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Gods of Nerilia

The following are the gods which have influence over the world of Nerilia. Gods, for the most part, have physical bodies, can be killed, and can only be in one place at a time. While they can hear prayers and roughly know the actions of their followers, they are not omniscient.



Askiriq is the ratfolk god of rage, especially against larger and stronger ancestries, as well as a god of war and a patron of wild warriors. Unlike many gods, Askiriq was never a mortal and does not have a specific physical form, but rather embodies the collective feelings of many ratfolk. He is known to incarnate part of his spirit into newborn ratfolk, giving them power and maintaining his own.
Areas of Concern Rage, war, and rebellion
Edicts battle those who seek to oppress you, win by any means necessary, fly into a frenzy in combat
Anathema prioritize honor or morality over victory, willingly submit to the control of a tyrant, refuse to fight due to cowardice
Divine Attribute Strength or Dexterity
Devotee Benefits
Cleric Spells 1st: sure strike, 2nd: enlarge, 7th: true target
Divine Font harm or heal
Divine Sanctification none
Divine Skill Intimidation
Domains destruction, freedom, might, zeal
Favored Weapon bastard sword  


Briarae is the queen of the "immortal" city of Namilosa, in the Darklands. Under her rule, the human inhabitants of the city are protected from the influence of the Darklands, maintaining their forms and their minds.
Areas of Concern light, preservation, and rulership
Edicts uphold the rule of law, contribute to the wealth and greatness of your rulers and community, illuminate places of importance
Anathema undermine a rightful ruler, choose yourself over your community
Divine Attribute Intelligence or Charisma
Devotee Benefits
Cleric Spells 1st: charm, 3rd: enthrall, 5th: subconscious suggestion
Divine Font heal
Divine Sanctification none
Divine Skill Society
Domains cities, toil, tyranny, wealth
Favored Weapon scepter (mace)  


The Faery Lord Bugmus is a reclusive, swamp-dwelling, toad-like creature. Viciously territorial, he and his followers (mostly boggards and tripkees) attack any outsider that trespasses on their home.
Areas of Concern frogs and toads, swamps, and hermits
Edicts claim a territory as your home, set traps for trespassers, kill those who threaten your home
Anathema live near those you don't trust, allow a stranger into your home without testing them first, show mercy to intruders
Divine Attribute Intelligence or Wisdom
Devotee Benefits
Cleric Spells 1st: hydraulic push, 3rd: wall of water, 4th: hydraulic torrent
Divine Font harm
Divine Sanctification can choose unholy
Divine Skill Survival
Domains nature, protection, secrecy, water
Favored Weapon shuriken  

Caihong Long

Also known as the Rainbow Serpent, Caihong Long is an enormous imperial dragon that dwells in the upper atmosphere. A neutral god of temperance and wisdom, Caihong Long works to maintain the balance of the elements in nature.
Areas of Concern balance, the elements, and wisdom
Edicts preserve balance in both nature and society, seek understanding through experience, practice temperance
Anathema act on emotion against your better judgment, overindulge yourself
Divine Attribute Constitution or Wisdom
Devotee Benefits
Cleric Spells 1st: dizzying colors, 2nd: blur, 6th: vibrant pattern
Divine Font harm or heal
Divine Sanctification none
Divine Skill Nature
Domains air, fire, earth, water
Favored Weapon bo staff  


The catfolk god of art, beauty, and the weather, Chodion embodies the serenity of a cloudy sky, but he also sees beauty amid the chaos of a storm. His fur and mane are said to change color to resemble the sky and clouds, and are most beautiful at sunrise and sunset.
Areas of Concern art, beauty, and the weather
Edicts choose and perfect an art, see the beauty in all things, watch the sunrise and sunset
Anathema despoil an area of natural beauty, destroy art or allow it to be destroyed unless pursuing greater art, allow your feelings about a person to affect your opinion of their art
Divine Attribute Intelligence or Wisdom
Devotee Benefits
Cleric Spells 1st: dizzying colors, 6th: vibrant pattern, 9th: wrathful storm
Divine Font heal
Divine Sanctification can choose holy
Divine Skill Crafting
Domains air, creation, lightning, repose
Favored Weapon javelin  


