
One of few "good" theocracies in Arakhor. These were once holy lands of the The Penitent, after he was revived, he moved here to start his religion and stayed in the world for a long time. Many Tieflings and other races, who worship this deity, go on a pilgrimage to see this place as well as try to find the wicked city that killed him in Phlegathar. The people in Zirdallia are good and hardworking, while they are ruled over by clerics and paladins. They rather use diplomacy than war with their neighbors, thus being one of the few that have delegates in Mephistia in order to convince them to abandon their wicked ways as well as the first to trade with Veilishaar.  


Zirdallia has deep roots in the continent of Arakhor, going as far as the Third Age, Kingdoms and the Shadow War of Arakhor. Steered by a paladin Order of Mortification, who served many people of the continent, helping wherever they could and fight off the influence of Fiends. They were in the forefront, fighting many wars during the Fourth Age, The Calamity against the Iconian Empire and were almost completely destroyed. Only after the sacrifice of their patron deity, The Penitent, they were able to garner enough followers to return in the Fifth Age, Current Age. The Tieflings, however, had to fight their wicked brothers and sisters over the lands once belonging to their religion as there was no convincing them otherwise. Their sins were so great, that centuries later, some still hold the burdens and seek penance for past transgresions of their ancestors.
Geopolitical, Kingdom


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