay a premium to have them be "alive" for that one day, while most parade with dead bodies.  


The Islanders after the Second Age, Godswar felt abandoned by their gods and lived only on the islands that once were part of the Old World. They, of course, waged war against one another, even if ships at that time were more prone to failure on long-distance travel. Instead of worshiping the gods, they started to worship their ancestors, ghosts and spirits. Thus they spoke back and the first one of the Basin of Loa was the Dread Baron. Appeared before his future followers, he asked them to bring all the Islanders on the Great Loa Island for a party, a truce and maybe peace. Almost all obliged but were astonished by what they saw. The island was filled with undead, however, none of the undead attacked them, they were peaceful and some started to recognize their family. The Dread Baron raised all the ancestors of the Islanders who came to the island for them to talk, for one day. The living could speak with their lost families and relatives once more and found them not liking the situation, reprimanded, and begged the undead until the mortals agreed or were convinced. A peace was made between the nations of the Islanders, this is why they wage little to no war between themselves, seeing it as fruitless. If any conflict arises, they speak "with a higher power" like their dead fathers and mothers for guidance, so it might be ended without bloodshed. The Dread Baron wouldn't be the last of the Loa to show himself to the mortals but due to his initiative, he became the leader of the pantheon. He saw no quarrel to be made with other gods and saw only the idea of helping his own people, as such, he was one of the few gods that used their Avatar during the Fourth Age, The Calamity on the Islands. Even after his temporary death at the hands of the Icons, he would later reappear to help against Vecna. He wanted the portfolio of Death but the Wise One granted it to the Last Judge.  


  • Death is a doorway. There is no need to stop those that want to enter it.
  • Your ancestors seek only the best for you. Seek their guidance, even if you need to call them from the beyond.
  • Do not fear death. Life is too interesting.
  • Relationships with other Gods

    He has a friendly rivalry among his own pantheon of Basin of Loa. He worked many times with Vecna but after the Fourth Age, The Calamity this became rare. He made a small alliance with the Dark Tyrant, nobody really knows why. The gods of life like Valena and Sunlord despise him but he doesn't mind.  

    Cleric Domains



    Ghosts, Talking with the Dead, Seances  


    None, Intermediate Deity  


    Chaotic Neutral  

    Known Aspects

    None, Intermediate Deity
    Divine Classification
    Intermediate Deity
    Aligned Organization


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