The Penitent

One of the safest bets to a "good god" by the people of Tethys. Even if he was a fiend before, he chose the path of self-sacrifice, suffering, and redemption to gain the love of his worshippers. Many Tieflings in Arakhor, who cast out their vile ways, follow The Penitent. His worshippers and clerics can sometimes do the unthinkable and turn conflict around, stopping a robber before the robbery, making an evildoer change his ways and many more.  


The Penitent goes back to the Third Age, Kingdoms, just after the Second Age, Godswar, when the Tieflings of Arakhor rebelled against their masters, the fiends. One such Tiefling called himself Penitent, as he wished to be cleansed of the wicked ways in his soul. He was captured by the Devils of Phlegathar and was crucified. As he was a hero to many, this action sparked a bigger revolt than the fiends thought would be possible. They were slaughtered and the body of the Tiefling was carried to a grave. Many days later, he would raise up, still bearing bleeding wounds. He became a Demigod and preached that the Tieflings can return to become good again and fight against their blood to do so. This sparked a cult that turned into a religion and the Demigod became a True God. The Penitent's religion would travel far as many other races would found his message ring true, making once-evildoers become worshippers of The Penitent. Near the end of the Fourth Age, The Calamity, he was one of the rising gods, becoming a Greater Deity in the process and gaining many Aspects. However, when Vecna wanted to become an Overgod, he worked with the other gods to save the world, using most of his powers to help. He fell hard in the hierarchy but was able to at least return as an Intermediate Deity.  


  • Your soul is full of sin, Do not lie to yourself
  • Work to cast our your sin, As redemption is the only way
  • Seek penance for wicked ways, Try to help those that strayed too far
  • Relationships with other Gods

    While not being in any Pantheon, the Penitent would find many allies in the other Pantheons, mainly those of theĀ First Gods, thus granting him safety as he doesn't wish for strife with the others. Before the Fifth Age, he would enter the Material Plane many times to help those that made redemption or suffered enough in their path. As well as he would try to work his silver tongue to convince others to atone for their past sins, like those in the Chromatic Alliance.  

    Cleric Domains



    Penance, Suffering, Redemption  


    None, Intermediate Deity  


    Neutral Good  

    Known Aspects

    None, Intermediate Deity
    Divine Classification
    Intermediate Deity


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