
Spoken first by the Savioress and Wise One to the elven race during the Second Age, Godswar. It quickly became the common language among the elves, used by their kingdoms on a daily basis. Qenya language was pushed aside, used mainly by magic users. However, during the Third Age, Kingdoms, the elven kingdoms fell and what was left of them was mostly the Elven Lands. The language went out of use over the centuries and dozens of "slangs" derived from it. Each elf speaks a distinct dialect depending on the region from where he hails. Elves from the Elven Lands sound very differently from Elves in Sailan or northern parts of the Old World, even the Elven Lands have some small pockets of elves speaking differently. Making this one of the hardest languages to learn for non-elf, as you don't have the time to master all the nuances between the dialects. Thankfully, the elves treat is as being rude if you speak with your dialect to non-elf, preferring the "pure" Tel'Qenya, sometimes even when you are speaking to another elf from a different land. Until an elf fully masters the dialect of his neighbor, he will never even try to speak to him in another Tel'Qenya except for the "pure" version. For non-elves, this is the Elvish language and the written form is the same everywhere, only the pronunciation differs.
Root Languages
Successor Languages


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