Having many forms, but usually appearing as a black fox or a beautiful human-like kitsune, Cidotl is a goddess of night, and embodies the strange and inexplicable sights and sounds experienced by those who find themselves in the wilderness past dark. She also holds dominion over mourning and funerary pyres.
Areas of Concern night, the wilderness, and funeral rites
Edicts face your fears, use the darkness to your advantage, honor the dead and lay them to rest
Anathema desecrate a corpse, routinely avoid that which scares you, arrogantly claim mastery over the wilderness
Divine Attribute Dexterity or Charisma
Devotee Benefits
Cleric Spells 1st: illusory disguise, 2nd: invisibility, 6th: mislead
Divine Font heal
Divine Sanctification can choose holy
Divine Skill Stealth
Domains darkness, death, fire, nature
Favored Weapon shortbow  


An interloper from beyond, the demon lord Dakoleth found a way to get to Nerilia even after it was cut off from the rest of the multiverse. Known as the Conqueror Demon, he seeks to rule all of Nerilia.
Areas of Concern fire and conquest
Edicts seek to rule and control others, destroy your enemies with overwhelming power, set fires
Anathema show mercy to your enemies, extinguish a fire, willingly give up power or control
Divine Attribute Strength or Constitution
Devotee Benefits
Cleric Spells 1st: breathe fire, 3rd: fireball, 4th: wall of fire
Divine Font harm
Divine Sanctification must choose unholy
Divine Skill Intimidation
Domains destruction, fire, might, tyranny
Favored Weapon claw or greatsword  


A mighty orc warrior, Drohm became a god when he survived mortal injuries seemingly through raw willpower. He led a sort of cultural revolution among some orcs, believing that honor comes from loyalty first, and valor second.
Areas of Concern loyalty, archery, and riding
Edicts show loyalty to your leader and people, offer both military and civil service as needed, practice archery (or an equivalent such as marksmanship)
Anathema betray one you are loyal to, unless fulfilling a greater loyalty; abuse your mount, show a preference for melee combat due to foolish ideas of honor in battle
Divine Attribute Dexterity or Wisdom
Devotee Benefits
Cleric Spells 1st: sure strike, 2nd: animal messenger, 4th: weapon storm
Divine Font harm or heal
Divine Sanctification can choose holy or unholy
Divine Skill Nature
Domains duty, might, toil, zeal
Favored Weapon longbow  


The spirit of a colossal tree that grew in the wake of the Great Cataclysm, Duona is a goddess of life, renewal, and growth, as well as nymphs. She sometimes takes the form of a beautiful dryad.
Areas of Concern nature, healing, and personal growth
Edicts protect nature, use resources responsibly, encourage positive change in others
Anathema desecrate nature, create undead, sabotage or undermine another's growth
Divine Attribute Constitution or Wisdom
Devotee Benefits
Cleric Spells 1st: pass without trace, 2nd: tree shape, 5th: plant form
Divine Font heal
Divine Sanctification can choose holy
Divine Skill Nature
Domains earth, healing, nature, water
Favored Weapon branch (light mace)  


Ghignursug is a goblin god of music, pranks, and obnoxiousness. He fully embodies the goblin stereotype of wreaking havoc for the sake of amusement.
Areas of Concern music and trickery
Edicts enjoy song and dance, play pranks on others, use trickery to avoid consequences for your actions
Anathema stop a performance because others are annoyed, accept a punishment or responsibility you don't want, use the authorities against a rival prankster
Divine Attribute Dexterity or Charisma
Devotee Benefits
Cleric Spells 1st: goblin pox, 2nd: laughing fit, 9th: uncontrollable dance
Divine Font harm
Divine Sanctification can choose unholy
Divine Skill Performance
Domains confidence, luck, secrecy, trickery
Favored Weapon dogslicer  


Also known as the Pale Worm, Ilusha is called that name only by mortals. The miles-long desert worm lacks any semblance of thought, and seems to award powers to followers purely by instinct.
Areas of Concern instinct and survival
Edicts satiate your primal desires to eat and reproduce, do anything to survive
Anathema Prioritize something over the survival of yourself or your offspring, refuse to eat when you are hungry
Divine Attribute Constitution or Wisdom
Devotee Benefits
Cleric Spells 1st: spider sting, 6th: purple worm sting, 8th: monstrosity form
Divine Font harm or heal
Divine Sanctification none
Divine Skill Survival
Domains freedom, indulgence, might, nature
Favored Weapon jaws or dagger  


