Great Mother

Mother of Halflings

The Great Mother, a revered Titan of Tethys, was the architect of life on land before the Titan War. Harnessing the power of the Life Spark energies, she meticulously crafted the plains and forests, reshaped mountains and hills, and populated the world with an abundance of life. Her work, in harmony with the Caretaker's control over the seas and oceans, created a balanced ecosystem teeming with diversity.   As the war among the Titans and the First Gods escalated, the Great Mother found herself at a crossroads. The Translucent Traveler, a First God, managed to convince her to abstain from the conflict. Agreeing to this, the Great Mother distanced herself from the war, sparing herself the agonizing sight of her creation being tarnished.   In the aftermath of the Titan War, the Great Mother sought refuge from the prying eyes of Gods and mortals alike. It is widely believed that she joined the Caretaker, her old ally and companion, in a hidden sanctuary deep within the oceans of Tethys.   Apart from her significant contributions to the shaping of the world, the Great Mother is also recognized as the creator of the Halfling race. She bestowed upon them a profound love for nature, an innate appreciation for life, and an insatiable wanderlust. These traits have come to define Halflings, serving as constant reminders of the Great Mother's nurturing spirit and her eternal influence on the world of Tethys.


Family Ties

Icon: Tarrasque
Divine Classification


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