Conduit of Free Will

The conduit is formed when mortals are allowed the choice, it is theorized to be formed in the center of four Source Planes - Law, Chaos, Evil and Good. Without them, there is no Free Will and it is a powerful thing. Different from Divinity which creates Gods and from Prime which governs everything material. It is said that Life Spark can create Life, however, it won't gain true Free Will. It will exist, act predictably but when it will have a hard choice to make, it won't be able to make it. Over time, creatures created by the Life Spark can gain Free Will. There are also creatures that have pseudo Free Will like Celestials, Demons, Archfey or any similar plannar creature. Their will is governed by the powers of Source Planes and it really is hard for them to go beyond that. That's why, for example, Fallen Angels are a rarity. The only creatures that have Free Will are those that gain Souls - mortals. The gods can try to affect mortal free will but it is limited, they will never have full control over them. This is also why predicting the future is a hard thing to do, the further you go in time, the more it becomes blurry, as mortals' free will affects choice and timelines. There is one place in the plane, that no mortal or god can enter, theorized as being the Bank of Souls. Whenever a new mortal being is born, a soul will be granted from the bank. It is unknown the exact moment it happens, most believe it is on conception, while others after you are born or when you gain "consciousness" of your actions. After a mortal's soul goes to the Afterlife, they can decide "enough" and pass over, this will move their soul to the bank and allow it to enter a new body, fresh and clean of the past. Mortals that went with plannar creatures (because they were deemed unworthy in Fugue Plane) can pass on like this as well, even if they are still serving those creatures in the planes. Those that didn't go either way, over time will disappear in the Fugue Plane and their soul will pass to the bank.
Dimensional plane


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