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History of Tethys

The Age of Malediction

A period when the first Tokens were discovered and sparked a war unlike any other seen. The world cracked and broke under the intensity of the magic that was wielded creating a chasm now called The Schism .

  • 800 CE

    The Schism is Made
    Disaster / Destruction

    When the wielders of the many Tokens that appeared in the world clashed, the enormous amount of magical energy churned and broke the world under them. The resulting scar on the world created a chasm that spans over 5 miles wide, and over 400 long. The chasm spans streatches from the Karsk Mountains to the Central Highlands creating a natural border between Kespia and Tyria.

The Dark Age

820 1367

The few documents that survived the destructive forces that brought about The Schism speak of a bleak span of time where humanity was pushed to to living on the edges of Tethys by creatures that emerged from The Schism. It's unclear if these creatures had lived under the surface or they were some terrible by product of the The Age of Malediction. While they were eventually driven back into The Schism the few things they left behind indidicated the begininngs of a functioning society, though all "texts" are still indecipherable.

  • 1137 CE

    Construction of the Iron Wall begins
    Construction beginning/end

    Decan begins building a massive wall of iron on it's western border, just a short trip north from the village of Chaldia

  • 1137 CE

    1328 CE

    Construction of the Iron Wall ends
    Construction beginning/end

    Decan finishes construction of it's border wall and closes it's gates. Any accounts of the nation and it's people after this time are based on large amounts of conjecture.

  • 1350 CE

    1368 CE

    The Great Repossesion
    Military: War

    Jadifar leads the vestiges of humanity who are willing to fight in a military conquest to reclaim the land of Tethys from the beings that emerged out of The Schism. The forces sweep south across the Mekara Riverfinding that the majority of land has become strangely unoccupied. As they swing east towards The Schism they meet increasing resistance, but are able to push back the creatures into The Schism, finally gaining back the land that is theirs by natural right.

The Age of Recovery

The modern age where we've begun to understand the accomplishments of our ancestors during the Age of Revelation. The ability to enhance weapons with magic and also magic with weapons has been well estabalished. Trade has become a global enterprise with ships from Subet reaching the other side of the world via the Northern Sea Route.

  • 1368 CE

    The Founding of Tyria

    Jadifar founds his empire of Tyria on the southern side of Rainy lake with the capital becoming Arx

  • 1416 CE

    Death of Jadifar & Succession of his son Jadifar II
    Life, Death

    Jadifar, Divine Ruler of Tyria passes from natural means at age of 84 and is succeded by his son Jadifar II

  • 1423 CE

    Rise of Queen Isabelle
    Military action

    After a bloody rebellion Queen Dorothea rises to power in the nation of Kespia.

  • 1423 CE

    Dorothea establishes the Fiery Coveneant
    Religious event

    Immediatly followeing her violent succession to the throne of Kespia, Queen Dorothea estabalishes a new religious order she calls "The Fiery Covenenant". This new group believes that Tohil's light is meant to be a purifying fire, cleansing land, people, and soul of whatever wrongness afflicts them.

  • 1428 CE

    The First Conflict or The Abduction at Dedham
    Military action

    The small village of Dedham on the western side of the Karsk Mountains has it's people abducted with one of the few who escaped saying the perpatratoirs wore the emblem of Kespia.

  • 1429 CE

    Jadifar declares war on Kespia
    Military: War

    Jadifar II declares war on Kespia after the town of Deadham has it's occupants abducted. He immediatly sends a military force over the northern side of The Schism through the Karsk Mountains to Gent. He laid seige to the city and within a year claimed it for his own.