San Xiu

In the height of the Jadeite Empire during the Third Age, Kingdoms, the dragons bought up land in Arakhor from desperate Tieflings and Devils founding their colony of Wu Xia. When the world fell into disarray during the Fourth Age, The Calamity, so did this colony as Tieflings and Humans rebelled against their dragon-masters. The revolt was successful and they renamed their nation into the San Xiu. It lasted for centuries and grew in numbers with a major impact at the start of the Fifth Age, Current Age. When the ashes settled and people rebuilt, ships arrived but they weren't happy. A new Heavenly Emperor was chosen - Emperor Magmos and with his new Heaven's Mandate he ordered these lands to return but the people refused. A war broke out, only to be stopped momentarily during The Second Divergence. People of San Xiu fight for their right to independence against the now reborn Wu Xia.


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