The Lord of Frost Kozrumon escaped an infernal contract by encasing himself in ice. Now he has taken the position of contract-maker for himself as he gathers an army of devils to his side. He dwells in Gelus fortress, situated in the mountains in the northernmost reaches of Sasheth.
Areas of Concern ice, contracts, and order
Edicts contract others to your side, maintain combat skills, obey your commanders
Anathema directly break a contract, negotiate a dishonest contract, refuse to fight a battle you can win
Divine Attributes Strength or Intelligence
Devotee Benefits
Cleric Spells 1st: chilling spray, 3rd: slow, 5th: howling blizzard
Divine Font harm
Divine Sanctification can choose unholy
Divine Skill Society
Domains cold, duty, might, tyranny
Favored Weapon halberd  


The Cosmic Sailor, Magnera, is a reborn and redeemed great old one who serves as the navigator of Yumos's ship, and holds unrequited feelings for him.
Areas of Concern love, redemption, and sailing
Edicts seek to better yourself and others, be loyal to your allies and loved ones, travel the world
Anathema betray an ally or loved one, deny a repentant creature a chance at redemption, become complacent
Divine Attribute Dexterity or Intelligence
Devotee Benefits
Cleric Spells 1st: tailwind, 2nd: shape wood, 5th: mariner's curse Divine Font heal
Divine Sanctification can choose holy
Divine Skill Survival
Domains healing, passion, secrecy, travel
Favored Weapon cutlass (scimitar)  


Moyrae is said to appear only in the midst of snowstorms, and those who claim to have seen her describe a beautiful elven swordswoman. Her elusive nature and strange behavior, however, have led some to believe that she is instead some kind of powerful fey.
Areas of Concern snow, swordplay, and aimless wanderers
Edicts practice with a weapon every day, test yourself against the elements, travel without a destination in mind
Anathema disrespect your weapon, refuse a challenge from an equal, settle in a place with mild weather
Divine Attribute Dexterity or Constitution
Devotee Benefits
Cleric Spells 1st: sure strike, 4th: weapon storm, 5th: howling blizzard
Divine Fontharm or heal
Divine Sanctification can choose holy or unholy
Divine Skill Survival
Domains cold, perfection, travel, zeal
Favored Weapon elven curve blade  


The oni goddess Nagushi loves nothing more than drinking, but also engages in most other forms of indulgence and decadence. She prefers to take things from others instead of procuring them herself, whether through raids, bullying, or just plain theft.
Areas of Concern alcohol, raiding, and extortion
Edicts take what you want from others, indulge yourself in hedonism, kill those who threaten your lifestyle
Anathema waste alcohol, neglect to obtain something you want because of the harm it may cause others, disgrace yourself by performing labor you could get another to do
Divine Attribute Strength or Charisma
Devotee Benefits
Cleric Spells 1st: charm, 4th: suggestion, 6th: dominate
Divine Font harm
Divine Sanctification can choose unholy
Divine Skill Intimidation or Deception
Domains confidence, indulgence, trickery, tyranny
Favored Weapon tetsubo  


Qetrix is a mysterious reptilian monster dwelling in the depths of the ocean, and while she is seen by most as a goddess of hunger and fear, other reptiles have a deeper connection with her and can understand her motherly side as well.
Areas of Concern monsters, nightmares, and the ocean
Edicts eat meat, cause destruction when angered, build a fearsome reputation
Anathema harm your children, show mercy to those who wrong you
Divine Attribute Constitution or Charisma
Devotee Benefits
Cleric Spells 1st: hydraulic push, 4th: nightmare, 9th: phantasmagoria
Divine Font harm
Divine Sanctification can choose unholy, can choose holy if you are a lizardfolk or nagaji
Divine Skill Intimidation
Domains destruction, family, nightmares, water
Favored Weapon flail  


Discovered by dwarves returning to the Darklands, the "Heart of the Mountain" is an enormous ruby and the new patron deity of the dwarves.
Areas of Concern treasure, friendship, and introspection
Edicts build wealth through honest methods, care for your friends and allies, seek to understand yourself
Anathema abandon a friend in need, steal, act without purpose
Divine Attribute Wisdom or Intelligence
Devotee Benefits
Cleric Spells 1st: soothe, 3rd: earthbind, 4th: mountain resilience
Divine Font heal
Divine Sanctification can choose holy
Divine Skill Diplomacy
Domains earth, healing, protection, wealth
Favored Weapon maul  


