
Vaudreuil controls the Vulture Coast of the island. The peninsula makes it ideal to build ports for trade and fishing. Long ago, it was the center of trade for the island and now it is slowly regaining its favor. The Vaudreuil keep to themselves, wanting to work as traders and merchants more than anything else.  


Long ago, the western part of the Old World blew up after the Second Age, Godswar, most of it fell into the sea, while the rest formed the famous Great Islands. The humans became stranded on the islands and with archaic technology waged war among themselves. They felt abandoned by the gods, so they sought new ones in form of Idols and their ancestors. Until a mysterious being, a Loa calling himself the Dread Baron spoke to the warring tribes on the Great Loa Island. He told them to bring the other tribes from the other islands to him, so they obliged, not many came but those that did were shocked. Their families, friends, their ancestors were walking among the living once more! These dead from the past, bought back by the Dread Baron were disappointed in their descendants, telling them to stop the conflicts. The humans believed them and the wars fizzled out. Over time, each year, such a meeting would take place on the island and more humans would come, turning themselves into the Islanders. To them, the Great Loa Island is sacred, no war can be fought here. This was tested in the Fourth Age, The Calamity as the Iconian Empire invaded and decimated the island population. It was abandoned for many years, until the Fifth Age, Current Age. Over the many generations, the Islanders returned and grew in numbers. The island once more was filled with life and their ritual continued. After nearly two centuries, five nations were founded on the island.
Geopolitical, Kingdom


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