Marsh Lord

The patron of the black dragons is also the patron of the marshes and swamps. You wouldn't really see it as the god rarely showed up in history and this goes for his worshippers as well. Lately, that changed with the Makokou but his clerics are still nowhere to be seen. If any show up, they work to steal ancient artifacts for themselves, taking them into unknown swamps and marshes.  


Many of the marshes of Tethys belong to the Marsh Lord, at least that's what his worshippers tell others. The Black Dragons revel in this environment, bringing many foolish mortals into their kingdoms and then devouring them. The Marsh Lord is no mere black dragon, he is part of the world itself. Many believe that the Black Marsh is his manifestation on Tethys, his real avatar that never left the Material Plane. During the Second Age, Godswar, after The Elder War ended, the Marsh Lord disappeared from the public. He did join the Jade Emperor and his Chromatic Alliance but he would rarely show up to the other gods. Last time he did so, was during Vecna's failed ascension.  


  • Be your surroundings, as your enemies will never know what hit them
  • Mask your presence, the swamps will help you
  • Seek what others hide, claim it as your own
  • Relationships with other Gods

    It is really a mystery what relationships the Marsh Lord keeps, as even with the Chromatic Alliance he is a rarely seen ally of them. It is to be noted that he despises the Elder Pantheon.  

    Cleric Domains



    Marsh, Swamps, Black Dragons  


    None, Lesser Deity  


    Chaotic Neutral  

    Known Aspects

    None, Lesser Deity
    Divine Classification
    Lesser Deity
    Aligned Organization


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