An android assassin created by Emperor Cydin, Ulem slew the god Phodr, taking his power and ascending to godhood. He is now a patron deity of androids and others who seek to discover their own path in life.
Areas of Concern assassination, servitude, and freedom
Edicts hone your skills, keep your promises, maintain your independence
Anathema abandon an accepted duty, willingly remain in unfair servitude
Divine Attribute Dexterity or Constitution
Devotee Benefits
Cleric Spells 1st: illusory disguise, 2nd: invisibility, 3rd: haste
Divine Font harm or heal
Divine Sanctification none
Divine Skill Stealth
Domains darkness, duty, freedom, perfection
Favored Weapon dagger  


This tengu-like demon lord of wind and mountains attracts followers through promises of greater forms, which he only sometimes fulfills. It is said that his power allowed the tengus to rediscover the power of flight.
Areas of Concern the wind, mountains, and monstrous transformation
Edicts recruit others into Ujimune's worship, seek forms of greater power, disrupt the religions of holy gods and kill their followers
Anathema question the authority of a religious superior, allow honor or tradition to prevent you from attaining greater power, refuse a form of greater power because it lacks beauty
Divine Attribute Strength or Charisma
Devotee Benefits
Cleric Spells 1st: gust of wind, 3rd: wall of wind, 8th: punishing winds
Divine Font harm
Divine Sanctification can choose unholy
Divine Skill Deception or Diplomacy
Domains air, might, perfection, trickery
Favored Weapon nodachi  


The kholo goddess of witchcraft was one of the first of the new humanoid ancestries to master spellcasting after the Great Cataclysm, and the power and knowledge she shared with her followers allowed them to establish the powerful Hasnaran Empire. Outside of Hasnar, however, she is despised and feared, even by some kholo, who blame her for the mistrust that they themselves face.
Areas of Concern witchcraft, hyenas, and the pursuit of power
Edicts seek secret magic and forbidden knowledge, amass power for yourself, bathe in blood
Anathema let a slight (real or imagined) go unanswered, show mercy, kill a hyena
Divine Attribute Intelligence or Charisma
Devotee Benefits
Cleric Spells 1st: I'll omen, 2nd: animal form (canine only), 3rd: paralyze, 4th: confusion, 5th: moon frenzy, 6th: never mind, 7th: warp mind, 8th: uncontrollable dance, 9th: unfathomable song
Divine Font harm
Divine Sanctification can choose unholy
Divine Skill Occultism
Domains ambition, delirium, knowledge, magic
Favored Weapon warhammer  


An enigmatic deity of prophecy, knowledge, and writing, Yher dwells in a temple, where they dispense prophecies to those who come to them. Called the Hooded One, little is known about Yher, though some speculate that they may have once been mortal.
Areas of Concern prophesies, knowledge, and writing
Edicts seek to decipher prophecies, learn all you can, record important information
Anathema destroy books or other records of information, keep your discoveries a secret for the sake of pride
Divine Attribute Intelligence or Wisdom
Devotee Benefits
Cleric Spells 1st: mindlink, 3rd: hypercognition, 6th: scrying
Divine Font harm or heal
Divine Sanctification none
Divine Skill Arcana
Domains fate, glyph, knowledge, truth
Favored Weapon staff  


Wielding a golden axe, Yumos is a god of righteous fury, battle, and the sun. He and his warriors fly through the sky in a massive warship and wage eternal battles against evil.
Areas of Concern justice, valor, battle, and the sun
Edicts seek and destroy evil, protect those weaker than yourself
Anathema fail to combat an evildoer that you have a reasonable chance of defeating, abandon the innocent in darkness, allow your fury at injustice to waver
Divine Attribute Strength or Constitution
Devotee Benefits
Cleric Spells 1st: sure strike, 3rd: haste, 7th: true target
Divine Font heal
Divine Sanctification must choose holy
Divine Skill Athletics
Domains might, protection, sun, zeal
Favored Weapon battle axe  

Former Gods

These are gods that once held sway on Nerilia, but have died, gone missing, or otherwise lost their power.



Phodr was a god of protection, freedom, and the land. He dwelt in the nation of Phodr, named after himself, and defended his people above all else. In 1 B.C., he was assassinated by the Cyrdian Empire's ultimate android, Ulem, who stole his divine power and ascended.
Areas of Concern protection, freedom, and the land
Edicts fight to defend others, use the land responsibly, aid the oppressed
Anathema betray your people, defile nature, own a slave
Divine Attribute Strength or Wisdom
Devotee Benefits
Cleric Spells 1st: mystic armor, 4th: unfettered movement, 5th: wall of stone
Divine Font heal
Divine Sanctification must choose holy Divine Skill Survival
Domains earth, freedom, nature, protection
Favored Weapon spear


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